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Vietnam Defence Forum

Rolldock sea arrived Singapore few min ago.
cargo vessel with submarine HQ 182 Hanoi heading to Cam Ranh port


Voice of Russia reported Zelenodolsk Shipyard has completed the first phase of building the third Gepard frigate: hull and superstructure

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After more than one month of sea voyage from St. Petersburg, the first Kilo-class submarine has arrived at Cam Ranh Bay.

After more than one month of sea voyage from St. Petersburg, the first Kilo-class submarine has arrived at Cam Ranh Bay.

I don't want to go off-topic but your avatar scares me. :sad:

LRAD 1000Xi



VN marrine police vessel equipped with LRAD 1000Xi
The superior voice intelligibility and clarity of the LRAD 1000Xi provides powerful broadcasts that achieve maximum sound projection and penetration beyond 3,000 meters. The extended frequency range of the LRAD-X ensures voice commands will be clearly understood.

The LRAD 1000Xi uses directionality and focused acoustic output to clearly transmit critical information, instructions and warnings up to distances of 3,000 meters in many environments. Through the use of powerful voice commands and deterrent tones, large safety zones can be created while determining the intent and influencing the behavior of an intruder.

LRAD 1000Xi can be manually operated to provide long distance hailing and warning.


  • Longer stand-off distances for increased asset protection
  • Larger coverage with fewer personnel
  • Determination of intent of groups or individuals from extended distances
  • Maritime vessels to clearly and forcefully communicate with small vessels that pose a threat
    • Perimeter/Infrastructure protection for oil and gas platforms, mining operations, and chemical/power plants
    • Transmitting bird distress calls to repel targeted birds from crops, buildings, and airports
    • Enforcement of safety zones for maritime vessels

LRAD System Specifications
Maximum Continuous Output153dB SPL @ 1 meter, A-weighted
Beam Width+/- 15° at 1 kHz
Communications RangeHighly intelligible speech transmissions over 3000 meters; *Max range of 1250 meters over 88 dB of background noise.

Emitter Array Dimension36” W x 40“ H x 13” D
Electronics Module Dimension11” W x 5.5“ H x 2” D
Weight87 lbs
ConstructionCarbon fiber; 6061 Aluminum
stainless steel, 316 Stainless hardwareLRAD Corporation - LRAD 1000Xi Long Range Acoustic Device
With all the military hardware that Vietnam is purchasing, do they reverse engineer them to try to develop their own?
If we want to develop weapon ourselve, we officially request for licence, pal !!!
Vietnam Consider Purchasing T-90 Tanks from Russia

T-90 main battle tank (photo : Army Technology)

Vietnam Ministry of Defense is considering the possibility to upgrade T-72 tanks out there and buy a new rise of the Russian T-90, according to Voice of Russia 10.1 days.

Storage tanks of Vietnam has long been in need of improvement and now consists mainly of type T-72 and T-55 Soviet production, electronic portal i-Mash.ru said.

Vietnam Ministry of Defense is considering the possibility of upgrading the T-72 tank and buy a new tank T-90. Military experts studied the T-90 tank during military exercises in India.

Russian tanks meet the requirements of the military in Vietnam. However, it would have a hard time to unify the entire tank storage. To reduce the cost of maintenance, the tank unit must be re-armed with new combat vehicles, accompanied by the complexity of organization and logistics.

The T-90 is the upgraded version of the T-72. The T-90 weighs 47.5 tons, range 550-700 km. Vehicles equipped with 1 125 mm guns, one 12.7 mm machine guns, one 7.62 mm machine guns, more bullets smoke launchers. Be explosion-proof armored vehicles, thermal imaging systems, laser sight, electronic jamming system against anti-tank missiles.
From 2011 the Russian army stops ordering the T-90, waiting for a more modern type of T-99 (from 2020).


Friday, January 10, 2013 10:14 AM
Vietnam would like to buy Russian-made T-90 main battle tanks to increase its military power.
According to the website Voice of Russia, Vietnam would like to buy Russian-made main battle tank T-90. Vietnam wants to equip its armed forces with modern main battle tanks to response about the increase of military power from its neighboring countries.

The latest upgrade of
T-90 Russian-made main battle tank, the T-90S, was showed at Russian Arms Expo defense exhibition, September 2013, in Russia.
Vietnamese armed forces are currently equipped with old tanks delivered by Russia and China, the Russian T-55 and T-62, and the Chinese-made Type 59.

The T-90 is the latest generation of Russian-made main battle tank. It is currently the most modern tank in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Naval Infantry.

At the Defense Exhibition Russian Arms Expo 2013, the Russian Defense Company Uralvagonzavod has presented the latest upgrade of T-90 main battle tank, the T-90S also called T-90MS.

In 2001, India bought 310 T-90S tanks from Russia, of which 120 were delivered complete, 90 in semi-knocked down kits, and 100 in completely knocked down kits. The T-90 was selected because it is a direct development of the T-72 that India already employs with 60% logistics commonality with T-90 simplifying training and maintenance.

Russia has long been Vietnam’s top supplier of weapon and military equipment. In August 2013, Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang was in Russia to boost military ties, in line with the two countries’ efforts to build on a strategic partnership they signed last year.

In 2012, Vietnam signed a deal to borrow $8 billion from Russia to build its first nuclear power plant. Russian state-run utility and nuclear energy company Rosatom is expected to start the project next year, with operations ready in 2020.

In 2009 Vietnam ordered six Kilo-class, diesel-electric submarines, the first of which is scheduled to go into service this month, Mr. Hardy said. Since 2009 Vietnam has also acquired 20 Sukhoi Su-30MK2 fighter aircraft, Svetlyak-class (Project 1041.2) fast attack craft, and Gepard frigates from Russia, he said.

Vietnam doesn’t publicize its defense budget for the recent years as it often considers military activities to be state secrets. The defense budget was last disclosed in the 2009 Defense White Paper, reaching $1.46 billion in 2008, equal to 1.8% of GDP that year.

Vietnam would like to buy Russian-made T-90 main battle tanks to increase its military power 1001141 - Army Recognition
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