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War has begun in Karabakh.

Merci , shuma hum besharf darajeh aval hasti azizm
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معلومه که در ایران زندگی نکردی و قطعا اطلاعات درستی نداری. پس دروغگویی و دروغگو قطعا بی شرف و پست هست.
Conversation between Serb and ultranationalist Armo and then me the same guy

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View attachment 954633

They had a war,the Soviet Union was falling apart and everyone in the region was already trying to get their republics independent from 1988-1989,this is the chaos the Soviet leaders had created. Give Crimea to Ukraine,Give Artsakh to Azerbaijan,give Transnistria to Moldova,give South Ossetia and Abkhazia to Georgia etc.
Wait what are you talking about??

Karbakh has 80% Armenians population
And surrounding 6 districts less 5%

If Armenians has some common sense they would have withdrawan or not attacked 6 districts in exchange for a deal

But apparently they want to conquer half of the world and claim it as Armenian

Now Armenians won't get anything as internationally karbakh is part of Azerbaijan
@Trisolaran by the way,Armenians are not Eastern Orthodox like Greeks,Greek Cypriots, Serbs, Bulgarians ,Romanians, Russians Georgians etc. They are Oriental Orthodox. There are many videos of Greek and Armenian clergy fighting in Jerusalem. Armenians are monophysites(although I think they claim they are miaphysites).
@Trisolaran by the way,Armenians are not Eastern Orthodox like Greeks,Greek Cypriots, Serbs, Bulgarians ,Romanians, Russians Georgians etc. They are Oriental Orthodox. There are many videos of Greek and Armenian clergy fighting in Jerusalem. Armenians are monophysites(although I think they claim they are miaphysites).
Yeah I know that.. They actualy welcome Turkish invasion of Anatolia in 1070s because of sectarian fight they had with Greeks
Yeah I know that.. They actualy welcome Turkish invasion of Anatolia in 1070s because of sectarian fight they had with Greeks
But the ones who form the worst mafias here,are the Georgians. They are ruthless people. I don't know how they are in Georgia,but in Greece they have a bad reputation,whilst Armenians have generally a good or ok reputation. Still,Pashinyan has brought the country to a point where like @dBSPL said above,they will either have to give their lands or die.

Now,theoretically Aliyev allows them to stay there. But for 2 years the Azeris had been doing psyops to make them leave. For example,they were playing Muslim prayers on loudspeakers next to an Armenian village or town,they were sending SMS to Armo families asking to buy their property,sometimes Azeri army harassed them. I remember a case when some Azeri went inside an Armenian house where a kid was alone,he ran and told his dad and others,they got Russian peacekeepers to get him out of there and settle this. Just weird stuff. That wasn't as harsh as Israeli policies against Palestinians,but it still is nasty.

Any word from the Russians?
But the ones who form the worst mafias here,are the Georgians. They are ruthless people. I don't know how they are in Georgia,but in Greece they have a bad reputation,whilst Armenians have generally a good or ok reputation. Still,Pashinyan has brought the country to a point where like @dBSPL said above,they will either have to give their lands or die.

Now,theoretically Aliyev allows them to stay there. But for 2 years the Azeris had been doing psyops to make them leave. For example,they were playing Muslim prayers on loudspeakers next to an Armenian village or town,they were sending SMS to Armo families asking to buy their property,sometimes Azeri army harassed them. I remember a case when some Azeri went inside an Armenian house where a kid was alone,he ran and told his dad and others,they got Russian peacekeepers to get him out of there and settle this. Just weird stuff. That wasn't as harsh as Israeli policies against Palestinians,but it still is nasty.

Any word from the Russians?
Caucasus peoples generaly are very hardcore, Georgians are not so different than Armenians or Azeris.. Thats why wars in Caucasus end with worst type of war crimes.. Rn what Azeris did to Armenians in Karabakh cant be compared to what Armenians did to Azeris in 90s.. Ofc as a Turk I'm biased and not neutral but I can say that Azeris are brutal to Armenians now because most of them remember humiliation and cruelty of 90s.
Russians and Iranians made sure that Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan
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But the ones who form the worst mafias here,are the Georgians. They are ruthless people. I don't know how they are in Georgia,but in Greece they have a bad reputation,whilst Armenians have generally a good or ok reputation.
Tens of thousands of Georgians are working in Turkiye. You can see this especially in the Black Sea region. I also go to Batumi and Tbilisi frequently. I have many friends. They are good and hardworking people, they are generally loyal to their promises. If you don't do them a deliberate wrong, they won't mess with you. Of course, all generalizations, including this one, are false. But still, let us not denigrate any nation because of some groups within it.
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