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Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

Perhaps the other 4 claimants would agree. There has to be some give and take, otherwise matters won't be be able to solve peacefully. Talking about is simply childish.

We have very good relations with Malaysia and Brunei and also Taiwan(Taipei) controls islands in the SCS as well the More Islands Taiwan(Taipei) gets we are ok with.
Papers show much and no we are not going to give our Xinsha Islands to Vietnam your free to get them otherwise.

If the paper you mention, your waters is just off your coast 12 nautical miles. So why your country claims waters extend far to the beach of Malaysia?
Papers show much and no we are not going to give our Xinsha Islands to Vietnam your free to get them otherwise.

After Geneva's agreement 1954 signed by Chinese and North Vietnam, Island belong to us: South Vietnamese and his government. The letter of PVD is from North Vietnam Gov, have to deemed to null.
China have to give back Islands to Vietnam.
We have very good relations with Malaysia and Brunei and also Taiwan(Taipei) controls islands in the SCS as well the More Islands Taiwan(Taipei) gets we are ok with.

You should not illusions. Taiwanese fear your country can attack they, but they never agree to reunification with the People's Republic of China.
In 2009, Malaysia and Vietnam had worked together to mapping waters between the two countries and submitted to the UN. Malaysia never accept the waters near their beach become "lake" of China.
You should not illusions. Taiwanese fear your country can attack they, but they never agree to reunification with the People's Republic of China.
In 2009, Malaysia and Vietnam had worked together to mapping waters between the two countries and submitted to the UN. Malaysia never accept the waters near their beach become "lake" of China.

Did South Vietnam agree to be unified by North Vietnam?
If the paper you mention, your waters is just off your coast 12 nautical miles. So why your country claims waters extend far to the beach of Malaysia?

Always been our claims even ROC claims the entire Sea on their map.
Perhaps the other 4 claimants would agree. There has to be some give and take, otherwise matters won't be be able to solve peacefully. Talking about war is simply childish.

Malaysia and Philippines would likely be willing to compromise and take a few Spratly islands each in exchange for giving Vietnam the bulk of the Spratly islands. It's only China that is making ridiculous claims and using military force to forcibly take what it wants.
After Geneva's agreement 1954 signed by Chinese and North Vietnam, Island belong to us: South Vietnamese and his government. The letter of PVD is from North Vietnam Gov, have to deemed to null.
China have to give back Islands to Vietnam.

Dull to you but not us and no were not going to hand our islands over you can take them forcefully.

---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ----------

You should not illusions. Taiwanese fear your country can attack they, but they never agree to reunification with the People's Republic of China.
In 2009, Malaysia and Vietnam had worked together to mapping waters between the two countries and submitted to the UN. Malaysia never accept the waters near their beach become "lake" of China.

They have voted a Pro China president who wants better ties with Us the entire world recognizes one china policy Reunification will happen in Time. Malaysia is one of the most pro china countries it's the Chinese who run their economy who can make deals with them.
And for those who think I might be biased against China, you should note that I do support China's rule of Tibet (at least as long as the Dalai Lama is the only alternative), and believe that China had some justification in launching the 62 war.
Malaysia and Philippines would likely be willing to compromise and take a few Spratly islands each in exchange for giving Vietnam the bulk of the Spratly islands. It's only China that is making ridiculous claims and using military force to forcibly take what it wants.

Have you Seen Malaysia and Philippines claims as well ? they will never take a few and give the rest to vietnam, and no if we were using Military Force to take it we would have had all the demands by now, but we have kept it peaceful and intend on keeping it peaceful.


---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 AM ----------

And for those who think I might be biased against China, you should note that I do support China's rule of Tibet (at least as long as the Dalai Lama is the only alternative), and believe that China had some justification in launching the 62 war.

No your not biased I respect your opinion through.

---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

My honest opinion we will have better relations with Vietnam and find some Solution with them on this.
Papers show much and no we are not going to give our Xinsha Islands to Vietnam your free to get them otherwise.
I told Chinese many time that: this paper was issued by North VN PM, and before 1975, North VN didn't control those islands, so this paper is just a toilet paper only.

Just like North Korea can not "sell" Seoul to China, bcz Seoul belong to S.K , not N.K:coffee:
longyi said:
Perhaps the other 4 claimants would agree. There has to be some give and take, otherwise matters won't be be able to solve peacefully. Talking about war is simply childish.
We won't share our sovereignty with those invaders, we have a very long war with France, US, China already, so some more war will not be our problem :coffee:
Malaysia and Philippines would likely be willing to compromise and take a few Spratly islands each in exchange for giving Vietnam the bulk of the Spratly islands. It's only China that is making ridiculous claims and using military force to forcibly take what it wants.

A little bias in your opinions here, my friend. Spratly islands are also far away from Vietnam as well , why should she gets more islands than everyone else. Besides, she already shamelessly and sneakily occupied more than her share already.
And for those who think I might be biased against China, you should note that I do support China's rule of Tibet (at least as long as the Dalai Lama is the only alternative), and believe that China had some justification in launching the 62 war.

I don't think you are bias against China, I think you are unreasonably favor Vietnam. I like Vietnam PEOPLE too for that matter.
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