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War for Gwader. Pak-China v/s Ind-Us-Isr-Afg



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Apr 26, 2008
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Who will win ????

Some intresting links

UK Indymedia - The Destabilization of Pakistan

This US agenda for Pakistan is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government.

The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The Government of Balochistan in Exile: Economic Potential of Balochistan

The Iranians and the Pakistanis are robbing our coastal areas and natural resources, :what: and in return they have kept us in extreme poverty and massacred our non-combatant men, women and children. :crazy:

Mir Azaad Khan Baloch
General Secretary

Desk of The Government of Balochistan in Exile
The World Baloch Jewish Alliance Building
PO Box 5631
Jerusalem, 91000
gawader means pakistan watching and controlling entery and exit from strait of hurmaz from which 40% world oil supply passing every day

it also means energy pipeline comming from turkemanistan and afghanistan under over control

long live pakistan
if we stand united future is ours and a miserable and helpless condition for our enemies

What a huge combination!!

and what a great imagination!!

Self pity!

Ideal platform for some venting of the spleen and high drama jingoism.

Best of luck!

dont worry watch out for new gujrat

we dream let us dream but watchout bharat rashtra is dieing

long live Revolution:)
In 15 yrs China will send carrier battle groups (CVBGs) to Gwadar to help protect the common strategic/energy interests of both Pakistan and China. The future is bright, my Pakistan friends.
In 15 yrs China will send carrier battle groups (CVBGs) to Gwadar to help protect the common strategic/energy interests of both Pakistan and China. The future is bright, my Pakistan friends.

True my dear friend. The future is bright and the future is ours. Just let us get rid of some irritating pro-US and pro-Jewish rulers China style.:cheers:
Long live Pak China friendship.
i think u need one more contry add in that list agains us is IRAN , IRAN is working on his CHAMBAR PORT and india is helping them to make it Gr8 Port and Better then GAWADAR and india is creating problem in Balochistan and halping agry ppl like B.L.A , B.N.P and other i think so .. m i wrong ??
i was recently talking to one of my iranian friends here and he said the border area the join afghanistan are mountanous it will be a great problem for the iranian to make pipelines and roads in that area and then he said
" death to america"
no.....no i just kidding he said " death to isreal"
i was recently talking to one of my iranian friends here and he said the border area the join afghanistan are mountanous it will be a great problem for the iranian to make pipelines and roads in that area and then he said
" death to america"
no.....no i just kidding he said " death to isreal"

What is so funny when some idiot wishes death to a whole nation.

Certainly does not sound peaceful and tolerant!
In 15 yrs China will send carrier battle groups (CVBGs) to Gwadar to help protect the common strategic/energy interests of both Pakistan and China. The future is bright, my Pakistan friends.

First build one in the within the next seven to ten years , then test it for another 3 years then test the operational doctrines and menouvers for 3 to 4 years then bring it on to Indian ocean. amen
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