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Vietnam patrol ship provoke Indonesia Patrol Corvette in Indonesia EEZ

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Now we have a new grudge match, Indonesia v Vietnam. Mind you this all amateur business. If you want to see wars head over to the Middle East section. :rofl:
let them be @waz sometimes it amusing watching grown up man act like kids
. .
True that !!

Some of the conflicts there make this one look small fry.

Things accelerate there very quickly :lol:

Yep it's all sword and fire in that section, multiple factions, individual heroes, plots it has everything lol.

Middle East section is sorta like the real middle east lol. Pretty apt and true to reality lol.

It gets too toxic a lot too.

Ha it does as well, oh boy.
I actually find the Pak/Indo debates the most polite usually. I'll put that down to them fighting it out over the last 23 years or so. They got used to each other lol.
Indonesia sinks 51 foreign boats to fight illegal fishing


Workers flood the cargo bay of a Vietnamese-flagged boat with water as part of government's efforts to sink fishing boats caught operating illegally in Indonesian waters ( AP )
Indonesian authorities have sunk 51 foreign ships as part of the government's efforts to clamp down on illegal fishing.

The seized ships were sunk on Saturday at five ports across the archipelago, which has some of the world's richest fishing grounds, the Maritime and Fisheries Ministry said in a statement.

Among the seized vessels sunk were 38 Vietnamese-flagged ships, 6 Malaysian, 2 Chinese and 1 Filipino. The rest were foreign-owned ships using the Indonesian flag.

Susi Pudjiastuti, the fisheries minister, said in a speech that the illegal boats were a threat to the local fishing industry. Their operators are frequently perpetrators of modern day slavery.

“This crime of illegal fishing in our waters was out of mind,” Ms Pudjiastuti said. “We can't tolerate anymore.”

Saturday's events were carried out in a low-key fashion compared with previous occasions, when boats were blown to pieces and their destruction broadcast live.

A video taken off Datuk island in West Kalimantan province and released by the ministry showed Ms Pudjiastuti and other fishery officers scrambling to an adjacent boat from a sinking vessel that had been filled with sand and flooded. She clapped her hands when she saw several ships successfully sunk.

The move came a week after an Indonesian navy patrol ship was rammed by two Vietnamese coast guard ships after intercepting a boat it says was fishing illegally in its waters. The Vietnamese claimed that the area was Vietnamese waters.

Indonesia detained 12 Vietnamese fishermen from the boat, which sank in last Saturday's clash, and they are being held at a naval base on Natuna island.

The Indonesian government says it has sunk more than 500 illegal fishing vessels since October 2014, many with explosives.

Last year, the ministry sunk 125 mostly foreign vessels, included 86 Vietnamese-flagged ships, 20 Malaysian and 14 from the Philippines.

Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, claims a huge exclusive economic zone, which is frequently penetrated by foreign fishing vessels. Its northerly reaches are regarded by China as its traditional fishing grounds despite their distance from the Chinese mainland.

Menteri Susi kembali tenggelamkan kapal: 'Ini way out yang sangat cantik untuk bangsa kita, menakutkan untuk bangsa lainnya'
Callistasia Wijaya dan Dwiki MartaBBC News Indonesia, melaporkan dari Pontianak
  • 04 Mei 2019
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Image captionMenteri Susi memantau penenggelaman kapal penangkap ikan ilegal dari Vietnam.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti memimpin penenggelaman 13 kapal Vietnam di Kalimantan Barat, dalam langkah terbaru untuk mengatasi masalah penangkapan ikan ilegal di Indonesia.

Susi Pudjiastuti menyesap kopi hitamnya santai sesaat sebelum menuju lokasi penenggelaman 13 kapal Vietnam di perairan Pulau Datuk, Kalimantan Barat, Sabtu (04/05). Kapal-kapal itu akan ditenggelamkan karena kedapatan menangkap ikan di perairan Indonesia.

Bersama dengan Gubernur Kalimantan Barat, Sutarmidji, jajaran kepolisian daerah, kejaksaan, dan TNI AL, Susi bercerita santai tentang cara favoritnya menikmati kopi. Caranya, katanya sambil mempraktikkan, adalah menuangnya di piring kecil lalu menyesapnya.

"Saya suka Robusta, enggak suka Arabika, perut saya enggak kuat," kata Susi sambil bersandar di dek kapal.

Obrolan yang diselingi tawa itu berhenti ketika wajah Pulau Datuk mulai terlihat dari kapal.

Susi mengambil teropong dan mulai mengamati 13 kapal Vietnam yang sudah dijejerkan. Seiring kapal yang ditumpanginya mendekat, ia berjalan ke haluan terdepan kapal dan mengamati proses penenggelaman yang tengah berlangsung.

Image captionPenenggelaman kapal dilakukan dengan cara diberi pemberat.
Kapal-kapal berbahan kayu itu sudah diisi air dari selang besar dan pelan-pelan, kapal yang diberi pemberat pasir itu semakin turun ke bawah.

Susi mengangkat jari telunjuknya dan mencoba menghitung jumlah kapal yang ada di hadapannya.

Kepada BBC News Indonesia, Susi mengatakan dia merasa biasa saja sudah menenggelamkan kapal asing berulang kali.

"Biasa saja, pekerjaan rutinitas. Setiap ada kapal yg sudah inkracht (putusan pengadilannya) kan harus kita musnahkan sesegera mungkin," kata Susi.

Melawan IUU Fishing
Dalam penenggelaman pertama di tahun 2019 ini (04/05), ada 13 dari total 26 kapal yang ditenggelamkan. Sisanya akan ditenggelamkan secara bertahap sepanjang bulan Mei.

Sebelumnya, dalam pidato sambutan, Menteri Susi menyebut penenggelaman kapal adalah satu jalan keluar dari problem penangkapan ikan yang ilegal, tidak dilaporkan, dan tidak diatur (IUU fishing), yang telah menghabiskan sumber daya perikanan Indonesia.

"Ini way out yang sangat cantik untuk bangsa kita, menakutkan untuk bangsa lainnya. Penyelesaian dengan cara begini harus menjadi sebuah pola," kata Susi.

Sang menteri mengatakan ia telah memanggil perwakilan negara-negara tetangga untuk membicarakan kebijakannya.

"Saya panggil dubesnya, semuanya, saya panggil pengusaha uang yang jadi backing -nya, dengan baik-baik, dengan makan siang..." ujarnya.

"Dan ternyata mereka mau kok. Kalau ada yang bandel ya itu kelewatan," katanya.

Tidak diledakkan
Jika dahulu beberapa kapal dimusnahkan dengan cara dibakar, kini KKP menggunakan cara penenggelaman.

Susi mengatakan peledakan biasanya hanya dilakukan pada satu atau dua kapal untuk menimbulkan efek mengerikan dan efek jera. Itu pun, katanya, tidak seluruh bagian kapal yang diledakkan.

Menurut Susi, cara penenggelaman kapal lebih unggul karena kapal-kapal itu nantinya bisa jadi rumpun ikan dan diving site baru.

Ia juga memastikan minyak-minyak pada kapal sudah dibersihkan sesuai prosedur.

Peneliti Greenpeace Indonesia, Arifsay Nasution, mengatakan Greenpeace mendukung penenggelaman secara aman tanpa ledakan setelah pemerintah memastikan semua sisa minyak dan B3 lainnya sudah dibersihkan.

Kepada BBC News Indonesia, sehari sebelum penenggelaman kapal di Kalimantan Barat (03/05), ia menjelaskan bahwa kapal harus ditenggelamkam pada lokasi yang aman juga pada kedalaman yang cukup, tidak mengganggu pelayaran, tidak menghancurkan terumbu karang, dan bisa jadi rumpon ikan bagi nelayan pesisir.

"Saran lain dari Greenpeace adalah kapal-kapal itu dapat dimusnahkan di darat dengan aman," ujarnya.

Arifsay menambahkan Greenpeace juga sudah menyampaikan saran langsung ke KKP untuk segera membakukan prosedur penenggelaman dan pemusnahan kapal ikan secara aman, termasuk melakukan kajian dampak di titik-titik penenggelaman yang sudah dilakukan.

Berapa banyak kapal yang sudah ditenggelamkan pemerintah?
Pemerintah Indonesia sudah menenggelamkan 488 kapal sejak tahun 2014 hingga 2018.

Kapal yang paling banyak ditenggelamkan adalah kapal dari Vietnam.

Susi mengatakan bahwa dalam satu tahun belakangan, agresivitas kapal ikan asing khususnya di wilayah perairan Natuna meningkat tajam. Tahun ini, kata Susi, sudah ada empat insiden kapal Vietnam dan dua kapal Malaysia mencoba mengintimidasi dan menabrak kapal patroli Indonesia.

Sebelumnya, dua kapal pengawas milik pemerintah Vietnam dilaporkan menabrak lambung kapal TNI AL di Laut Natuna Utara (29/04).

Menurut keterangan TNI AL, kapal Indonesia ditabrak saat mencoba menghalau kapal ikan berbedera Vietnam yang diduga tengah mengambil ikan di perairan itu.

"Kenapa mereka tidak jera? Ya namanya juga butuh. Sumber daya mereka sudah tidak ada. Mereka putus asa, jadi mereka datang ke perairan kita," ujar Susi.

Susi menyayangkan pelanggaran yang terus-terusan dilakukan kapal perikanan asing, terutama Vietnam, meski kata Susi negara itu baru lepas dari kartu kuning dari Uni Eropa karena masalah pencurian ikan.

"Mereka seharusnya tidak lepas dari kartu kuning karena masih seringkali melakukan Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) Fishing di wilayah orang lain," ujar Susi.

Efektifkah kebijakan penenggelaman kapal?
Direktur National Maritime Institute (Namarin) Siswanto Rusdi mengkritik kebijakan penenggelaman kapal yang dinilainya tidak efektif karena pihak yang dituding melakukan pencurian ikan masih sering lewat di perairan Indonesia.

"Kalau saya lihat tidak efektif. Efektif itu bukan hanya soal tidak ada pencurian lagi, tapi berkembang nggak industri perikanan kita? Kan nggak," kata Siswanto.

Siswanto menyoroti data volume ekspor ikan yang rendah, meski menteri KKP membanggakan kenaikan nilai ekspor dan mengklaim kenaikan stok ikan setelah kebijakan menenggelamkan kapal.

Menurut data KKP, sepanjang tahun 2012 hingga 2017, volume ekspor turun 2,53 persen per tahun, sementara volume impor naik 2,30 persen per tahun.

Image captionVolume Ekspor-Impor Hasil Perikanan tahun 2012 sampai 2017
Di sisi lain, nilai ekspor memang naik 3,6 persen per tahun karena meningkatnya harga ekspor dan produk yang memiliki nilai tambah.

Siswanto menyebut perkembangan industri perikanan tangkap di Indonesia terhambat karena terbatasnya armada laut Indonesia yang mampu menangkap ikan dalam jumlah besar.

Oleh sebab itu, Siswanto menyarankan KKP untuk tidak menenggelamkan kapal, tapi meminta pemilik kapal asing untuk membayar denda dalam jumlah besar sebagai sanksi telah melewati perairan Indonesia.

Uang denda itu, ujarnya, bisa digunakan untuk membeli kapal-kapal ikan berkapasitas besar untuk digunakan nelayan Indonesia berlayar di laut lepas.

Image captionMenteri Susi mengatakan KKP akan menenggelamkan 51 kapal pencuri ikan secara bertahap mulai tanggal 4 Mei mendatang, 38 diantaranya merupakan kapal Vietnam.
Namun Susi menyebut kebijakan penenggelaman kapal sebetulnya sudah efektif di awal-awal. Hanya saja, dua tahun belakangan ini timbul wacana pelelangan kapal yang membuat pemilik kapal asing melakukan banding.

Wacana lelang ini juga sempat disinggung oleh Menko Maritim Luhut Pandjaitan yang menyarankan KKP untuk tidak menenggelamkan kapal, tapi melelang.

Wacana itu, kata Susi, membuat kapal-kapal asing jadi lebih berani dan agresif memasuki perairan Indonesia.

"Namanya greed keserakahan, kejahatan, pasti akan terus mencoba (memasuki perairan Indonesia)," kata Susi.

Ia menekankan pentingnya pemerintah bersikap tegas untuk menghukum para nelayan ilegal.

"Orang kita tidak pernah firm . Menghukum takut sendiri.

"Kalau bangsa kita isinya orang-orang penakut suatu hari jadi loser ," ujar Susi.

Sebelumnya, Susi menyebut pelelangan kapal adalah kebijakan yang merugikan dan akan ada potensi kapal itu digunakan lagi untuk tindakan serupa.

Susi juga bersikeras bahwa kebijakannya telah berkontribusi positif pada peningkatan stok ikan di Indonesia.

Terkait data yang menunjukkan penurunan volume ekspor hasil perikanan, Susi menyebut itu terjadi karena hasil yang ditangkap semakin berkualitas.

"Kita nggak tangkap ikan rucah (ikan kecil) lagi.Trawl (pukat), cantrang berkurang sehingga kita menuju sustainable fisheries ," katanya.

. .
Ofcourse not you dumb twat... if the capital is moved, Jakarta won't be left behind for sure as the economic activity of the whole archipelago is centered there. Billions of USD will be still invested to make it more functioning.

Plus, the ASEAN will continue to be headquartered, there, if I am not mistaken. This is by itself a strong boost for the city.

Vietnam leadership will have to continue to regularly travel there, too.
. . .
LOL at the bong saying BD will surpass Indonesia hahaha:


Indonesia consumed more energy per person in the 70s than BD does today :eek:

Export composition:



What happens when that green stuff 0-tariff access is removed by the largest richest consumer country just a little bit (so level playing field comes into view)?

Yep you guessed it :lol::

View attachment 558375

What you think happens if EU does the same thing for country reliant on 0-tariff LDC access? Everyone else that gives no such access to "free 0 competition because you are basket case" imports next to zilch from BD (be it Asia, Middle East etc).

So what is propping it up? Something from inside or simply feelings from outside because you got on knees and begged?...and now you are hooked on it because 90% reliance on it?

You call this going to compete and surpass Indonesia "Easily"? :rofl:

Why BD person even enters this comparison to try put down Indonesia is hillarious.

Vietnam and Indonesia are far more successful today than you ever will be little twit.

What the hell with the imbalance of export compositions, if EU suddenly put barrier like their preference status lifted and tax on to bd and prefer to imports textile and knitwear from Ethiopia this will massively affecting their current account ballance dont put all of your eggs in one basket!! Its just like Venezuela with their dependence on oil industry, never know what the future will hold you.

At least indonesia got balance in their export compositions there is machines, textile, auto, palm oils, coals, oils and so on
What the hell with the imbalance of export compositions, if EU suddenly put barrier like their preference status lifted and tax on to bd and prefer to imports textile and knitwear from Ethiopia this will massively affecting their current account ballance dont put all of your eggs in one basket!! Its just like Venezuela with their dependence on oil industry, never know what the future will hold you.

At least indonesia got balance in their export compositions there is machines, textile, auto, palm oils, coals, oils and so on
Hohohoho......that's why my acquaintance made a lucrative business by importing textile products from BD, and reselling it to the huge Indonesian middle class with a great profit. Cause BD have nothing else to rely except in low-cost textile manufacturing, so they will do anything to secure their textile trade, there's 90% stake there LOL, thanks BD for your raw half-finished textile products that we value-added to a greater profit!

BD is to cheap textile is like Vietnam is to dirt cheap labor (or both??).
A brief moment prior to the Vietnamese illegal fishing boats sinking into the sea. :yahoo:

Skip to 1:33... Watching this gives me eyegasm.. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
What a circus!
Ok keep mastubating

Plus, the ASEAN will continue to be headquartered, there, if I am not mistaken. This is by itself a strong boost for the city.

Vietnam leadership will have to continue to regularly travel there, too.
VN communist chief visits Beijing only one in every ten years. Do you think he should visit Jakarta more frequently? Indonesia more important than China?

Still we have seen multiple delays already, despite the funding is by no means insufficient..The project has been announced to be completed in 2018 backed in 2015 (or so it seemed), but nothing has gotten going until this year. Now, it has been delayed until 2021 at the earliest.

You see, Japan has given Vietnam the ODA loans, which is a huge amount of loan, for the upgrade in the infrastructure since a decade ago, but for some reasons, the central government in Hanoi doesn’t want to release the fund to Saigon to pay the Japanese contractors, so there have been delays because the contractors didn’t get paid.

With all that being said, it proves that your corrupted government very incompetent and untrustworthy. While Vietnam is pacing forward slowly, all your neighbouring countries are running forward fast and leaving Vietnam far behind..

There’s a saying in Indonesia which says... Winner have a thousand ways, losers have a thousand excuses! What you’re doing now is giving lame stupid excuses. That’s why Vietnam is underachieved. :enjoy:


Hanoi’s first metro project operation delayed again


Japan urges Vietnam to fast track payment for Saigon metro contractor


Both articles were released like few days ago.. so dont you dare to lie to me saying that both projects are all fixed now. :rofl:
Ok I realize you spend only in the capital. What’s about the rest? Vietnam in opposite builds metro infrastructure in Hanoi, Saigon and soon Danang. The delays are caused because the debt reaches the ceiling imposed by the parliament. Corruption exists but that’s not the main cause. Saigon agrees to pay upfront so the project will continue. The first metro will start next year. Hanoi has three metro under construction. The first will start operating this year. Two will follow in succession.

we have risen from the ashes of the wars, I believe we are not too bad. Certainly as we started by zero there are giant challenges to availability of funds, technology and manpower.

I understand Japan wants to see the money.Sure it can be paid by Japan ODA, however Japan or other is not free. Once disbursed it adds to domestic debt burden. As the government has to keep the 65 percent debt ceiling imposed by the parliament, it’s a difficult act.

Last, delays of some years on our march to first world is not a big deal. Least, by silly actions of your government.

Remember, we came from the ashes, our gdp per capita in 1980s was as low as $100. We have nothing to lose.
What a circus!
Ok keep mastubating
This is more than the 200th time we did something like this, we are used to gladly do our contribution to the environment by both arresting poachers and building homes for corals.
Ok I realize you spend only in the capital. What’s about the rest? Vietnam in opposite builds metro infrastructure in Hanoi, Saigon and soon Danang.
Until when, that we should told you again and again? Indonesian government spending so much on Jakarta is because the money is there, and it's a long term planning in preserving, fixing and building infrastructure of the (economic) capital. Do you think infrastructure-building only happen in the capital? of course not! and i currently live 800 km away from Jakarta, so i know better about the situation than you do with your speculations.
Last, delays of some years on our march to first world is not a big deal. Least, by silly actions of your government.

Remember, we came from the ashes, our gdp per capita in 1980s was as low as $100. We have nothing to lose.
ok, so why you blabbering about you're better than Indonesia at every senses, may be after 100 year you will become first world country, oh i forget you already become first world country, ALL HAIL TO ONLY SUPER POWER ON THE PLANET, "VIETNAM" @Viet :sarcastic::lol::rofl:;):enjoy:
What a circus!
Ok keep mastubating
You betcha.. I had eyegasm watching 276 + 31 more recent Vietnamese illegal fishing vessels kissing seabed.. :rofl:

VN communist chief visits Beijing only one in every ten years. Do you think he should visit Jakarta more frequently? Indonesia more important than China?
Say whatever you want but it doesnt change the fact that Jakarta is more influential/powerful city in compared to any cities in Vietnam. Jakarta is the capital of ASEAN as Indonesia is generally accepted as the de-facto leader of ASEAN. Even many countries and world's regional organization like European Union, Arab league, etc have their own ambassadors for ASEAN nations in Jakarta. Why the hell do you think Jakarta is classified as an alpha city and Hanoi is classified as a gamma city? :crazy:


Ok I realize you spend only in the capital. What’s about the rest? Vietnam in opposite builds metro infrastructure in Hanoi, Saigon and soon Danang. The delays are caused because the debt reaches the ceiling imposed by the parliament. Corruption exists but that’s not the main cause. Saigon agrees to pay upfront so the project will continue. The first metro will start next year. Hanoi has three metro under construction. The first will start operating this year. Two will follow in succession.

we have risen from the ashes of the wars, I believe we are not too bad. Certainly as we started by zero there are giant challenges to availability of funds, technology and manpower.
Yeah, right... keep making excuses like Vietnamese always do.. That wont change the fact that Vietnam is still far behind than their neigbouring countries especially ASEAN 4 (Spore, Msia, Indo and Thai).. Truth hurts.


If you consider public transports in KL, JKT and BKK as primitive, what would you call public transport in Vietnam cities then? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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