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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

I feel poor for those who always look scientific evidence for everything in order to believe it. Imagine their gf/wife express her love for them and they ask her where is evidence of love. where is proof of existence of love? :D
Hmm.....How come educated People still believe in GOd?
The only reason i can come up with is because they Want to out of obvious reasons of self fulfillment and pursuit , not because God exists.
Face it all religions are doctrines made to tame a bunch of unruly idiots of the past Tht later evolved into a tradition.
^ Very stupid to say why educated peoples believe in God. Its not your fault as you met only with illogical and blind believers. Rationality and logic has nothing to do with religion or atheism. If you have dumb believers then you also have dumb atheists.
some people defend religion/god etc in order to impress their God and go to heaven.. :angel: hahahahahahaha
u^^^ again lame argument by dumb atheist. If some peoples defending atheism. Are they trying to impress Satan to go to hell ? :D or They feeling insecure about their beliefs :p
^^ oh my god, i will go to hell now, save me.. ok let me save myself let me say "Allah" all the time.. what am i gonna do?? iam doomed !! save me,

for GOD sake, God is God , he is mercyful if he is God then he will not kill you (thats what terrorist do) if you dont believe on him...
now keep impressing your God to go to heaven...by abusing some Atheist (thats what terrorist do) this way you will fulfill the motive of your existence , good luck
Actually some people need to constantly reassure themselves. Let's just leave it at that. ;)
Actually some people need to constantly reassure themselves. Let's just leave it at that. ;)

God is sitting just behind his back listening to how his child like a warrior fighting with bad people out there and showing them the true meaning of life.. this man surely deserve heaven (what is heaven??)
^ Very stupid to say why educated peoples believe in God. Its not your fault as you met only with illogical and blind believers. Rationality and logic has nothing to do with religion or atheism. If you have dumb believers then you also have dumb atheists.
Eh??? What?? Wow this is some pure Mind numbing incoherent BS if i ever seen one. Typical deflection and illogical rationale.
Being in pursuit of questions and challenging our logic is an Integral part of being human not doing so is called being a Moron.
Im not an Atheist in the strict sense i believe in Brahmanism and go through all its rituals ...but what i actually believe in is the moral values those big books give us..if i couldn't decide what was write form wrong(cause and effect of Education and rationality) i would have still believed the world was Flat and the Earth the center of the universe.
Conversation over.

God is sitting just behind his back listening to how his child like a warrior fighting with bad people out there and showing them the true meaning of life.. this man surely deserve heaven (what is heaven??)
72 virgins and a handshake from god ..with free rivers of Milkshake. Wow suicide bomber must be living the life.
That same unquestioning blind faith.No rationality no logic
^^ oh my god, i will go to hell now, save me.. ok let me save myself let me say "Allah" all the time.. what am i gonna do?? iam doomed !! save me,

for GOD sake, God is God , he is mercyful if he is God then he will not kill you (thats what terrorist do) if you dont believe on him...
now keep impressing your God to go to heaven...by abusing some Atheist (thats what terrorist do) this way you will fulfill the motive of your existence , good luck
HaHa is this atheism all about? Bashing believers or their religion? Go ahead prove yourself a good atheist. i am glad you gave up hinduism and joined atheism. Dude dont feel insecure if believer defend their religion. If you cannot bring any valid point then stay out of this topic and watch bollywood masala to warm up urself lol
HaHa is this atheism all about? Bashing believers or their religion? Go ahead prove yourself a good atheist. i am glad you gave up hinduism and joined atheism. Dude dont feel insecure if believer defend their religion. If you cannot bring any valid point then stay out of this topic and watch bollywood masala to warm up urself lol

hey dont talk a crap about bollywood , I love bollywood, actually i love every Tangible thing..
yes bollywood is very logical to watch only for logical peoples like 2012 HaHA seriouly you guys start watching bollywood movies instead of making mess in this serious debate. now dont waste my time
Im not an Atheist in the strict sense i believe in Brhaminism and go through all its rituals ...but what i actually believe in is the moral values those big books give us..if i couldent decide what was write form wrong(cause and effect of Education and rationality) i would have still believed the world was Flat and the Earth the center of the universe.
Conversation over.
The book i believe in dont tell me world is flat or earth is the centre of universe. You are upper caste Brahman. Great. why these upper and lower castes? Did science told you about the validity of Bhagavad gita or Vedas? What about reincarnaton? Is it logIcal to worship deity? Look at urself before doing criticism on others :)
The book i believe in dont tell me world is flat or earth is the centre of universe. You are upper caste Brahman. Great. why these upper and lower castes? Did science told you about the validity of Bhagavad gita or Vedas? Is it logical to worship deity? Look at urself before doing criticism on others
Have u read what i just said, or do u like being a Moron? Uppercast lower caste? Let me Educate u Castesim is not a part of our religion but a tradition adopted by Brahman people to keep there lineage pure. Very logical if u ask me----- this eradicates Inbreeding and Mix breeding...u could compare it to producing stallions purebreds in horses the basic principle is the same if u don't get it..How it got contorted is the aftereffect of Changing times.

What line did u see me saying i worship anything or believe in everything Hinduism has to offer?Let me re quote it to u with bolded letters to make it Easier for u to understand.

Im not an Atheist in the strict sense i believe in Brhaminism and go through all its rituals ...but what i actually believe in is the moral values those big books give us..if i couldn't decide what was write form wrong(cause and effect of Education and rationality) i would have still believed the world was Flat and the Earth the center of the universe.
Get it ? or are u having trouble with the English?

Plz come with something solid as a contradiction and don't contradict just for the sake of it , stop Asuming and making stuff up as u go to prove ur weak point.
wait a minute. i am having conversation with typical atheist or typical hindus? i am confused. i guess you too. neither pure hindu nor pure atheist. got it dude:)
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