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Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

I dont track what other XYZ company is doing. You ask me about my company I will let you know.

You had called me a failed engineer. I am only asking you a general question. What about this 10 year old government project ?? Couldn't the government find enough talent from the few hundred thousand computer engineers in India who could design an indigenous microprocessor ?? Isn't computer studies a failed program in India ??
You had called me a failed engineer. But what about this 10 year old government project ?? Couldn't the government find enough talent from the few hundred thousand computer engineers in India who could design an indigenous microprocessor ??
Like I said I don't track what other companies are doing or not. I know about the projects my company is working on

I frankly don't remember the context that I called you a failed engineer. Maybe it was because you are just jealous of hard working engineers and MBAs who work in private sector and earn tonnes of money. They used that money to take care of themselves and their families. They don't follow the shitty philosophy of socialism which gives them no direct benefit. They pay taxes to the government which can use some of that money for all socialist crap. They also don't want to waste their time in union baazi.
You are jealous of them because they are everything you are not.
In Hindi there is a saying which fits your situation perfectly "Khisyaani Billy Khambha Noche"
If you want to know about some govt project done 10 years ago file an RTI. Don't ask me. Most probable reasons for failure would be that govt babus would have interfered and delayed it. The government has no business being in business
This is another link.

There are 2 things that I would rather die than do
1 Join a trade union

What if a company's management does injustice to an employee ?? Maybe yourself. And the HR department is not helping. How would you act ??

2 encourage anyone to join JNU

What is wrong with their slogan :

Saamantvaad se azadi ( Freedom from feudalism )
Poonjivaad se azadi ( Freedom from Capitalism )
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What if a company's management does injustice to an employee ?? Maybe yourself. And the HR department is not helping. How would you act ??
If it doesn't affect me I don't care. If it affects me and even HR is not helping I am confident enough to get a new job.

What is wrong with their slogan :

Saamantvaad se azadi ( Freedom from feudalism )
Poonjivaad se azadi ( Freedom from Capitalism )

There is no feudalism

Capitalism is what drives an economy
If it doesn't affect me I don't care.

So you don't feel guilty about not caring for your fellow man. How nice.

If it affects me and even HR is not helping I am confident enough to get a new job.

What if your next job is the same ?? After all, the Indian IT / ITES industry is similar in attitude towards employees.

You should watch the superb film "Rocket Singh : Salesman of the year".

There is no feudalism

There still is bonded labor in rural areas. And the actions of the money-lenders who charge interest from farmers.

And in urban areas, the attitude of the IT / ITES industry can be considered to be the modern form of feudalism.

Capitalism is what drives an economy

Libya, Cuba, USSR, Syria, Iraq and so on. They functioned internally. And I had posted to you about the general self-sufficiency of the USSR.
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So you don't feel guilty about not caring for your fellow man. How nice.

Not my headache. I care for myself and my family. Maine sabka theka nahi liya hai.

Indian IT / ITES industry is similar in attitude towards employees.

Yes they are similar. You work hard you get promotion and more money. You slack off and you get the boot

There still is bonded labor in rural areas. And the actions of the money-lenders who charge interest from farmers.

And in urban areas, the attitude of the IT / ITES industry can be considered to be the modern form of feudalism.
You calling something feudalism doesn't make it so.

Libya, Cuba, USSR, Syria, Iraq and so on. They functioned internally. And I had posted to you about the general self-sufficiency of the USSR.

USSR doesn't exist for 28 years. Half the population of India was not even born when USSR was still a thing.

Others are regularly featuring in bottom of the list of economic conditions
Not my headache. I care for myself and my family. Maine sabka theka nahi liya hai.

Tell me, your signature "Yada yada hi dharmasya..." is a lecture from a Hindu religious book. What does it mean ??

Yes they are similar. You work hard you get promotion and more money. You slack off and you get the boot

Of course the slackers should get the boot. Or at least a warning. But I am talking about those who face true injustice, like the hero in "Rocket Singh : Salesman of the year".

You calling something feudalism doesn't make it so.

But it does.

I have only elongated and modernized the context.

Others are regularly featuring in bottom of the list of economic conditions

Libya was once among the comfortable countries of the world, until NATO decided to bring "Democracy" to it.

Iraq and Syria were not bad either.
Tell me, your signature "Yada yada hi dharmasya..." is a lecture from a Hindu religious book. What does it mean ??
It is from Bhagwad Geeta Chapter 4 Verse 7 & 8

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।

अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदाऽऽत्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।4.7।।

O scion of the Bharata dynasty, whenever there is a decline in Dharma and increase of adharma, then do I manifest Myself.

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।

धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे।।4.8।।

For the protection of the pious, the destruction of the evil-doers, and establishing virtue, I manifest Myself in every age.
It is from Bhagwad Geeta Chapter 4 Verse 7 & 8

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।

अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदाऽऽत्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।4.7।।

O scion of the Bharata dynasty, whenever there is a decline in Dharma and increase of adharma, then do I manifest Myself.

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।

धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे।।4.8।।

For the protection of the pious, the destruction of the evil-doers, and establishing virtue, I manifest Myself in every age.


So do you not think that a company's management that is doing injustice against an employee or a microfinance bank that is charging high interest from a poor farmer, are examples of evil-doers who are doing adharma and thus the righteous should take some action ??

I would at least present the example of what the hero did in the film "Rocket Singh : Salesman of the year". You are in the sales team. You will understand. He started his own company where good ethics are practiced.
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So do you not think that a company's management that is doing injustice against an employee or a microfinance bank that is charging high interest from a poor farmer, are examples of evil-doers who are doing adharma and thus the righteous should take some action ??

I would at least present the example of what the hero did in the film "Rocket Singh : Salesman of the year". You are in the sales team. You will understand. He started his own company where good ethics are practiced.
First the verse talks about Sri Krishna being born on earth to fight Adharma.Someone getting fired or a farmer getting a loan at higher rate of interest is not Adharma. There are a lot many Adharmic things happening in the world and compared to them these are minor inconviniences.

Secondly I have discussed this with you previously.I believe that farming should be considered as a business. so many people should not farm on the same small plot of land, you should work on a profit motive etc. The farmer is a highly pampered votebank with politicians announcing farm loan waivers left right and center during every election. This should not be done. and I dont care who does it - BJP Congress or Regional Party. It is a wrong policy

They can approach banks for loans. and the loans have to be repaid. they are not someone special.

Now for the last 5-7 posts you have been talking about that movie RocketSingh. I had watched it long time back so did not remember it. I went to wikipedia to read the plot. From the plot it seems that the company was doing a criminal act of bribing. But what the hero did - opening his own company and stealing the clients, while still working in the original company is also criminal.

If he wanted he could have quit and started his own company outside the parent company. or if he did not have the money, worked at some place else and raised the funds or took a bank loan.He was lucky that he was not jailed for fraud.
First the verse talks about Sri Krishna being born on earth to fight Adharma.Someone getting fired or a farmer getting a loan at higher rate of interest is not Adharma. There are a lot many Adharmic things happening in the world and compared to them these are minor inconviniences.

Secondly I have discussed this with you previously.I believe that farming should be considered as a business. so many people should not farm on the same small plot of land, you should work on a profit motive etc. The farmer is a highly pampered votebank with politicians announcing farm loan waivers left right and center during every election. This should not be done. and I dont care who does it - BJP Congress or Regional Party. It is a wrong policy

They can approach banks for loans. and the loans have to be repaid. they are not someone special.

Now for the last 5-7 posts you have been talking about that movie RocketSingh. I had watched it long time back so did not remember it. I went to wikipedia to read the plot. From the plot it seems that the company was doing a criminal act of bribing. But what the hero did - opening his own company and stealing the clients, while still working in the original company is also criminal.

If he wanted he could have quit and started his own company outside the parent company. or if he did not have the money, worked at some place else and raised the funds or took a bank loan.He was lucky that he was not jailed for fraud.
Farmers are treated in indo pak as special creatures. Govts are providing them billions of rupees in subsidy. Furthermore, businesses model of small farming is not sustainable. 60% of population is wasted in agriculture which give us about zero tax.
Govt should can some unpopular decisions and treat agriculture as business. Tax it. Let people become jobless after leaving agriculture. Large corporate will take up land and increase productivity. Jobless people will be adjusted in industries as cheap Labour. This is a model China used to grow. Extremely unpopular but sustainable. Indo Pak will bankrupt due to this farming business
Farmers are treated in indo pak as special creatures. Govts are providing them billions of rupees in subsidy. Furthermore, businesses model of small farming is not sustainable. 60% of population is wasted in agriculture which give us about zero tax.
Govt should can some unpopular decisions and treat agriculture as business. Tax it. Let people become jobless after leaving agriculture. Large corporate will take up land and increase productivity. Jobless people will be adjusted in industries as cheap Labour. This is a model China used to grow. Extremely unpopular but sustainable. Indo Pak will bankrupt due to this farming business
I dont know about Pakistan but in India farmers pay no income tax.So a favorite way of politicians to hide income is to say that it comes from farming
I dont know about Pakistan but in India farmers pay no income tax.So a favorite way of politicians to hide income is to say that it comes from farming
In Pakistan, Govt gives subsidy on fertilizers, buy crops to increase prices, almost zero tax, subsidy to give loans, now starting insurance following india, subsidized electricity for tube well in some areas, interest free loans for water distribution system and still growth rate of crops is falling.
My father is cultivating 13 acres of land sitting 250km away in another city having just one part time worker. Still earn enough profit. Now imagine our 90% farmers are cultivating land below 20 acres. Farming is excessive wastage of human resources.
Indo-pak needs to follow China model. Listen Arvind Subramaryum on this topic on YouTube. You will learn how much farming cost us.
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