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War for Gwader. Pak-China v/s Ind-Us-Isr-Afg

mr neutral

who instigated chinese muslims....oh it was al quida , american forign policy tool

and kurds

yes is[it]real and US n allies useing them against iran and turkey

mr intellectual at least read bbc site and ur own think tanks before commenting to prove ur intellect:d
mr neutral

who instigated chinese muslims....oh it was al quida , american forign policy tool

and kurds

yes is[it]real and US n allies useing them against iran and turkey

mr intellectual at least read bbc site and ur own think tanks before commenting to prove ur intellect:d

So muslim faith is so weak that USA can manipulate them like putty ? Please post me the BBC sites you want me to read to educate myself.

europeion imperials intensionally created un natural states like iraq etc
they them selves sowed seeds of sub nationalism

and now u say you ppl are babies

plz no hypocracy

read history then talk Mr.:o
europeion imperials intensionally created un natural states like iraq etc
they them selves sowed seeds of sub nationalism

and now u say you ppl are babies

plz no hypocracy

read history then talk Mr.:o

If faith was strong why did you allow such divisions ?

Why are muslims killing muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan ?

If faith was strong why did you allow such divisions ?

Why are muslims killing muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan ?


faith is strong, a muslim from indonasia if fights in iraq it means he is their due to his love for muslims

but what west succeded in was it made extremist sects dominent
US and Brit embassies financed Akhwan ul muslimeen against Nassirism and akhwan is extremist Takfiri party

similarly brits made abdul wahab and helped ale saud get govt of hijaz, the nucleous of muslims hence helped extremist ideology to rule our nucleous and shifted shrief e makkah and his sons ,a moderate to jorden and iraq

without any intension of offending you
was it not america and it allies who made these mujahideen to fight their jehad against soviat union
just see rambo 3 and see what u ppl potrayed these extremists

the muslims who are killing muslims are the same takfiries who were trained and equiped and indoctrinated by you ppl

faith is strong, a muslim from indonasia if fights in iraq it means he is their due to his love for muslims

without any intension of offending you
was it not america and it allies who made these mujahideen to fight their jehad against soviat union
just see rambo 3 and see what u ppl potrayed these extremists

the muslims who are killing muslims are the same takfiries who were trained and equiped and indoctrinated by you ppl


First sensible post you have made. OK I agree that US used you as pawns in Afghanistan but you still need to answer my question why did your politicians and the Army allow that to happen ?

i was talking sensibel but u n me have different cultural back grounds and patterns

i apologize for my agressive attitude

why muslim ruleing elite let it happen

well bro after colonization of muslim lands by europeion 3 types of ppl emerged in world of islam
1] the reactionary, who bycotted every thing westren
2]sold out ,who adopted every thing westren and became more loyal to rulers then rulers them selves
3] those who took middle way

un fortunately 2nd class became rulers after imperialist left
so our strategic culture became a confuseion
our strategic elite think we are sons of islam[http://www.ccc.nps.navy.mil/si/2005/Oct/khan2Oct05.asp]but when time of action comes they prove them selves to be slaves of west,their old masters

so at present both category 1 and 2 are the biggest threat to world of islam:cheers:
i was talking sensibel but u n me have different cultural back grounds and patterns

i apologize for my agressive attitude

why muslim ruleing elite let it happen

well bro after colonization of muslim lands by europeion 3 types of ppl emerged in world of islam
1] the reactionary, who bycotted every thing westren
2]sold out ,who adopted every thing westren and became more loyal to rulers then rulers them selves
3] those who took middle way

un fortunately 2nd class became rulers after imperialist left
so our strategic culture became a confuseion
our strategic elite think we are sons of islam[http://www.ccc.nps.navy.mil/si/2005/Oct/khan2Oct05.asp]but when time of action comes they prove them selves to be slaves of west,their old masters

so at present both category 1 and 2 are the biggest threat to world of islam:cheers:

Well said BILL,

oh come on this is nonsense i've seen this guy's articles before this "government of balochistan in exile" is like one person lol this organisation has no effect on pakistan at all this is nothing but a fantasy heck i don't even know if this government really exists lol.
Israel and the U.S getting involved in pakistan yeah right ! they're far more worried and occupied with iran's nuke programme and as for china and india no chance their economies are booming the last thing they'd want to do is get involved in a war with each other.Don't even take this seriously .
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