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Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

we have centuries of Cultural ties with Vietnam.

now you have more ties with Maoists I guess,lol..

did I say you hate him? or let me rephrase my words, you love the Americans because they killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese.

No, we do not love them, also do not keep hatred them forever, simply the win-win cooperations.
Don't you love the US dollar? Don't they give you billions of dollars annually?
he also killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, that's why you hate China more than the US.

Er last i recall Mao died before the Sino-Vietnamese war happened. Unless you feel it was wrong of Mao to support North Vietnam in the US-Vietnam war , which killed millions of Vietnamese and you hold Mao responsible for the deaths of Vietnamese during US-Vietnam war?
Er last i recall Mao died before the Sino-Vietnamese war happened. Unless you feel it was wrong of Mao to support North Vietnam in the US-Vietnam war , which killed millions of Vietnamese and you hold Mao responsible for the deaths of Vietnamese during US-Vietnam war?

that was a proxy war,Mao want them to kill each other and he succeeded.

Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge

by Bob Seals

“Best turn it into a bigger war…I’m afraid you really ought to send more troops to the South…Don’t be afraid of U.S. intervention, at most it’s no worse than having another Korean War. The Chinese army is prepared, and if America takes the risk of attacking North Vietnam, the Chinese army will march in at once. Our troops want a war now.”[1]
-- Mao speaking to the North Vietnamese in 1964

So why did the powerful modern nations of France and the United States lose two wars in Vietnam to a third rate military power like North Vietnam? This is the logical question that many historians have asked and attempted to answer since the Second Vietnam War ended in April 1975 with the fall of Saigon to North Vietnamese tanks.

This Chinese military support, to include equipment, advisors and planning assistance, provided from 1949-1975, would prove in both the First and Second Indochina Wars to be decisive. This substantial military support would give the People‘s Army of Vietnam an edge to resist Western forces and eventually subjugate the Republic of South Vietnam. This support, for various reasons, has never really been acknowledged by most popular histories of the conflict. This is perhaps due to the fact that such acknowledgement of the massive Chinese military support provided challenges many cherished myths of Vietnamese Communist military brilliance and the “heroic struggle” against overwhelming western imperialists. Two recent histories bear this out. Case in point A Military History of China, edited by David A. Graff makes no mention of Chinese support for Vietnam while Bruce A. Elleman’s Modern Chinese Warfare, 1795-1989, dismisses Chinese support in a mere two sentences.[3] However, unless this decisive Chinese support is properly understood by students of both Vietnam wars the answer to the question of why North Vietnam won will remain incomplete and misunderstood. This paper will attempt to outline the Chinese communist support in both wars and explain exactly why this support was so decisive.

China communist Party and North Vietnam power signed up agreements about PLA sent troops to Vietnam fight against American imperialist in 1965. At the same year, PLA send air defensive missile force, air defensive artillery, engineering force, railways troops, sweep mine team and shipping fleet and so on support North Vietnam. And carried on battle and supported tasks.
Chia total sent 320,000 troops to support North Vietnam until 1968 March, At the same time, China provided numerous military equipments and battle supplies. Include 170 planes, 140 ships and 500 tanks, 16000 trucks, cannon 37000, 2.16 millions guns ,bullets and shells add up to 12800 millions. In additional to these, and trained 6000 persons and technologists, through Vietnam war ,China gave an huge human power, finance, substance assistances for North Vietnam, count in supplies equality more the 20 billion dollars.

Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge
dude , those maoist picture are not gonna help. the fact is that no one cares about maoist in india, now they are just for vote nothing else , and those ppl u see marching with mao picture ( most of them dont even know who the hell was mao ze dong) are only for free food and support for thr local leaders ,
Who gave you this funny map beijing walker. :lol::lol:
dude , those maoist picture are not gonna help. the fact is that no one cares about maoist in india, now they are just for vote nothing else , and those ppl u see marching with mao picture ( most of them dont even know who the hell was mao ze dong) are only for free food and support for thr local leaders ,

nobody cares about him in China also,it's you fellow Indians brought him to this thread,not us.

Who gave you this funny map beijing walker. :lol::lol:

you want it you have it,you google and you can get tons of them.
If China had not shaked hands with France to divide Vietnam into two parts in 1954, we did not fall into the bloody war - Vietnam War later.
that was a proxy war,Mao want them to kill each other

In other words Mao's support in US-Vietnam war was merely propaganda,

No support for communism?

No support for fighitng Western imperialism?

Merely using a fellow Asian nation as cannon fodder for one own propaganda against West

and he succeeded.

I don't think so, if it was succesfull, Khmer Rouge wouldn't have ended nor, Sino-Vietnamese war would have occurred.

that was a proxy war,Mao want them to kill each other

In other words Mao's support in US-Vietnam war was merely propaganda,

No support for communism?

No support for fighitng Western imperialism?

Merely using a fellow Asian nation as cannon fodder for one own propaganda against West

and he succeeded.

I don't think so, if it was succesfull, Khmer Rouge wouldn't have ended nor, Sino-Vietnamese war would have occurred.
i know about cultural revolution and gang of four

i meant that Mao is also well known as much as Ho Chi Minh

in China,We don't care about who was more famous,Mao or Ho Chi Minh ,they were both dead people,haha
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