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Vietnamese pour into S China amid labor shortage

We are aware of that. But it has been 4 more years since that 2008 report. I am sure we have lifted several tens of millions out of poverty and our countries' subsidies to poverty is on the rise. and that doesnt explain while we have labour shortage yest our folks are going over to the more impoverished vietnam for work with a risk! UNBELIEVABLE! I tend to believe that is a vietcong hoax!

It is usa which has caused you the most damages. You coward is afraid to mention that!

If you want to maintain a good relationship then back off from your illegal SCS occupations and stopped robbing our resources.

I repeat: your people can opt to stay behind under our rules or leave the atolls / reefs or whatever and we shall compensate them for the vacation and the costs of buildings/ facilities.

You said like bandit open his mouth before rob properties of his victims.:blah:
I repeat: your people can opt to stay behind under our rules or leave the atolls / reefs or whatever and we shall compensate them for the vacation and the costs of buildings/ facilities.

You´re suffering some sorts of delusion. I repeat: it is not wise to mess with Vietnam!
Since 2,000 years we reject to become Chinese, and it is not going to change in the future.

As for the South China Sea, we are going to increase our presence there, nothing can stop us!

@Hu Songshan
Why is Rechoice banned again?
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You´re suffering some sorts of delusion. I repeat: it is not wise to mess with Vietnam!
Since 2,000 years we reject to become Chinese, and it is not going to change in the future.

As for the South China Sea, we are going to increase our presence there, nothing can stop us!

@Hu Songshan
Why is Rechoice banned again?
Every passing day we make it more difficult for you to trespass. I doubt you will have any presence there in 10 years without being shot to bits.
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How often do I need to repeat, that Vietnam as a whole always wants to maintain a good relationship with China, in good and in bad times. We never want to mess with China just for fun. Merely we reacted on self-defence. Don´t forget, Vietnam was always the first who sent peace envoys to China in a move to restore the relationship, even after we won the war.

It is conceivably a very hard job for a hater to show love. You are greatly admired.

All what we want is independence. We don´t want war, neither we accept being as slave.

You are right, China has ups and downs in her history, as same for Vietnam. Actually China has not reached the level and status what it possessed in the past. It is still a long way to go. If you want to be treated nicely by others, then you shall act nicely to them. You will be awarded.

What do you mean China treating nicely? Is clearing up China of illegal Vietnamese treating nicely to Vietnamese?

Or rather letting illegal Vietnamese flood China is treating nicely?

Nice to an evil guy is not nice to a nice guy. Simple!
Every passing day we make it more difficult for you to trespass. I doubt you will have any presence there in 10 years without being shot to bits.

You retard. We are challenging you since 1,000 years, and you suffered defeat after defeat. In 10 years, China could collapse in pieces. Don´t come to us and ask for shelter, Chinese members here are not eligible, including you!
You retard. We are challenging you since 1,000 years, and you suffered defeat after defeat. In 10 years, China could collapse in pieces. Don´t come to us and ask for shelter, Chinese members here are not eligible, including you!

There are illegal immigrant everywhere. It's not a one way street where poor country pour into the richer neighbor. Illegal Chinese immigrant living in Vietnam, Illegal Vietnamese worker living in China, they are one and the same. It is not about rich or poor, but it's about oppuntity.

I saw many illegal alien in my time, you can even find American working and living illegally in Canada or Canadian living and working in America, does that proof anything at all? No. The prospect is, where there are a job there are money involved, there will be illegal immigrant.

The only problem one can see is. If the country we are talking about is not cosmopolitian enough, there will be a problem. From what i see, it's not like Illegal Immigrant are taking over the job of local labor. but rather the other way around. One need to know why a person hire a illegal immigrant rather than a local worker and one also need to know why the illegal alien walk away from their home country, it's not like the job filled by illegal are usually and popularly filled by Local edecated type (When did yo uever see illegal alien working as a supervisior or manager) The question is, one need to find out why local worker does not favor thsoe job first, then you can combat it.

it's no point to talk about how you enforce or "Round up" illegal worker or alien in one country. No matter how you enforce or rounding them up, there will always be a way those people can loop into your country illegally. Well, most country do intercept and rounding up drugs on their border, does that mean the problem of drug are eliminated by simple border check point and then some??

People here usually do not understand basic social issue, so no point agruing with them

P.S I was an illegal alien in UK once, even tho i have a British Oversea Territories Passport........But that was just misunderstanding of visa term, i am not looking for job in UK illegaly, well, i am not looking for job anywhere in this world actually.......
In 10 years, China could collapse in pieces. Don´t come to us and ask for shelter, Chinese members here are not eligible, including you!
wow,that's a bold prediction,we heard so much about China's overtaking of US in 10 years time,but this one is more interesting,how so?
You retard. We are challenging you since 1,000 years, and you suffered defeat after defeat. In 10 years, China could collapse in pieces. Don´t come to us and ask for shelter, Chinese members here are not eligible, including you!

Hahahahahahaha. That was a good joke. In 10 years time Vietnam will collapse and splitted into 2.

You´re suffering some sorts of delusion. I repeat: it is not wise to mess with Vietnam!
Since 2,000 years we reject to become Chinese, and it is not going to change in the future.

As for the South China Sea, we are going to increase our presence there, nothing can stop us!

@Hu Songshan
Why is Rechoice banned again?

Keep on increasing your presence in the region. I don't mind.

BTW I heard China occupied Vietnam 4 times.
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You´re suffering some sorts of delusion. I repeat: it is not wise to mess with Vietnam!
Since 2,000 years we reject to become Chinese, and it is not going to change in the future.

As for the South China Sea, we are going to increase our presence there, nothing can stop us!

@Hu Songshan
Why is Rechoice banned again?

your pony economy, incompetent vietcong, disgusting nature, freindless internationally, primitive industry and zero high tech capability will stop you from doing so, but feel free to dream or mentalmasturbate

You retard. We are challenging you since 1,000 years, and you suffered defeat after defeat. In 10 years, China could collapse in pieces. Don´t come to us and ask for shelter, Chinese members here are not eligible, including you!

'defeat' after 'defeat' yet been rulled and slaved again and again`does it sound logical`?

thanks to your jungle and hazardous environment so those foreign rullers were 'retreated' from this zoo like place again and again when they fedup with those jungle creatures````
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Hahahahahahaha. That was a good joke. In 10 years time Vietnam will collapse and splitted into 2.
Keep on increasing your presence in the region. I don't mind.

BTW I heard China occupied Vietnam 4 times.

You´re a retard and false flagger! In 7 years, we will become a industrialized nation, in 10 years Vietnam territory will be larger than it is today. Wait and see!

Vietnam - Rolls-Royce
"Vietnam is one of the world’s fastest growing emerging economies. It is rapidly becoming a regional political and economic leader with a growing influence in South East Asia.

With the opening of a regional office in Hanoi in 2008, Rolls-Royce established a permanent presence in the country. Since then we have established ourselves as long term partners in the infrastructure growth of this vibrant economy, in the aviation, oil and gas, marine and power generation sectors. The acquisition of Odim in 2010 provided us with a marine offshore manufacturing operation in Vung Tau, South Vietnam with 100 employees, delivering seismic equipment for the global market."
wow,that's a bold prediction,we heard so much about China's overtaking of US in 10 years time,but this one is more interesting,how so?

He is making predictions like Gordon Chang. Maybe he is Gordon Chang himself.

every year hundreds of Vietnamese become disabled by landmines left by the US,so Vietnam should be the last country in this world to appreciate mines and traps.

They are not US mines, they are most likely Viet Cong mines.
our mine and trap ís wating for idiot aggressors,

Japanese chemical weapons is still exist in air around north China, may be in Peking now, Chinese people is still suffer it.

dont worry, viets wont be left out, as we have too many illegal viets here in China and breath the same air we breath
our mine and trap ís wating for idiot aggressors,

Japanese chemical weapons is still exist in air around north China, may be in Peking now, Chinese people is still suffer it.

Those are Chinese pollution. You guys need to create some infrastructure for Americans to invest in your country. But first, please, clear the mines. and the agent orange off the air.
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