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War Memorial of A Indian & Pakistani in Yokohama, Japan 1939-1945

they should designate them as Indo-Pak troops not the Indian troops.

India is not our identity.
Death to them all!!! In fact not enough of them died!!! Too many survived to pollute Pakistan!! These are not Pakistanis!! Glad some of them didn't even get a grave from their ***** queen!!

When someone occupies your home.... then somebody else attacks him while he is occupying your home, you are not worth your salt if you don't take the chance to get him off your back.


When your occupier HIMSELF offers you a weapon.... IF you then take it and use it on ANYONE else other than your occupier.... Then what I think of you cannot be mentioned here!!!!

And this talking about the damned Brits and Americans who... when threatened by a tiny Germany, joined hands with THE MOST EVIL regime in human history, namel Stalin's Soviet Russia.

These idiots are a curse on our nation. Their ideological and literal descents are causing all the problems in our nation.

No respect for them, they deserve much worse!!
they should designate them as Indo-Pak troops not the Indian troops.

India is not our identity.

The war was fought by the indian troops
No pakistan existed before 1947 so yeah the title for memorial is right
On one hand are these nameless b*******.... And on the other we have the likes of Muhammad Ali who while forced to live as a second class citizen, when forced to fight in Vietnam said, "Ain't no Vietcong called me N!**er."

"I would rather die here fighting you."

Got happily stripped of his titles. In fact threw his Olympic gold medal into the river in protest.

He is immortal today... even in the land and among the people who would have happily killed him back then


We have these....

Even worse!! There are people in India AND Pakistan who think highly of them...

I won't even spit on you!!

^^^ british were not considered occupiers in India, they were exactly like moguls, turks and others who rules India. Is it not a bit racist to single them out?
huh!!! That's the reason you are still a third world country and despite your illusions of progress, will remain so...

The war was fought by the indian troops
No pakistan existed before 1947 so yeah the title for memorial is right

Damn right!! India can proudly claim these no good sons of b!t****
Death to them all!!! In fact not enough of them died!!! Too many survived to pollute Pakistan!! These are not Pakistanis!! Glad some of them didn't even get a grave from their ***** queen!!

When someone occupies your home.... then somebody else attacks him while he is occupying your home, you are not worth your salt if you don't take the chance to get him off your back.


When your occupier HIMSELF offers you a weapon.... IF you then take it and use it on ANYONE else other than your occupier.... Then what I think of you cannot be mentioned here!!!!

And this talking about the damned Brits and Americans who... when threatened by a tiny Germany, joined hands with THE MOST EVIL regime in human history, namel Stalin's Soviet Russia.

These idiots are a curse on our nation. Their ideological and literal descents are causing all the problems in our nation.

No respect for them, they deserve much worse!!

What are you exactly mad about, sir? The World War was a historic event. It is one thing for us in 2013 to criticise the political entities who fought the war and another to be there at that time and experience it. Colonisation was not right but nothing in History was ever done on the basis of morality. Sadly, history has moved in the direction of immediate circumstances rather than complex philosophical reasoning. In my view the 1971 war was wrong but that gives me no right to ridicule or judge anyone who fought it from either side (India, Bangladesh or my beloved Pakistan) they were brave men who fought for what they believed in. Much more brave than you or I. Please, keep your criticism intellectual rather than personal; we can jugde history as students, not men as individuals.

And no India existed before 1947 as well.

They died for the Commonwealth, the empire, the king or their regiment but not for India or Pakistan.

It was not our war, two evil colonial powers fought the war to save their colonialism from each other.
huh!!! That's the reason you are still a third world country and despite your illusions of progress, will remain so...

no.. we are third world country because we could not get onto the industrial revolution... and do not have natural resources that can bring loads of money (oil for example) and there are too many of us..and we are less productive than others..

But then, if you are still in high school, dont worry, you have enough time to read and understand these things.
peace... :)
The war was fought by the indian troops
No pakistan existed before 1947 so yeah the title for memorial is right

Pakistan is the successor state of them and approx all of Muslim Soldiers of SA in british-india's soldiers joined Pak army n Pak represents the Muslims of SA.Hence their designation of indian soldiers is wrong.

BTW there was no india back then either. It was designated British India n they fought for British as British Soldiers.
So even if we agree yr logic then designating them as ''Indian soldiers'' is wrong. They should be British soldiers or atleast British Indian Soldiers.
It was as much our war as it was anyone else's. 2.5 million troops from the subcontinent fought for the Allies - this was the largest volunteer army in WW-2. There is a lot of grey in WW-2 leaders - Bose allied with Hitler; Churchill / Roosevelt allied with the Soviets; Britain sunk their ally France's fleet lest it be used by the Germans. India played a big role in the liberation of China from the Japanese.

Pakistan is the successor state of them and approx all of Muslim Soldiers of SA in british-india's soldiers joined Pak army n Pak represents the Muslims of SA.Hence their designation of indian soldiers is wrong.

BTW there was no india back then either. It was designated British India n they fought for British as British Soldiers.
So even if we agree yr logic then designating them as ''Indian soldiers'' is wrong. The should be British soldiers or atleast British Indian Soldiers.

That is not true - the British Indian Army was completely different from the British Army. India is the successor state to British India; Pakistan is a region which chose to separate. Just like Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union, while Azerbaijan is a region which chose to separate.
It was as much our war as it was anyone else's. 2.5 million troops from the subcontinent fought for the Allies - this was the largest volunteer army in WW-2. There is a lot of grey in WW-2 leaders - Bose allied with Hitler; Churchill / Roosevelt allied with the Soviets; Britain sunk their ally France's fleet lest it be used by the Germans. India played a big role in the liberation of China from the Japanese.

That is not true - the British Indian Army was completely different from the British Army. India is the successor state to British India; Pakistan is a region which chose to separate. Just like Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union, while Azerbaijan is a region which chose to separate.

LOL Pakistan is the Country of Muslims of SA and Represents Muslims Of SA.The Muslims Of british Indian Army Joined Pak army after independence.It was build for the same Muslims of SA.

Pakistan is the successor state of Muslims of british India troops and approx every Muslim of that branch(british-India Army) of British army joined Pak army.Hence their designation of indian soldiers is wrong.
These soldiers buried in Japan should be designated as Pak-India Soldiers Of British India Army.
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