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Vietnam Economy Forum

Not bad: Vietnam is elected as Chairman of IAEA Board of Governors for the 2013-2014 term.


Vietnam elected Chair of IAEA Board of Governors | Tu
Yeah, its time to make some nuke warhead secretly and mount it into our nuke capable missile Shaddock :woot:
Is China Past Its Manufacturing Prime? [Market Vectors Vietnam ETF., Global X China Industrials ETF] - Seeking Alpha

Is China Past Its Manufacturing Prime?

China's Market Share Gains Are Flattening

Vietnam Is a Big Winner

Vietnam has been a big winner from a series of free trade agreements over the last decade including its ascension to the WTO in 2007. Nike already makes 40% of its shoes in Vietnam -- more than in China. In our view, investors should look out for other multinationals in footwear and apparel -- and their suppliers -- that could reap significant cost benefits from expansion outside China.

Even in electronics, where China looks more resilient, change is imminent. Despite its strong supplier base and other competitive advantages, China's market share gains have stagnated -- and Vietnam has doubled its share from a very low base. Following Intel in 2010, Samsung, Nokia and others have invested in factories in Vietnam.
A Vietnamese businessman said foreign manufacturers now have great advantage over domestic ones, because they control ¾ of the distribution channels.

He said foreign manufacturers have been following a long term strategy, under which they sell products at very low prices to make the products more competitive, which allows lodging their rivals out of the market.

The selling price of Colgate Vietnam, for example, is just equal to 1/3 or ½ of the selling price in other South East Asian countries.

This means that the manufacturer could make the modest profit of 2 percent from every product sold in Vietnam, while it could pocket the high profit of 25 percent in other countries.

“Once big brands deliberately lower their selling prices, or sell products at below the production costs, domestic brands will not be able to exist,” the businessman said.
“You just can drag your miserable existence or break even,” he added.

Ngo Trung Quan, General Director of Dai Viet Huong Company, said if the dumping occurs, foreigners will not only prevent domestic manufacturers from joining the market, but also control the fast moving consumer goods.

“Domestic enterprises need to obtain 30 percent of the market share if they wan to have 2 percent of profit. Meanwhile, P/S and Colgate alone hold 90 percent of the market share already,” he explained.

“It is clear that no one can exist in a market where products are sold at below the standard prices,” he continued.

The previous owner of P/S, Nguyen Hung Viet, after selling the P/S brand, decided to set up a new joint stock company and make Hynos toothpaste, a once well-known product in 1960s and 1970s in the south.

However, despite his great efforts in branding and product quality improving, Hynos still remains unfamiliar to the majority of consumers. The company has been living mostly on doing the outsourcing for other enterprises’ private brands.

Dacco brand toothpaste of Daso Company has also disappeared from the domestic market. To date, only two Vietnamese brands still can exist, namely Da Lan of ICC and Doreen of Dai Viet Huong.

According to Quan, Dai Viet Huong can sell some 300,000 products a month, but the turnover is still not enough for it to make profit. Before Dai Viet Huong can break even, it incurred the loss for two years.

Dai Viet Huong has been focusing on developing the distribution network in provinces and cities, while supermarkets can only bring 10-15 percent of the total turnover. Contrary to all predictions, Doreen has been positioned as high grade product, not low cost product.

Meanwhile, ICC has been trying to boost sales through supermarkets after it launched a lot of program, under which products were sold directly to consumers.

However, Nhon admitted that the sales in the domestic market remain modest, while ICC has been living on exports. The company exports 4 containers of products to Cuba and a small amount to Cambodia.

Nhon noted that the toothpaste market is a special market, where consumers are very conservative. They may use the toothpaste products of the same brands for many years. ICC once ran the program “buy one and get one free,” but consumers still chose the products with foreign brands.
Foreigners sell toothpaste at below production costs? - News VietNamNet
Workers in these enterprises lost their jobs and their wages are unpaid while Vietnam does not have policies to support these workers.

The Binh Duong Province Tax Bureau has a list of FDI enterprises that are “lost,” for example--the Deok Chang Complex Co. Ltd., Woodus Co., Ltd. LD Scanmach Vietnam Co., Ltd., Diing Long Vietnam ... because the investors have left their companies in Vietnam secretly, leaving no trace.

Other provinces which attract large FDI capital such as HCM City and Hanoi also have long lists of such companies, for instance--Shin Cap (100 Korean own company in HCM City), Hojin Company (HCM City), Kwang Sung Vietnam (Dong Nai), Tan Dai Viet (Thai Binh), etc. In the country as a whole, by May 31, 2013, there were 518 FDI companies of this kind, with 105 and 166 in Hanoi and HCM City.

These companies mainly operate in the service fields, such as business management, construction, real estate, commerce, software, catering, restaurants...

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), the majority of these companies are invested in by South Korea and China. These investors leased premises of other investors.

In most of the cases, foreign investors left Vietnam because of incurring losses. However, according to MPI, some investors after achieving the aim of raising funds and sending workers to Vietnam left the country.

Although these companies are in small scale (capital of under $500,000) the consequence left by the absence of the boss is complicated. Most companies owe social insurance or wages. However, there is no accurate statistics of the number of workers who are victims of these cases.

In addition to the consequences suffered by workers, the state authorities cannot recover investment certificates and seals.

Mr. Tran Hao Hung - Director of the Legal Affairs Department of the MPI – said that in this situation, the authorities must have solutions. However, he also acknowledged that the current law does not have provisions on recovery of investment certificates with FDI enterprises with the bosses who fled from Vietnam.

The regulations on the maximum time of temporarily closure of businesses remain unclear. It is 12 months according to Article 64 of the Law on Investment and two consecutive years in Decree 43 of the government.

Thus, the MPI has proposed to ask foreign investor to deposit for land leasing projects. The ministry also proposed to revoke investment certificates of FDI projects that do not work for six months, without report.
Over 500
yue10, I don´t need to visit a circus as I have such a clown like you.
some economic data

- overseas remittances is expected to be $10.6bn, up 6.5% over 2012, according to the World Bank
- $15bn of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first nine months of this year, a surge of 36.1%
- export $131bn, import $131.5bn, an increase of 15%, is expected this year
- poverty rate will fall to 7.6% by the end of this year and to 2% in 2014
yue10, I don´t need to visit a circus as I have such a clown like you.
why I am a clown? should I be like your Viets and just recite BS

some economic data
- overseas remittances is expected to be $10.6bn, up 6.5% over 2012, according to the World Bank- $15bn of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first nine months of this year, a surge of 36.1%
- export $131bn, import $131.5bn, an increase of 15%, is expected this year
- poverty rate will fall to 7.6% by the end of this year and to 2% in 2014
more economic data

- inflation 7%
- unemployment rate 2-3%
- foreign tourist arrivals totalled 5.5 million after the first nine months of this year, up 9.9%, but 23.5% up in revenue
- GDP growth to be 5.2-5.5% this year

All in all not too bad, but the growth rate sucks, more needs to be done before we return to 8-9%.
Hahaha Vietnam don't needed nuke weapons, good joke lol!

If we dont need it, then we wont demand the right to enrich uranium on our own soil, bro .

back to the topic.
Kerry Says Trans-Pacific Trade Pact About Jobs, Growth

By Merle David Kellerhals Jr. | Staff Writer | 08 October 2013


Secretary Kerry and U.S. Trade Representative Froman seated, talking (AP Images)
Secretary of State Kerry talks briefly with U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman during meetings of the Trans-Pacific Partnership at APEC in Bali on October 8.
Washington — Secretary of State John Kerry says a proposed 12-member Trans-Pacific Partnership seeks to generate economic growth and fresh jobs by sparking a wave of investment and business development across the Asia-Pacific region.

“At a time when we, all of us, seek strong and sustainable growth, TPP is creating a race to the top, not to the bottom,” Kerry said. The fact that the trade and investment pact seeks the highest standards over any previous international trade agreement will be good for businesses, workers, economics, stability and relations among nations, he said.
“It’s why we are working to complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations by the end of this year,” Kerry added at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum’s chief executives’ summit in Bali October 7.

In a joint statement October 8 following a leaders’ meeting, the 12 nations negotiating the TPP agreement — Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States — announced that they are on track to complete TPP negotiations. TPP ministers have been working in smaller groups in recent months on the legal texts and annexes on access to their respective goods, services, investment, financial services, government procurement and temporary entry markets.
“We have agreed that negotiators should now proceed to resolve all outstanding issues with the objective of completing this year a comprehensive and balanced, regional agreement,” the joint statement says.
The meeting with the leaders of TPP nations was held October 8 on the sidelines of the 21-member APEC summit being held on the Indonesian island of Bali. Kerry represented President Obama at the leaders’ meetings because the president remained in Washington to work on a budget impasse with the U.S. Congress.
U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman told journalists in Bali that trade ministers have been working on TPP and are strongly committed to concluding negotiations on schedule.
“In Brunei in August, and now in Bali, trade ministers have been charting a path forward on outstanding issues, particularly state-owned enterprises, intellectual property rights, environment and market access, in order to move the negotiations toward completion,” Froman said.
The 12-nation group seeking a new trade partnership says it wants the “deepest and broadest possible liberalization of trade and investment” to ensure the greatest benefits. They said the partnership is seen as setting pioneering standards for new trade disciplines and as a model for future trade agreements. APEC leaders have set a goal of achieving a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific.
President Obama launched the TPP on the margins of the 2010 APEC leaders’ meeting in Yokohama, Japan, and then again during the 2011 APEC meeting in Honolulu hosted by the United States, a senior administration official told journalists during a briefing October 8. The goal of the TPP is to create a comprehensive, high-standard trade agreement that brings new disciplines into the global trading system that reflects the current challenges of the international trading system, he said.
There have been 19 rounds of talks, several ministerial meetings, several leaders’ meetings and dozens of smaller meetings with chief negotiators, trade ministers and the TPP leaders, the official said. He added that the partnership nations are not going to accept a poor agreement just to meet a deadline, but the collective view is that while the partnership is an ambitious undertaking, it is also a doable one.

Read more: Kerry Says Trans-Pacific Trade Pact About Jobs, Growth | IIP Digital
where is the member 'Viet', I want to know what he think about TPP, one of your Viets countryman was abused me on different forum about this TPP, it is mentality of slaves to accept TPP but that is what your Viets always are
where is the member 'Viet', I want to know what he think about TPP, one of your Viets countryman was abused me on different forum about this TPP, it is mentality of slaves to accept TPP but that is what your Viets always are

Create your own TPP forum if you wanted to discuss about it. And carry your true flags
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