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Vietnam, Japan Sign Deal for Nuclear-Plant Study

Bombay Dude

Sep 11, 2011
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In Japan's most aggressive move to promote exports of nuclear technology since the Fukushima Daiichi accident in March, a Tokyo-based utility consortium signed a deal with Vietnam on Wednesday to conduct a feasibility study for two new reactors.

The agreement comes as a lifeline to Japan's nuclear industry, which harbors ambitions of expanding abroad, even as its future is in doubt at home. Amid a post-disaster reassessment of energy policy, the government has vowed to reduce dependence on nuclear power for domestic electricity generation. But it has continued to push nuclear technology in overseas markets.

For Vietnam, where rapid economic growth has increased demand for electricity, the contract with Japan Atomic Power Co. offers a way to diversify its energy mix beyond two Russian nuclear reactors currently under construction. The government said last year it plans by 2030 to have 13 nuclear reactors at eight separate plants with a combined capacity of 15,000 megawatts—representing 7% of the Vietnam's total generation capacity, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong said Wednesday.

"This important milestone ... shows Vietnam's determination to develop nuclear power plants, especially in the face of global economic difficulties and after the incident at Japan's Fukushima plant," Mr. Vuong said at the signing ceremony in Hanoi.

Lessons from the Fukushima disaster will be taken into account in the Vietnamese project, according to officials from Japan Atomic Power, a consortium of Japan's nine nuclear utilities, including Fukushima Daiichi plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

"We pledge to work hard to ensure the nuclear power development of Vietnam," said Japan Atomic Power President Yasuo Hamada.

Vietnam, Japan Sign Deal for Nuclear-Plant Study - WSJ.com
We will have two Power Plants: 1 from Russian and 1 from Japan technologies will be provided. We are sill discussing with US to have US technology for enrich uranium in Vietnam. It reported that some big Uranium mines founded recently.
We will have two Power Plants: 1 from Russian and 1 from Japan technologies will be provided. We are sill discussing with US to have US technology for enrich uranium in Vietnam. It reported that some big Uranium mines founded recently.

The US could support whatever you want in order to deter against China, but only the nuke option is out of the question.

Since you guys are not Israel.
The US could support whatever you want in order to deter against China, but only the nuke option is out of the question.

Since you guys are not Israel.

Don't interfere to. Our policy is to be friend to all countries in the world. First at all we have to take care about energy to country. We may have to pay high price to US be course Vietnam isn't Israel.
If Vietnam makes nukes, that is an existential threat to China, and we should reserve the right to dump nuclear waste into the Mekong to permanently damage Vietnam's ecosystem and make half their country uninhabitable.
If Vietnam makes nukes, that is an existential threat to China, and we should reserve the right to dump nuclear waste into the Mekong to permanently damage Vietnam's ecosystem and make half their country uninhabitable.

That's pure evil thought .... protecting the country against invasion or threat by killing is one thing but making them suffer for life is ignominious ....
That's pure evil thought .... protecting the country against invasion or threat by killing is one thing but making them suffer for life is ignominious ....

If they continue on their path of aggression and self destruction we will have no choice but to protect ourselves.
If they continue on their path of aggression and self destruction we will have no choice but to protect ourselves.

Then Why NK and Pakistan have Nuke ? Isn't their path of aggression and self destruction ?

Or Different criteria as per own comfort ?
Then Why NK and Pakistan have Nuke ? Isn't their their path of aggression and self destruction ?

North Korea is threatened by the US that they will wipe them out every day. North Korea is totally justified because they have a bullet target painted on their head by US military.

Pakistan is also feels threatened by India, whether thats valid or not I cannot comment but the perceptions can become reality. However, China is not a threat to Vietnam, because we have alot of cross border trade and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese work in China every day, taking jobs away from our low wage workers and causing social unrest, and the government is powerless to stop them. So their acquiring nuclear weapons is true aggression and self destruction, and must be punished.
North Korea is threatened by the US that they will wipe them out every day. North Korea is totally justified because they have a bullet target painted on their head by US military.

Pakistan is also feels threatened by India, whether thats valid or not I cannot comment but the perceptions can become reality. However, China is not a threat to Vietnam, because we have alot of cross border trade and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese work in China every day, taking jobs away from our low wage workers and causing social unrest, and the government is powerless to stop them.

Pakistan now even needs to upgrade its nuclear arsenal, since Uncle Sam is now going after them.
North Korea is threatened by the US that they will wipe them out every day. North Korea is totally justified because they have a bullet target painted on their head by US military.

Pakistan is also feels threatened by India, whether thats valid or not I cannot comment but the perceptions can become reality. However, China is not a threat to Vietnam, because we have alot of cross border trade and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese work in China every day, taking jobs away from our low wage workers and causing social unrest, and the government is powerless to stop them. So their acquiring nuclear weapons is true aggression and self destruction, and must be punished.

They have legitimate claim on few Island and Part of south China sea. Also,

1. In 1974, China invaded the Paracel islands 250 miles from the coast of Vietnam,killed 34 Vietnamese soldiers and illegally occupied these islands since.

2. In 1979, China crossed borders into Vietnam killed 65,000 mostly civilian Vietnamese and destroyed every public and private property in these border towns after being driven back by Vietnamese forces.

3. In 1984, China attacked some islands within the Spratly islands that populated by Vietnamese for generations and killed 28 people.

4. During the past 30 years and significantly more in the past 5 years, Chinese navy and armed merchant ships have kidnapped for ransom countless Vietnamese fishermen within their Exclusive Economic Zones ( 200 nm ) causing excessive hardship for these poor families. If Vietnam ( as well as many other ASEAN nations ) is seeking assistance from other countries, that is because they know all too well the lessons they learned from dealing with their bully neighbor, China.

So, They have same threat perception.
If Vietnam makes nukes, that is an existential threat to China, and we should reserve the right to dump nuclear waste into the Mekong to permanently damage Vietnam's ecosystem and make half their country uninhabitable.

I hope wise Chinese people don't think so.
However, under threatening and bulling of our enemy, Vietnam has a right to produce his own nuke for response the same manner as our enemy dare using nuke against us.
When china do such as to dump nuclear waste into the Mekong it will be effected to Laos, Thailand an Cambodia. China Gov shall be wanted as crimes against humanity shall be taken to international court to punish.
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