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Vietnam conducts air defense exercises against PLAAF threat

Chinese PLA beat Vietnam in every aspect in 1979.


This photo show that Vietnamese peasants was captured by PLA invaders, he hadn't got any in hands. :coffee:
do you have history class at all,Japanese surrended to China in mainland China,Taiwan,Vietnam and Burma.we executed their military top officers and put thousands of them in POW camps all over China,but we were very nice to them ,by the 1970 we released all of them and China also took hundreds of Japanese war orphans.


Um pretty sure thats a fake photo.

Here's higher res.


The maple leaf flag for Canada gave it away.:lol:

Candian flag in World War 2

you should learn some history ,the surrender ceremony of Japan to China was taken place on September.9th.1945

no dumbo it took place on September 2, 1945.
on board the USS Missouri where your Chinese general Hsu Yung-Ch'ang was present and signed the declaration along with other allied powers.

please stop spreading your chinese crap!
Remember, China and vietnam together beaten world's super power and can beat whole world power with ease. Why are you fighting among you?.

The Emperor of Japan, the Japanese government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, having recognized the complete military defeat of the Japanese military forces by the Allied forces and having surrendered unconditionally to the Supreme Commander for the Allied powers, having directed by his general order no.1 that the senior commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within China excluding Manchuria, Formosa and French Indo-China north of 16 degrees north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.

We, the Japanese Commanders of all Japanese forces and auxiliaries in the areas named above, also recognizing the complete military defeat of the Japanese military forces by the Allied forces, hereby surrender unconditionally all of the forces under our command to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. All the Japanese forces hereby surrendered will cease hostilities and will remain at the stations they now occupy. They are now non-combatant troops and in due course will be demobilized. They will assemble, preserve without damage, and turn over to the forces specified by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, all arms, ammunition, equipment, supplies, records, information and other assets of any kind belonging to the Japanese forces. Pending specific instructions, all Japanese aircraft, naval units, and merchant ships in the areas named above will be held without damage where they are at present located.

All the Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under Japanese control in the areas named above will be liberated at once and the Japanese forces will provide protection, care, maintenance, and transportation to places as directed.

Henceforth, all the Japanese forces, hereby surrendered, will be subject to the control of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Their movements and activities will be dictated by him, and they will obey only the orders and proclamations issued, or authorised, by him, or the orders of their Japanese commanders based upon his instructions.

This act of surrender and all subsequent orders and proclamations of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to the surrender forces will be issued at once to the appropriate subordinate commanders and forces and it will be the responsibility of all Japanese commanders and forces to see that such proclamations and orders are immediately and completely complied with.

For any failure or delay, by any member of the forces surrendered hereby to act in accordance with this act of surrender or future orders or proclamations of the Generalissimo, he will summarily and drastically punish both the violator and his responsible commanders.

no dumbo it took place on September 2, 1945.
on board the USS Missouri where your Chinese general Hsu Yung-Ch'ang was present and signed the declaration along with other allied powers.

please stop spreading your chinese crap!

don't you know the meaning of this simple sentence
you should learn some history ,the surrender ceremony of Japan to China was taken place on September.9th.1945
are you stupid or something?that is not a photo,that's a painting,who said that is a photo.you should check your eyes first.

Do explain the Canadian flag then:lol:

Not a very accurate painting then is it? :azn:
that's a painting and only Indians cant see that.it only shows a moment happened in the history,I m not a painter and I dont comment on paintings,but what the heck your point is ,that moment never happened in the history or you are just like to talk about paintings?
that's a painting and only Indians cant see that.it only shows a moment happened in the history,I m not a painter and I dont comment on paintings,but what the heck your point is ,that moment never happened in the history or you are just like to talk about paintings?

Why post it here for then? Did you want to show the fake grandiose of Japanese signing the instrument of surrender?


Here's the real photo. No where as grand is it:lol:

CCP propaganda pictures are for your domestic consumption, please keep it that way.
I was only talking about of fact in the hitory,a picuture is everybody's choice to go with the report,and you guys just denied the very fact that Japan surrendered to China,and now you yourself produced a photo of that ceremony,lol,what 's wrong with your Indian people's minds??really confusing,haha

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