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Vietnam protests Taiwan’s moves in Spratly

big mouth Vietnamese navy nowhere to be seen.lol..

Chinese has BIG MOUTH more than ever, I guess ! No one could deny that quantity of China battleship has more than Viet Nam, but no one could guaranteed that China Navy easy to defeats Viet Nam for the future war also.

Just YOU and Martian2 loves to use yours NUKES BY MOUTH and think that China Navy could esiely defeats Viet Nam Navy. What you see in 1988 that only thing China wants to brainwash its people like YOU.

The fact is China Navy still take precautions with Viet Nam Navy, and the big evident that shows China Navy can not take any more steps foward like its does in 1988. More over, Viet Nam today is not alone and its could not lonely. Yes, Viet Nam today has no problem to deal any wars with China.

So dream on with your Nukes and its could launch anytime come out by your MOUTH.
one thing we can clearly highlight is we have better common sense than an average Chinese !

if you have common sense then you should know how far behind India is comparing to China,if you don't admit that,don't say to others that you have common sense.that's the common sense known by the whole world.

The fact is China Navy still take precautions with Viet Nam Navy, and the big evident that shows China Navy can not take any more steps foward like its does in 1988. More over, Viet Nam today is not alone and its could not lonely. Yes, Viet Nam today has no problem to deal any wars with China.

So dream on with your Nukes and its could launch anytime come out with your MOUTH.

Chinese patrol ships are cruising your coastline and we had our oil rigs planted on your doorway,who's big mouth?we did this and what you did other than big talking?
if you have common sense then you should know how far behind India is comparing to China,if you don't admit that,don't say to others that you have common sense.that's the common sense known by the whole world.

Chinese patrol ships are cruising your coastline and we had our oil rigs planted on your doorway,who's big mouth?we did this and what you did other than big talking?

We let China patrol ships that could collect more proof, evidence to bring China to the International, and prove that China are bullying Viet Nam. Yes, we DID. That is a reason why, Japan, S.Korea, U.S, India, Russia jump in that pool, unlikely China just set for its own trap. (trap for itself)

It is BIG difference for now China Navy start to attack Viet Nam like its DID in 1988, shooting our sailors but we don't re-act or do anything then you can call that a WIN for China.

Which Islands that China Navy attacking Viet Nam right now? NONE .... so who was a BIG MOUNTH now?
if you have common sense then you should know how far behind India is comparing to China,if you don't admit that,don't say to others that you have common sense.that's the common sense known by the whole world.

Chinese patrol ships are cruising your coastline and we had our oil rigs planted on your doorway,who's big mouth?we did this and what you did other than big talking?

This post show you are not so bad boy, you admitted Chinese patrol ships are cruising in our coastline. Chinese violated rules of international law, sea pirates. he he.
We let China patrol ships that could collect more proof, evidence to bring China to the International, and prove that China are bullying Viet Nam. Yes, we DID. That is a reason why, Japan, S.Korea, U.S, India, Russia jump in that pool, unlikely China just set for its own trap. (trap for itself)

It is BIG difference for now China Navy start to attack Viet Nam like its DID in 1988, shooting our sailors but we don't re-act or do anything then you can call that a WIN for China.

Which Islands that China Navy attacking Viet Nam right now? NONE .... so who was a BIG MOUNTH now?

we did attack you in 1974 and 1988,you are just in pathetic denial saying let Chinese patrol ships cruising your coastline is a prearranged setup by your government,that makes people laugh their heads off.we took over the whole Paracels in 1974 and slaughtered 70 something your sailors and took several islands in 1988,if you don't call that victory ,to be slaughtered must be your standard of being a winner.
if you have common sense then you should know how far behind India is comparing to China,if you don't admit that,don't say to others that you have common sense.that's the common sense known by the whole world.

Talking about common sense , let me give you an example cos only with examples will you be able to understand .... Vietnam and India knew of Chinas ambitions in East sea and there by India and Vietnam decided to JV oil production in east sea so that the issue becomes internationalized and there is a stalemate which goes against Chinese ambition of dominating the sea ..... Guess this is the common sense that we were talking about earlier :azn:
This post show you are not so bad boy, you admitted Chinese patrol ships are cruising in our coastline. Chinese violated rules of international law, sea pirates. he he.

even your coastline is ours,if your tiny country is like a man,come out of your door and let's fight to settle that,otherwise you should keep your big mouth shut.

Talking about common sense , let me give you an example cos only with examples will you be able to understand .... Vietnam and India knew of Chinas ambitions in East sea and there by India and Vietnam decided to JV oil production in east sea so that the issue becomes internationalized and there is a stalemate which goes against Chinese ambition of dominating the sea ..... Guess this is the common sense that we were talking about earlier :azn:

very few people know that dispute around the world,due to the fact that very few people know this,it's far fetched to be called common sense,China is streets ahead of India and is a rising power racing to the top of world,that's the common sense.check the international polls.
even your coastline is ours,if your tiny country is like a man,come out of your door and let's fight to settle that,otherwise you should keep your big mouth shut.

They have the majority of coastline, islands under their control etc etc ,.. its upto you to stop showing internet bravery and do something about it !!! :lol:
They have the majority of coastline, islands under their control etc etc ,.. its upto you to stop showing internet bravery and do something about it !!! :lol:

they used to have the whole Paracels,we took over all of them in 1974 and 1988 we slaughtered all their sailors and took several islands and now we sent ships to patrol their coastline and their navy just ran away.we did a lot of thing,what they did?anything at all besides big talking?
even your coastline is ours,if your tiny country is like a man,come out of your door and let's fight to settle that,otherwise you should keep your big mouth shut.

In this post show yourself again idiot, your coastline Manchu Kuo coastline is near by Korean coastline in north China.
don't forget 1979 spanking.
we did attack you in 1974 and 1988,you are just in pathetic denial saying let Chinese patrol ships cruising your coastline is a prearranged setup by your government,that makes people laugh their heads off.we took over the whole Paracels in 1974 and slaughtered 70 something your sailors and took several islands in 1988,if you don't call that victory ,to be slaughtered must be your standard of being a winner.

See? You just prove to me that you not read so well, I understand that is not your mother language but I can not accepting that you just skip my main question.

The main question that I told you was "It is BIG difference for now China Navy start to attack Viet Nam like its DID in 1988, shooting our sailors but we don't re-act or do anything then you can call that a WIN for China."

Yes, during that time, Soviet Union collapsed and Viet Nam internal has big problem so we don't fight (Check your video clip) then that brought up to LOOSE China controled some Islands but we are not LOST thoese Islands.

We still fight with it and will get them back to our motherland, for now the main thing that we could do that set China stay in the cage with its own trap. Got it?
In this post show yourself again idiot, your coastline Manchu Kuo coastline is near by Korean coastline in north China.
don't forget 1979 spanking.

you are such an idot,we know who we are,we are Chinese,we don't care what you think and are always ready to kick you ****,lol..

The main question that I told you was "It is BIG difference for now China Navy start to attack Viet Nam like its DID in 1988, shooting our sailors but we don't re-act or do anything then you can call that a WIN for China."

you English is so bad..
you are such an idot,we know who we are,we are Chinese,we don't care what you think and are always ready to kick you ****,lol..

you English is so bad..

Yeah, because I speaking Chinese more than English. It is understand able. Wasn't Chinese language that best?
they used to have the whole Paracels,we took over all of them in 1974 and 1988 we slaughtered all their sailors and took several islands and now we sent ships to patrol their coastline and their navy just ran away.we did a lot of thing,what they did?anything at all besides big talking?
They are just cowardly animals talking big. The USA did the right thing when they starting spray them with agent orange. The Japanese did the right thing when they starved them until Viets were picking food out of dung.

The Straits Times (Singapore)
August 21, 2008

THE Socialist Republic of Vietnam declared its independence on Sept 2, 1945. The declaration came at the tail end of a famine which began in 1944. The famine still haunts the consciousness of many who were alive then.

An estimated two million Vietnamese, or 10 per cent of the population then, died during the famine. By comparison, three million Vietnamese were killed during the Second Indochina War, from 1954 to 1975.

The causes of the famine are hardly in dispute. In 1940, the Japanese army occupied Vietnam but left Vichy France in charge of its administration. By the terms of the May 1941 Franco-Japanese treaty, French Indochina had to supply grains to Japan. From 1941 to 1944, Vietnam supplied 700,000 to 1.3 million tonnes of padi and maize to Japan, roughly equivalent to 50 to 80 per cent of its grain production. And a fairly significant acreage was forced into the production of jute, hemp, cotton and castor-oil plants - also for Japan - thus reducing food production. The wartime destruction of roads and other transport infrastructure made it difficult to transport excess food from southern Vietnam to the north. What ensued was tantamount to genocide.

Many victims walked long distances to provincial capitals, and thousands marched on the capital, Hanoi. Survivors resident there then tell of long lines of ghost-like figures trooping into the city. Hanoi families often found corpses in front of their homes. Huge pits were dug in rural areas near Hanoi for mass burials. The wages paid to burial workers went down by the day, and in Hanoi people were soon burying bodies just for a bowl of gruel. The dead in rural areas were left in the open to rot because people did not have the strength to bury them.

Extreme conditions drove many people to extreme behaviour. The vomit of one became the food of another. People followed horses and oxen to eat the dung or to search for the occasional undigested pieces of food in the dung. Food in the mouth was not necessarily secure, because there were frequent fights to force food out of mouths. People stole, robbed and killed for food.

One family that made cakes for sale reports how it made cakes from earth to guard against theft. Customers would pay for the earth cakes and redeem them for real ones later elsewhere.

There are stories of how infants were eaten up by hungry dogs. Parents would leave their children at home to go look for food, only to find blood and bones in cribs when they returned.
They are just cowardly animals talking big. The USA did the right thing when they starting spray them with agent orange. The Japanese did the right thing when they starved them until Viets were picking food out of dung.

Chinese is still poisoned themselves with Melamine in milk, their mentality is wrongly ill, they can't make difference between food and dung...
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