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Vietnam patrol ship provoke Indonesia Patrol Corvette in Indonesia EEZ

G20 is a worthless Club.
But ok fyi: Vietnam was invited to G20 regularly, in Hamburg, in Japan this year. even G7 meeting.

Arrival to G20 meeting in Germany

To G7 summit in Canada
Wtf.....just how many times your statements contradict each other ah??? you said that G20 is a worthless club....and then you shows us Vietnamese delegation invited to G20 summit, for what reason ah??? if it truly worthless then **** off with G20 isn't it??? but no, you want to show us that Vietnam is "a part of" G20.

If Vietnam was somehow being officially a part of G20, you will certainly boasted about it to everyone else, but you are not in it, that's why you call it worthless, twat.

ASEAN Secretariat is not hosted by Vietnam, but hosted by Indonesia instead, Viet call it worthless, unimportant and irrelevant. Vietnam is not in G20 but Indonesia is, Viet call G20 a worthless club. Might as well if the SUPAPOWA Vietnam does not host the United Nations Headquarters, Viet would too call the UN worthless lol.
@Viet please surrender already. Youre turning your country into a joke here
@Viet please surrender already. Youre turning your country into a joke here
@Viet want to completely strip Vietnam naked and without honor by the end of this thread, guess just let her(?) continue her shameless and futile effort in piecing together what's left of Vietnam's dignity, which got destroyed spectacularly in this thread.
What the hell with the imbalance of export compositions, if EU suddenly put barrier like their preference status lifted and tax on to bd and prefer to imports textile and knitwear from Ethiopia this will massively affecting their current account ballance dont put all of your eggs in one basket!! Its just like Venezuela with their dependence on oil industry, never know what the future will hold you.

At least indonesia got balance in their export compositions there is machines, textile, auto, palm oils, coals, oils and so on

Yes, BD needs to diversify it's export basket no doubt.
Removal of GSP by USA in 2013 was not the only reason that BD exports have stagnated to USA as India also has not increased it's exports to USA much in the same period.
All the ingredients are now coming together for BD to diversify away from garments within 10 years like maturity of domestic electronic and drug industry tech and massive investments in infrastructure to attract more FDI.

Until when, that we should told you again and again? Indonesian government spending so much on Jakarta is because the money is there, and it's a long term planning in preserving, fixing and building infrastructure of the (economic) capital. Do you think infrastructure-building only happen in the capital? of course not! and i currently live 800 km away from Jakarta, so i know better about the situation than you do with your speculations.

Indonesia is only spending 3% of GDP on infrastructure this year which is nowhere near enough.
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Wtf.....just how many times your statements contradict each other ah??? you said that G20 is a worthless club....and then you shows us Vietnamese delegation invited to G20 summit, for what reason ah??? if it truly worthless then **** off with G20 isn't it??? but no, you want to show us that Vietnam is "a part of" G20.

If Vietnam was somehow being officially a part of G20, you will certainly boasted about it to everyone else, but you are not in it, that's why you call it worthless, twat.

ASEAN Secretariat is not hosted by Vietnam, but hosted by Indonesia instead, Viet call it worthless, unimportant and irrelevant. Vietnam is not in G20 but Indonesia is, Viet call G20 a worthless club. Might as well if the SUPAPOWA Vietnam does not host the United Nations Headquarters, Viet would too call the UN worthless lol.
Ok can you tell me what g20 brings to Indonesia? I say g20 is useless worthless. Most of Germans say g20 is useless. It costs money but brings zero. They are against the summit. The gathering brings nothing. Vietnam was invited so the government could not deny. Ok good for photoshopping, meetings though. When Vietnamese delegates were here, Germany had seen the most serious riot in decades.


Wtf.....just how many times your statements contradict each other ah??? you said that G20 is a worthless club....and then you shows us Vietnamese delegation invited to G20 summit, for what reason ah??? if it truly worthless then **** off with G20 isn't it??? but no, you want to show us that Vietnam is "a part of" G20.

If Vietnam was somehow being officially a part of G20, you will certainly boasted about it to everyone else, but you are not in it, that's why you call it worthless, twat.

ASEAN Secretariat is not hosted by Vietnam, but hosted by Indonesia instead, Viet call it worthless, unimportant and irrelevant. Vietnam is not in G20 but Indonesia is, Viet call G20 a worthless club. Might as well if the SUPAPOWA Vietnam does not host the United Nations Headquarters, Viet would too call the UN worthless lol.

Well said, viets are like this
Yes, BD needs to diversify it's export basket no doubt.
Removal of GSP by USA in 2013 was not the only reason that BD exports have stagnated to USA as India also has not increased it's exports to USA much in the same period.
All the ingredients are now coming together for BD to diversify away from garments within 10 years like maturity of domestic electronic and drug industry tech and massive investments in infrastructure to attract more FDI.

Indonesia is only spending 3% of GDP on infrastructure this year which is nowhere near enough.

Never enough, even if Indonesia spending all of her state budget (around 210 billion US dollar) on infrastructure it will be never enough because we got a country much larger than the rest of ASEAN combined. But we spend much of our budget towards infra spending, with 29 billion US we spend much larger than the whole of Bangladesh state revenue in 2019

Never enough, even if Indonesia spending all of her state budget (around 210 billion US dollar) on infrastructure it will be never enough because we got a country much larger than the rest of ASEAN combined. But we spend much of our budget towards infra spending, with 29 billion US we spend much larger than the whole of Bangladesh state revenue in 2019


BD will be spending 17 billion US dollar on infrastructure this year which is 6% of GDP - you are on only 3% of GDP.
Infrastructure is critical to maintain fast growth and Indonesia needs to spend much more - maybe double what it is spending.

PS - BD government revenue for 2019 will be around 35 US billion dollars.
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Ok can you tell me what g20 brings to Indonesia? I say g20 is useless worthless. Most of Germans say g20 is useless. It costs money but brings zero. They are against the summit. The gathering brings nothing. Vietnam was invited so the government could not deny. Ok good for photoshopping, meetings though. When Vietnamese delegates were here, Germany had seen the most serious riot in decades.


Most Germans? Nah, only in Hamburg.. The anti-capitalist left is relatively strong there in Hamburg, meaning that some people see those summits as gatherings of “cruel” capitalist nations and want to protest against that. These people are upset at the audacity of leaders of the 20 wealthiest nations on earth getting together with great pomp and ceremony to decide the fate of the rest of the world.

Then there are people in the world who just love to get together and start riots just for the sake of fighting and looting and burning. These people are called, and call themselves, anarchists. Anarchists don’t need a reason to do what they do except they have fun disrupting civilization. Other than this they have no real agenda.

The fact is mostly every G7/G20 Summits have been heavily protested against by various groups.. The most predominant of which has been anarchists. The G7/G20 summits represent government in manner that is more poignant than any other gathering.. They are the largest meetup of government leaders and are the location of planning between world governments.. These summits are the pinnacle of what anarchists oppose and that is why they always protest at them... Understood?? I do really hope your tiny pea sized brain can comprehend what i just typed this time. :enjoy:

Indonesia is only spending 3% of GDP on infrastructure this year which is nowhere near enough.
Even with that 3 % of GDP, we could already have infrastructure boom in Indonesia. Ever since Jokowi became the president, we’ve seen tollways and bridges being built outside Java Island. He knew really well of how important infrastructure is and how the economy should be distributed outside Java Island. Under his presidency, Indonesia’s total tollways length became the longest in Southeast Asia, surpassing Malaysia..Not only tollways, but also other infrastructures being built massively all across Indonesia such as railways, airports, seaports, dams, etc, etc.. :enjoy:

Even with that 3 % of GDP, we could already have infrastructure boom in Indonesia. Ever since Jokowi became the president, we’ve seen tollways and bridges being built outside Java Island. He knew really well of how important infrastructure is and how the economy should be distributed outside Java Island. Under his presidency, Indonesia’s total tollways length became the longest in Southeast Asia, surpassing Malaysia..Not only tollways, but also other infrastructures being built massively all across Indonesia such as railways, airports, seaports, dams, etc, etc.. :enjoy:


Yes that is a good start but he needs to keep going till he gets to 5-6% of GDP for infrastructure.
BD will be spending 17 billion US dollar on infrastructure this year which is 6% of GDP - you are on only 3% of GDP.
Infrastructure is critical to maintain fast growth and Indonesia needs to spend much more - maybe double what it is spending.

PS - BD government revenue for 2019 will be around 35 US billion dollars.
I like the fact that this UK resident of BD descent keeps lecturing Indonesia on economics........when BD's economy is much less diversified and less healthy than Indonesia's economy. This is the ultimate irony, first it was the Viets, now it's this guy that tried to lecture Indonesia, in what way that BD government is such a genius ah? like in relying 90% of it's economy on the textile industry? hell with this guy in UK pretending to know so much about BD's "economic potential", when the fact that even members of other nationalities pointed out the exact data of BD's lackluster economy.

Wth, you and Viet are the same kind of creature, lives in European countries, UK and DE respectively, but so fixated on your idea of BD, and not the reality of BD itself, like you know it better from your far away place. Hell, it's the first time that i saw someone showing off 1800 USD and 2300 USD GDP per capita and being proud about it simply due to the 7% growth that still so far away from "developed" or "high income" level.
BD will be spending 17 billion US dollar on infrastructure this year which is 6% of GDP - you are on only 3% of GDP.
Infrastructure is critical to maintain fast growth and Indonesia needs to spend much more - maybe double what it is spending.

PS - BD government revenue for 2019 will be around 35 US billion dollars.

Will be? Dont be a liar, this clearly stated Bd state budget for infra spending is 32555 taka crore, or around 3,8 billion US dollar and your state budget is only around 51 billion US dollar with state revenue projected around 26 billion US dollar and those excerpt can be accessed toward bd ministry of finance and become public announcement

Wtf UKBengali, your lecturing attitude is the cringiest thing that i have seen in awhile, showing only a bread crumb to fix the hellish BD's transport infrastructure??? Hell no. If you just don't believe me, then just type "Bangladesh" on google image, and even simple machine like that will shows us the truth about the whole situation. Even then, this guy thought that BD is in any position to lecture Indonesia, what a f*cking b*llsh*t.

Bangladesh and Bangladeshi does not have the best reputation in Southeast Asian countries (except maybe if your lover Viet said otherwise), so many controversial things and stereotypes, and i advise that you don't tarnish the bad image any further. And of course, always remember that BD is not in a position to lecture Indonesia, not in a single thing, as you might forgot this truth after being a resident in the far away UK.
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Most Germans? Nah, only in Hamburg.. The anti-capitalist left is relatively strong there in Hamburg, meaning that some people see those summits as gatherings of “cruel” capitalist nations and want to protest against that. These people are upset at the audacity of leaders of the 20 wealthiest nations on earth getting together with great pomp and ceremony to decide the fate of the rest of the world.

Then there are people in the world who just love to get together and start riots just for the sake of fighting and looting and burning. These people are called, and call themselves, anarchists. Anarchists don’t need a reason to do what they do except they have fun disrupting civilization. Other than this they have no real agenda.

The fact is mostly every G7/G20 Summits have been heavily protested against by various groups.. The most predominant of which has been anarchists. The G7/G20 summits represent government in manner that is more poignant than any other gathering.. They are the largest meetup of government leaders and are the location of planning between world governments.. These summits are the pinnacle of what anarchists oppose and that is why they always protest at them... Understood?? I do really hope your tiny pea sized brain can comprehend what i just typed this time. :enjoy:

Even with that 3 % of GDP, we could already have infrastructure boom in Indonesia. Ever since Jokowi became the president, we’ve seen tollways and bridges being built outside Java Island. He knew really well of how important infrastructure is and how the economy should be distributed outside Java Island. Under his presidency, Indonesia’s total tollways length became the longest in Southeast Asia, surpassing Malaysia..Not only tollways, but also other infrastructures being built massively all across Indonesia such as railways, airports, seaports, dams, etc, etc.. :enjoy:

You shouldn’t worry of my brain, we are better in the Pisa ranking, forgotten?

Your government should spend more on education. For Vietnamese, nothing is more important than education for the kids. Hamburg is the richest city in Germany, you shouldn’t worry about it. But seriously, I wonder where your government spends the money? You spend less on education, less on health care, less on military, less in infrastructure. Vietnamese eat more, consume more energy, live longer. Obviously you spend more on fuel and food subsidies, on religious schools.

You spend huge sum on Jakarta although you know the city has no future. Your furniture seller announces he wants to relocate but he doesn’t know to where.

Education is everything!

If you are educated, you see the world in different eyes.
You shouldn’t worry of my brain, we are better in the Pisa ranking, forgotten?

Your government should spend more on education. For Vietnamese, nothing is more important than education for the kids. Hamburg is the richest city in Germany, you shouldn’t worry about it. But seriously, I wonder where your government spends the money? You spend less on education, less on health care, less on military. Vietnamese eat more, consume more energy, live longer. Obviously you spend more on fuel and food subsidies, on religious schools.
All of these bullshits you said already debunked, no need further argument. Vietnam's GDP sh*t, GDP per capita sh*t, government revenue sh*t, R&D sh*t, government spending sh*t, and so many people here provided the data that you knew are true, but ashamed to admit, and you rely on diverting the discussion so that Vietnam's shitty situation will not be discussed.
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