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VIEW: Fantasies about Pak-China friendship —Azizullah Khan

In fact, the relationship between Pakistan and China have been deep into the private sector. This is a solid foundation and ensure the continuation of friendship. Since there is a network now, the Chinese people in a foreign forum to discuss efforts to maintain friendly relations with other countries, Pakistan is the only country not to doubt my statement, you can go check.
what a generalized and very poorly analyzed topic by this author....

as for Baluchistan, of course there are ripe opportunities.....so the author then ''appreciates'' how important it is to establish law & order there. If you compare it to the past, it has improved drastically though there are still untoward incidents (and its obvious who is helping to foment trouble there, so dont even get me started on it)

the author also assumes, in a very condescending way, that Pakistanis are just brainless drones who dont know what is going on around them.....perhaps all he needs to do is pick up a Pakistani newspaper to know they are chock full of analyses (more objective ones, i must add).

Pakistanis value the friendship with China siimply because unlike other ''allies'' --- they were always there for us during our times of need.....of course some people (namely the bharti troll brigades who flood and litter this forum like trash and dust on the side of the street) will say ''why dont the Chinese give Pak more aid'' --which in itself is a stupid question, considering bilateral trade with China is growing --and it is trade and access to new markets that can help Pakistan the most. The Chinese are not dumb people with a big wallet, obviously they will also keep their own interests in mind (as any country should)

we have a lot of joint cooperation and it goes beyond just the field of defence. China is a force to reckon with and its a growing economic power. It's also our neighbour, and we enjoy good relations with them. Through their growth, there is opportunity in some areas for our growth as well. Pakistan is still a young and developing country with many issues it is facing. Through close cooperation with China and other friends in the region, and with better security situation in the northern neigbhour country --the prospects for economic growth are ripe.

Gwadar will also be a reality very soon. And God willingly, Inshallah one day it will be in direct competition with other ports ---even those at Dubai. We have everything we need in Pakistan, we just dont have leadership or the right policies in place.
"...of course some people...will say ''why dont the Chinese give Pak more aid'' --which in itself is a stupid question, considering bilateral trade with China is growing --and it is trade and access to new markets that can help Pakistan the most..."

Odd. This complaint is often heard by Pakistanis WRT America. Nonetheless, Pakistan EXPORTS more to American markets than any other nation on earth. Still the cry for more civil and development aid for your failing institutions and humanitarian aid when natural disasters strike.

Nobody responds remotely like America. Floodwaters began receding in early fall 2010. America's recovery aid flowed nonetheless as the after-effects of Pakistan's flood continued taking its toll on the Pakistani people and infrastructure. As of January 2011, the American people and government had contributed over $583m in direct and like-kind assistance-

USAID Pakistan Flood Factsheet #9 Jan. 21, 2011

Were the "all-weather" PRC only as generous...:frown:

China? Access? You run a huge trade DEFICIT with the PRC. Pakistan offers little of value to Chinese markets that isn't more than offset by Chinese products, goods, and services within Pakistan.

The bharatis are such hypocrites - they attack Pakistanis for being paranoid yet have paranoia about Pakistan-China relationship and how China plans to use Pakistan against Bharat.

Then they keep telling us that our relationship is not real.

Seriously guys, everything in the world doesn't revolve around bharat. Bharat isn't even important when it comes to Pakistan-China relationship. The folly of the bharatis is that they don't understand China-Pakistan relationship, how deep it is and what it means.

Or perhaps they understand how important this relationship is hence they keep telling Pakistanis to get away from it since it would suit bharat interest heavily if the relationship breaks up.

Seriously though, stop wasting your time bharatis and do something better. You've been trying for decades to tell Pakistanis how bad the relationship with China is and the relationship has only grown stronger over time. Stop being so paranoid and obsessive.

forget Hindustani revelance in Pakistani-Chinese relationship for a moment,

Hindustan doesn't even have anything to offer to SCO, yet they still applied to be a member.
How laughable! :rolleyes::lol:

Also making Hindustan/Bharat/India even more irrelevant in asia.
they don't understand China-Pakistan relationship, how deep it is and what it means.

Please to be explaining how deep and meaningful it is. I searched high and low, on google and baidu, but could find no examples stellar and outstanding supporting that claim of yours. So please to be enlightening us with solid examples of things achieved. Use US aid and help as a standard.
I have no time to waste on such.

No no, thats because you dont have any examples. Period. You are living in denial and delusions.

C'mon back up your claim or is it just HOT air?
LOL you're a fool to believe that. But then again, you also were very sure that Taliban never were ready to hand over OBL. Look, some people have lives and have other things to do. You're probably some 15 year old kid who thinks people will always care about replying to you. Trying to explain a bharati about Pakistan-China relationship is like trying to explan a nazi about jews. It's a complete waste of time.

You bharatis throw around words such as denial and delusion, when more often than not you're the ones in denial and delusion. That's the case here.
LOL you're a fool to believe that. But then again, you also were very sure that Taliban never were ready to hand over OBL. Look, some people have lives and have other things to do.
That is actually the truth. Ask experts here. Anywho, show me evidence to the contrary. IIRC, you have not, you make ridiculous claims without backing them with any reliable sources!
Trying to explain a bharati about Pakistan-China relationship is like trying to explan a nazi about jews.
Wow!! You do take the cake for making the most ridiculous statements, evah, ! Jews???
Who and what exactly are you trying to compare?

Again, Pak-China relationship, show us what Pakistan gained.

Man this guy is so deluded it's unbelievable.

I showed him multiple different links about Taliban wanting to hand over OBL but he still doesn't believe. :lol: It's like those 8 year old kids, even when they know they're wrong, they'll still keep saying they're right.

My analogy is about explaining something to someone. Clearly you don't uinderstand the idea of analogy. From the looks of it, you're a 14 or 15 year old.

As for what Pakistan has gained, like I said, I am not going to waste my time explaining that to a bharat. The fact that you don't even see what Pakistan has gained it tells it all - your delusion and denial.
I was talking to a senior journalist on this issue who has been to Pakistan a couple of times, I will just try to quote the gist of his reply below.

Indians don't understand that Pakistanis are different animals and the things that we and the world understand as normal is very different than an average Pakistani view . They have been drilled right from an early stage that their nation is the Mecca of Islam and hence is danger from anybody not standing by their opinion. Pakistan is a security state and hence the benchmark for their friendship is " ANYONE WHO GIVE THEM BOMBS AND MISSILES". Period.

Lets not talk about any other parameters as they are not of any value to a pakistani. They always have suicide jackets which assure their citizens Jannant incase they have any issue with day to day living.


But I believe after staying in this forum for some time now ( my previous incarnation has been permanently banned) that they have been just unlucky in getting good leaders at the start and even now. They could not do some critical reforms ( land , taxes, civil and army structure etc ) and hence could not become an economically viable unit.
Its telling that neither Chinese nor Pakistanis can come up with a major event by China that was specifically to benefit Pakistan as gubbi has shown. Wether its aid or trade or even Military equipment, the US outspends China in dollar terms by far.

The only thing I can think of is the nuclear specific help but then again, that was also from China's desire to contain India. If China does build a naval base in Gawadar or the really expensive pipeline either gas or oil through Pakistan to China, then that would show China's commitment but as of now it doesn't seem to be happening.
China refutes Gwadar naval base conjecture | The Jakarta Post
Its telling that neither Chinese nor Pakistanis can come up with a major event by China that was specifically to benefit Pakistan as gubbi has shown. Wether its aid or trade or even Military equipment, the US outspends China in dollar terms by far.

The only thing I can think of is the nuclear specific help but then again, that was also from China's desire to contain India. If China does build a naval base in Gawadar or the really expensive pipeline either gas or oil through Pakistan to China, then that would show China's commitment but as of now it doesn't seem to be happening.
China refutes Gwadar naval base conjecture | The Jakarta Post


Does 45 billion dollar deals some months ago ring a bell? Just to start it off?

Gubbi hasn't shown sh*t. The kid is deluded and that's why I don't bother responding to him. It's a folly to believe that just because someone doesn't respond to you that they don't have an actual response. Maybe they don't care for your opinion.
Its telling that neither Chinese nor Pakistanis can come up with a major event by China that was specifically to benefit Pakistan as gubbi has shown. Wether its aid or trade or even Military equipment, the US outspends China in dollar terms by far.

The only thing I can think of is the nuclear specific help but then again, that was also from China's desire to contain India. If China does build a naval base in Gawadar or the really expensive pipeline either gas or oil through Pakistan to China, then that would show China's commitment but as of now it doesn't seem to be happening.
China refutes Gwadar naval base conjecture | The Jakarta Post

can you provide some links for the bolded part.
Thanks in advance.
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