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Vietnam conducts air defense exercises against PLAAF threat

haha ,that's really silly comment,when was China under control from birts?what year to what year?history books seem different in Indian from other parts of the world,haha
when u lost a war with english and u nodded for every thing what they said :rofl:
Chinese Expeditionary Forces fought and died so hard to during the ww2 to save your India's butt.if not for China,India could've fallen to Japan easily.

mate Japan didnt even come close to India
they were too busy raping your women in Nanking
when u lost a war with english and u nodded for every thing what they said :rofl:

haha,you changed your words now,I asked you when was China under the british control?and if we were under their control,there would be no wars bw us.like no wars between India and Britain cause India was not a country.Britain fought many wars in the history even with its neighbors,not every won war resulted in Britishi conolization like what happedn in India.
mate Japan didnt even come close to India
they were too busy raping your women in Nanking

how close is close?

The Japanese had advanced to Burma as her army had steamrollered all before it between 1942 and 1943. The British had surrendered at Singapore and the Americans, lead by Douglas MacArthur, had left the Philippines. As the Japanese advanced west, they came to Burma. Here their supply lines were stretched to the limit and only a minority of the Japanese Army was stationed there – the majority were in the Pacific region.

The main threat to the Japanese came from the Chinese Army in India (CAI). The Indian Army, under the British, had lost their best men to the campaign in North Africa. The British military hierarchy was also only prepared to take on the Japanese when it felt that British troops were sufficiently trained in jungle warfare.

In January 1943, Indian troops were given the task of advancing along the Burmese coast to the port of Akyab. This was done by the 14th Indian Division. They found only light Japanese resistance and many Japanese posts were manned by just a few soldiers. The real problem for the Allies was the environment. Burma was criss-crossed with jungle, mountains, rivers and mangrove swamps. Moving equipment was a nightmare across such hazardous terrain and worse was the constant threat of disease. Malaria was a very real problem.

Where the Japanese were stationed, they had dug themselves in. This made attacking them difficult as their bunkers had been well constructed and well camouflaged. Most could only be destroyed by heavy artillery and moving such equipment about in Burma was extremely difficult. Combined to the well-placed and well-built bunkers, was the fighting spirit of the Japanese who fought until death.

The 14th Indian Division launched a series of attacks against the Japanese at Akyab but after six weeks they had to pull back as a result of a Japanese counter-attack. The 14th Division returned to India – apparently highly demoralised as a result of their experience.

Capture of Indian territory
Main articles: Invasion and occupation of the Andaman Islands during World War II, Battle of Kohima, and Battle of Imphal

By 1942, neighbouring Burma was invaded by Japan. By then it had already captured the Indian territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. As a major possession of the United Kingdom, Japan looked to invade India, as it provided natural resources and could possibly be used as a staging post for an advance into the Middle East and the British oil fields in Persia and Iraq. Japan ceded the Andaman and Nicobar islands to the Provisional Government of Free India on October 21, 1943. In March 1944, Japan initiated an offensive into India and advanced as far as Kohima in Nagaland.
haha,you changed your words now,I asked you when was China under the british control?and if we were under their control,there would be no wars bw us.like no wars between India and Britain cause India was not a country.Britain fought many wars in the history even with its neighbors,not every won war resulted in Britishi conolization like what happedn in India.
we were under their rule not under control and u were under control like how pakistan is under nato control (but this is extreme case), dont know english? And India was not united at that time . Thanks to brits who united us though they separated us . And i wish Indian Govt to pay me :lol:
we were under their rule not under control and u were under control like how pakistan is under nato control (but this is extreme case), dont know english? And India was not united at that time . Thanks to brits who united us though they separated us . And i wish Indian Govt to pay me :lol:

under their rule not under control ?haha,that's funny concept and China was under control of Britain?any reliable links of knowledge to back up your claim??
mate Japan didnt even come close to India
they were too busy raping your women in Nanking

they commited war crimes and they were defeated,they surrendered to China and laid down their arms and unarmed soldiers were totally at China's mercy.we did execute their war criminals and locked thousands of them up in numerous POW camps set up all aross China,but generally we were very nice to them and show them how to behave like a human,by the mid 1970s we almost release all of them and we also adopted 4000 Japanese war orphans.
they commited war crimes and they were defeated,they surrendered to China and laid down their arms and unarmed soldiers were totally at China's mercy.we did execute their war criminals and locked thousands of them up in numerous POW camps set up all aross China,but generally we were very nice to them and show them how to behave like a human,by the mid 1970s we almost release all of them and we also adopted 4000 Japanese war orphans.

LOL what utter BS
they surrendered to the US onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on the 2nd of September. Members of the allied nations including the Republic of China were on board to sign the Instrument of Surrender.

China executes Japanese war criminals who were responsible for war time atrocity commited in China.




The Emperor of Japan, the Japanese government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, having recognized the complete military defeat of the Japanese military forces by the Allied forces and having surrendered unconditionally to the Supreme Commander for the Allied powers, having directed by his general order no.1 that the senior commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within China excluding Manchuria, Formosa and French Indo-China north of 16 degrees north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.

We, the Japanese Commanders of all Japanese forces and auxiliaries in the areas named above, also recognizing the complete military defeat of the Japanese military forces by the Allied forces, hereby surrender unconditionally all of the forces under our command to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. All the Japanese forces hereby surrendered will cease hostilities and will remain at the stations they now occupy. They are now non-combatant troops and in due course will be demobilized. They will assemble, preserve without damage, and turn over to the forces specified by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, all arms, ammunition, equipment, supplies, records, information and other assets of any kind belonging to the Japanese forces. Pending specific instructions, all Japanese aircraft, naval units, and merchant ships in the areas named above will be held without damage where they are at present located.

All the Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under Japanese control in the areas named above will be liberated at once and the Japanese forces will provide protection, care, maintenance, and transportation to places as directed.

Henceforth, all the Japanese forces, hereby surrendered, will be subject to the control of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Their movements and activities will be dictated by him, and they will obey only the orders and proclamations issued, or authorised, by him, or the orders of their Japanese commanders based upon his instructions.

This act of surrender and all subsequent orders and proclamations of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to the surrender forces will be issued at once to the appropriate subordinate commanders and forces and it will be the responsibility of all Japanese commanders and forces to see that such proclamations and orders are immediately and completely complied with.

For any failure or delay, by any member of the forces surrendered hereby to act in accordance with this act of surrender or future orders or proclamations of the Generalissimo, he will summarily and drastically punish both the violator and his responsible commanders.
China executes Japanese war criminals who were responsible for war time atrocity commited in China.



Japanese war crime trials in China


---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

but most we were very nice to Japanese POWs,by the mid 1970s we released all of them.

once you are defeated,you are at the mercy of your enemy,China showed to world that we are a very forgiving nation,China adopted raised all Japanese war orphans.

Japanese orphans

Ran's experience was not unique. Thousands of Japanese orphans were left behind in China at the end of World War II. While some of them were offspring of Japanese soldiers, most of them came from families that were organized by the Japanese imperialist government to migrate to northeast China.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 4,000 of the Japanese orphans were adopted by Chinese families.

once you are defeated,you are at the mercy of your enemy,China showed to world that we are a very forgiving nation,China adopted raised all Japanese war orphans.
And when you lose the war bcz you can not train your soldiers well , you will make atrocities like in VN 1979 -1988 right ?
Many of the PLA’s commanding officers were shocked by the poor discipline, low morale, combat ineffectiveness, and high casualties in the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War.
What the PLA Learned in Vietnam, 1979 | Far Outliers
facts and figures wont lie.all from third party international sources,you judge it yourself.

Sino-Vietnamese War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Chinese invaded Northern Vietnam and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. On March 6 China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved and retreated back to China. Both China and Vietnam claimed victory in the last of the Indochina Wars of the twentieth century; as Vietnamese troops remained in Cambodia until 1989 it can be said that the PRC failed to achieve the goal of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia. China achieved its strategic objective of reducing the offensive capability of Vietnam along the Sino-Vietnam border by implementing a scorched earth policy. China also achieved another strategic objective of demonstrating to its Cold War foe, the Soviet Union, that they were unable to protect their Vietnamese ally. As many as 1.5 million Chinese troops were stationed along China's borders with the USSR at the time and were prepared for a full-scale war.

Bruce Elleman "one of the primary diplomatic goals behind China's attack was to expose Soviet assurances of military support to Vietnam as a fraud. Seen in this light, Beijing's policy was actually a diplomatic success, since Moscow did not actively intervene, thus showing the practical limitations of the Soviet-Vietnamese military pact.... China achieved a strategic victory by minimizing the future possibility of a two-front war against the USSR and Vietnam."



To reduce Vietnam's military capability against China, the Chinese implemented a "scorched-earth policy" while returning to China, causing extensive damage to the Vietnamese countryside and infrastructure.[31] Although Vietnam continued to occupy Cambodia, China successfully mobilized international opposition to the occupation, rallying such leaders as Cambodia's deposed king Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian anticommunist leader Son Sann, and high-ranking members of the Khmer Rouge to deny the pro-Vietnam regime in Cambodia diplomatic recognition beyond the Soviet bloc. China improved relations with ASEAN by promising protection to Thailand and Singapore against "Vietnamese aggression". In contrast, Vietnam's decreasing prestige in the region led it to be more dependent on the Soviet Union, to which it leased a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay.[32]

Border skirmishes continued throughout the 1980s, including a significant skirmish in April 1984.

Armed conflict only ended in 1989 after the Vietnamese agreed to fully withdraw from Cambodia.

This conflict also saw the first use of the Type 81 assault rifle by the Chinese and a naval battle over the Spratly Islands in 1988. In 1999 after many years of negotiations, China and Vietnam signed a border pact, though the line of demarcation remained secret.[33] There was a very slight adjustment of the land border, resulting in land being given up to China, which caused the widespread complaints within Vietnam.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese casualties

To this day, both sides of the conflict describe themselves as the
victor. The number of casualties is disputed, with some Western sources
putting PLA casualties at more than 20,000 throughout the war. Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng told
western media in 1980 the Chinese troops had suffered 9,000 deaths and more than 10,000 wounded during the war,[25] but a recent leak showed that the PLA had 6,954 killed and 14,800 wounded,[5] and 238 Prisoners of War[26] in the course of the war.

Vietnamese casualties

There are no independently verifiable details of Vietnamese
casualties; like their counterparts in the Chinese government, the
Vietnamese government has never announced any information on its actual
military casualties.
The Nhan Dan newspaper[27]
the Central Organ of the Communist Party of Vietnam claimed that
Vietnam suffered more than 10,000 civilian deaths during the Chinese
invasion[27] and earlier on May 17, 1979, reported statistics on heavy losses of industry and agriculture properties.[27]

Vietnamese armed personnel:

Regular forces (from Chinese sources): 100,100 killed in total, Wounded: more than 10,000. 2210 Prisoners of War.[5][28] Province Militia and divisions of the Public Security Army: unknown, the causality estimated: 70,000[29]

On March 6, China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved. On the way back to the Chinese border, the PLA destroyed all local infrastructure and housing and looted all useful equipment and resources (including livestock), completely paralyzing the economy of northern Vietnam.[5] The PLA crossed the border back into China on March 16. While China claimed to have crushed the Vietnamese resistance, Vietnam claimed that China had mostly only fought against border militias. This allowed both sides to claim military victory, as both sides claimed to have taught their opponent a lesson.[24]

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