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Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

Because we already control the Paracels. Why should Vietnam control them? Why not Philippines or Malaysia?

Cause Vietnam has controlled it for past 150 years. When the French took over, the Island was unclaimed.

The EEZ should be shared by Phillipines, Vietnam and Malaysia. China should sod off with its bs flimsy claims:lol:
LOL another delusional viet, what make you think you are in a position to have a war with china? if anything even when we go to war if china is serious we can finsh you guys in just one day LOL

Are you a paranoid?
In 1979, your leader, who said that "we (china's army) would have breakfast in Hanoi, have lunch in Hue city and have dinner in HCM City". But the results happened, all of the world have known.
Because we already control the Paracels. Why should Vietnam control them? Why not Philippines or Malaysia?
If vietnam stop their claim for Paracels,then no dispute between us,other countries can be ignored.
Are you a paranoid?
In 1979, your leader, who said that "we (china's army) would have breakfast in Hanoi, have lunch in Hue city and have dinner in HCM City". But the results happened, all of the world have known.
Haha,my colleague had experience like you(he) said during Spring Festival.
If vietnam stop their claim for Paracels,then no dispute between us,other countries can be ignored.

In 1974, your country used force to invade Paracel Islands of us. The reason why we must abandon it?
We will always claim to reclaim it by peaceful negotiations.
Haha,my colleague had experience like you(he) said during Spring Festival.

You are so funny. However we would welcome Chinese tourists, but we will kick PLA out to come back china home, if they invade our country once again.
You are so funny. However we would welcome Chinese tourists, but we will kick PLA out to come back china home, if they invade our country once again.
Many chinese tourists like vietnam,but I prefer Nepal much more.
Never mind that we had claims on them since 1930 when Vietnam was part of France, but I'll entertain you.

That sounds like an important issue.

Why not take it up with our 294 megatons of nukes, 25 destroyers, 30 frigates, 62 submarines and 3000 aircraft... oh there's no issue anymore.

You are missing the compelling reasons for the claims of your country, so you put your "294 megatons of nukes..." to scare us?
If so, do not ask why we will became the U.S. ally.
LOL only usless like you think begging is better than working LOL but then again you poor viets never want to do a day work :rofl: no wonder your useless poor country always have to kisss others assssss LOL

You think that your country was rich, so why your government every year still receive Japan's ODA?
Cause Vietnam has controlled it for past 150 years. When the French took over, the Island was unclaimed.

The EEZ should be shared by Phillipines, Vietnam and Malaysia. China should sod off with its bs flimsy claims:lol:

oh so your point is actually: Vietnam doesn't actually have a strong claim, as long as its bad for China then I support it.
oh so your point is actually: Vietnam doesn't actually have a strong claim, as long as its bad for China then I support it.

Claim of Vietnam is stronger bcz based on legality of international law worldwide accepted.
China's claim is based on lying and force.
These flimsy claims by china will only be detrimental to their relation with ASEAN in the long run , which is already in the downslide

you wont be able to understand our claim due to the number 81 you know what i mean?
oh so your point is actually: Vietnam doesn't actually have a strong claim, as long as its bad for China then I support it.

Vietnam has held the islands for the past 150 years, thats a very strong claim. China on the other hand has no claims whatsoever.
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