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War-A necessity

Verily, if you do war, you may win or lose, but if you do not do war, your are always lost, that is lost under the domination of others.

PS: Good writing, but if you like to make your writings more professional, there are some rooms to improve more. For that you could do some study/google on "Critical Writing". If you write more critically, your writing would look less biased and generalized, and more acceptable, because you would include different and more people's angle of views backed by more examples, quotes, facts, figures, and references. I am just saying generally, not just specific to this article.
If the question is
The answer is clearly "NO" in my Opinion.
There are almost always various ways
to avoid war.
Another question that arrises it SHOULD WAR BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST?
The answer is Obviously NO in my opinion.
*When all other avenues and choices have been explored or exhausted and the situation comes to a point that you are faced with the choice
of war or perish, than in my opinion for better or worse war is a better option.
If a civilization/ culture etc is faced
with certain death, it is better to Die fighting with some a ray of hope of survival and dignity than it is to just sit there idley and be destroyed !
It is often said that war is necessary for people to gain eternal peace, unquestionable peace.
IMO it is good if people desire such peace BUT if everyone
actualy desired ENOUGH eternal/ unquestionable peace it might even be possible to limited extent, But it neither logical or practical to think that we can ever
achieve this desired state.
Now the question is Can war bring that eternal unquestionable peace?
War can never!
Peace is seldom or many times never the end product of any formula that involves war and War is not something that anyone except (those who gain monetarily/politicaly)
realy wants.
Some people present war as if it will bring about a lasting peace, that is hardly ever the case.
It is extremely good to strive for peace starting from a personal level then at the diffrent levels of society.
It is equaly good to strive and strugle for Survival For which sometimes We have to go to War
@jaibi @Secur
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Im sorry,but war is NOT a necessity.
First,you bring Allah into this.
Allah doesnt want you to go to war,its people who go to war for different reasons.
The only regions where there is some kind of a war going on are in the Muslim regions,and only Muslims against Muslims.
did Allah tell us to go to war against each other?
No,we muslims are the dumbest people on earth,we kill each other.
War is just a way to make money for some(Weapon industry)and to get used for others(Mindless people,mostly Muslim sheep).
Definition of Muslim sheep:those who think they live by the Quran(examples:Taliban,Al-caida,Hamas),do not tolerate another way(their way is the only real way) of living as their way,all kafirs(different religions or non religions)are the enemy,their way or (dead)the high way.
War is just a way to make money!
War is an option, a bad one, granted; however, at times it is necessary and I do not know if we don't fight now when would we?

If the question is
The answer is clearly "NO" in my Opinion.
There are almost always various ways
to avoid war.
Another question that arrises it SHOULD WAR BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST?
The answer is Obviously NO in my opinion.
*When all other avenues and choices have been explored or exhausted and the situation comes to a point that you are faced with the choice
of war or perish, than in my opinion for better or worse war is a better option.
If a civilization/ culture etc is faced
with certain death, it is better to Die fighting with some a ray of hope of survival and dignity than it is to just sit there idley and be destroyed !
It is often said that war is necessary for people to gain eternal peace, unquestionable peace.
IMO it is good if people desire such peace BUT if everyone
actualy desired ENOUGH eternal/ unquestionable peace it might even be possible to limited extent, But it neither logical or practical to think that we can ever
achieve this desired state.
Now the question is Can war bring that eternal unquestionable peace?
War can never!
Peace is seldom or many times never the end product of any formula that involves war and War is not something that anyone except (those who gain monetarily/politicaly)
realy wants.
Some people present war as if it will bring about a lasting peace, that is hardly ever the case.
It is extremely good to strive for peace starting from a personal level then at the diffrent levels of society.
It is equaly good to strive and strugle for Survival For which sometimes We have to go to War
@jaibi @Secur
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Im sorry,but war is NOT a necessity.
First,you bring Allah into this.
Allah doesnt want you to go to war,its people who go to war for different reasons.
The only regions where there is some kind of a war going on are in the Muslim regions,and only Muslims against Muslims.
did Allah tell us to go to war against each other?
No,we muslims are the dumbest people on earth,we kill each other.
War is just a way to make money for some(Weapon industry)and to get used for others(Mindless people,mostly Muslim sheep).
Definition of Muslim sheep:those who think they live by the Quran(examples:Taliban,Al-caida,Hamas),do not tolerate another way(their way is the only real way) of living as their way,all kafirs(different religions or non religions)are the enemy,their way or (dead)the high way.
War is just a way to make money!

Read my entire article again,mate..
When did I said that Allah spoke of Muslims to fight with each other?
So,I shouldn't suppose to say that this is not one of the 'Universal patterns' introduced by Allah subhana o tala to bring change??read Surah e Bani Israel,Surah Baqara,Surah tauba,Surah Fateh,Surah Qasas,Surah Naml..the entire book of Allah explains his pattern.
War is a grand plan to bring changes on bigger scale,you admit it or not,this fire will come to all of us one day,in fact we are in a state of war.
Well in my humble opinion God is not supporting muslims not because they support war or don't support it rather because they are hell bent to destroy themselves. If more than 2 billion people across the world choose to remain slaves to a few million due to their own perception of righteousness then they invite their enemies to take over them. Yes God said that He helps only those who help themselves but He also ordered His people to stay united and not to fall victim to those who are keen on dividing Muslims to rule over them. Though i do agree with some of the above comments but thats how i feel about it.
War is the most important thing in life for me their is no such thing as peace

Some say war is just Like aggression i.e. An ineradicable/indespensible part of human nature the diffrence is that while "agression" is inherent , war is a learned behaviour which can be unlearned human's have gotten rid of many other habits which were once thought to be a part of "human nature" e.g. Incest in Stone age, Canibalism and in recent history "slavery" All of the above practices/habits were abolished because human beings showed the capacity of growth and change. Like Slavery, Cannibalism; War too can be erradicated/ eliminated/ abolished
@jaibi @Slav Defence what do you think?
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Some say war is just Like aggression i.e. An ineradicable/indespensible part of human nature the diffrence is that while "agression" is inherent , war is a learned behaviour which can be unlearned human's have gotten rid of many other habits which were once thought to be a part of "human nature" e.g. Incest in Stone age, Canibalism and in recent history "slavery" All of the above practices/habits were abolished because human beings showed the capacity of growth and change. Like Slavery, Cannibalism; War too can be erradicated/ eliminated/ abolished
@jaibi @Slav Defence what do you think?
In my opinion in this world their is no such thing as peace it is only time gap between two wars sir only that
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Some of you guys who're pontificating about the 'necessity of war' should go fight one. Right up at the frontline where you can eat heavy machine gun bullets, or be napalmed to a crisp.

Instead of sitting behind your juvenile computers talking about it.
Some of you guys who're pontificating about the 'necessity of war' should go fight one. Right up at the frontline where you can eat heavy machine gun bullets, or be napalmed to a crisp.

Instead of sitting behind your juvenile computers talking about it.
It is the politicians/ statesmen who say we are going to WAR. This is not entirely true, Politicians don’t go into WAR; the innocent soldiers do. That is the reason politician takes this
decision of war as an ultimate option very easily.
The people who don't suffer from war will continue to have war as an ultimate option. Comming to your point It is easy to say WAR is an option, BUT how many of us will not try to avoid it? It is always the family of the soldiers that protest against war because they Have sent their Loved ones and Will never consider War as an ultimate option.
If politicians of the world start to value the life of the soldiers and Civilians then there will be less chances of war,
plus We should value the life of soldiers and civilians the same
as our own and loved ones even while debating about
It is the politicians/ statesmen who say we are going to WAR. This is not entirely true, Politicians don’t go into WAR; the innocent soldiers do. That is the reason politician takes this
decision of war as an ultimate option very easily.
The people who don't suffer from war will continue to have war as an ultimate option. Comming to your point It is easy to say WAR is an option, BUT how many of us will not try to avoid it? It is always the family of the soldiers that protest against war because they Have sent their Loved ones and Will never consider War as an ultimate option.
If politicians of the world start to value the life of the soldiers and Civilians then there will be less chances of war,
plus We should value the life of soldiers and civilians the same
as our own and loved ones even while debating about

Exactly. The people most reluctant to fight a war are the experienced soldiers and their families because they understand the cost and the horror of war.

Politicians are too easy to start wars.

And we civilians sitting being our computers are too quick to talk rot about the 'glory of war' or the 'need for war'. Have people not seen images of innocents being slaughtered? Videos of captured soldiers being beheaded? The terror, the savagery, the cruelty?

The proponent of wars should be the first to go fight them. Right on the frontline. Only when you see limbs scattered over the place, men, women and children screaming in agony, mutilated bodies, torture, savagery and brutality- then come back and talk, if you're still alive.
Again,the entire conversation is twisted,the actual context was 'war is a scientific procedure and nature's pattern to bring massive changes' rather then 'Should we wage war or not' or 'Should we support our policy makers or not'
Go and fight with God who initiated this design and program and his pattern to fulfill his major projects or plannings:

-Reduction of population at large scale to maintain resources and it's consumption for specific amount of time.
-Variation in cultures,traditions and relations.
-Transference of power from one region to another.

@Secur,what do you think?
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Again,the entire conversation is twisted,the actual context was 'war is a scientific procedure and nature's pattern to bring massive changes' rather then 'Should we wage war or not' or 'Should we support our policy makers or not'
Go and fight with God who initiated this design and program and his pattern to fulfill his major projects or plannings:

-Reduction of population at large scale to maintain resources and it's consumption for specific amount of time.
-Variation in cultures,traditions and relations.
-Transference of power from one region to another.

@Secur,what do you think?
ahh... Now I get your point, just like pestilence and Natural disasters
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