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Vietnam builds military muscle to face China

Let me guess you expect we sit still and don't rain down missiles on Chinese cities in return.
No problem, just do it and see how many missiles are landing on your soil. Let me remind you what happened to Japan after Pearl Harbor. If Vietnamese like to retaliate after receiving a small number of our missiles, you can expect we will mass bomb your jungle to sh!t. Like i said JUST DO IT
except i already posted sources saying there were in fact soviet pilots in the air battling american forces, which you seem to just ignore.

It is crap.

No Soviet pilot was joined to fighting with US jets in Vietnam war. It was unnecessay and Soviet Union didn't like to involeve directly in to Vietnam war. We had enough pilots whose were trained in Soviet Union in this time.

One thing I can say here, some North Korean pilots were joined in training in North Vietnam in this time, based on requet of leader of North Korea we let them joined to airfighting. They were shoot down by US airforce, so the request of North Korea was stopped.
PLA fears of 'Vietnamese invasion' halt Chinese city government's road construction project | South China Morning Post

PLA fears of 'Vietnamese invasion' halt Chinese city government's road construction project


Road linking a village on border with Vietnam to Chinese city 100km away would 'definitely be serious threat to national defence and security', says PLA officer on Defence Ministry website.

China’s People’s Liberation Army halted a city government’s road construction project on the border with Vietnam last month because of fears it could be used as a shortcut for a “Vietnamese invasion”.

If finished, the road would “definitely become a serious threat to national defence and security”, a PLA officer in charge of border affairs in Fangchenggang city, in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was quoted as saying in Wednesday’s report China’s defence ministry website.

The two-lane road would have linked the village of Tansan, on the border with Vietnam, to the centre of Fangchenggang city, about 100km away.

The border area between China and Vietnam used to be one of the world’s most intensive area of military conflict.

After a brief but deadly war in 1979, in which more than 30,000 soldiers were killed on both sides, border clashes did not cease until 1990.

Tensions between China and Vietnam flared up again last May following a major confrontation after China installed an oil rig in the disputed waters of the South China Sea.

“This road [would have] one end running up to the border river, the other end straight to our frontline facilities,” the PLA officer explained.

The military stopped the building project – approved by Fangchenggang city government – on the second day of construction in February.

If war broke out between the nations, Vietnamese troops could use the road to launch an attack on the Chinese army, the PLA warned Tansan residents, where the road was being built.

However, the PLA’s intervention in halting the work angered villagers, according to the report.

The road would have been the first paved road linking the village in the remote region to the rest of China

Some city government officials also challenged the military’s decision to intervene.

They have argued that the road would have enabled farmers in the area to transport their agricultural products to market.

The low income of residents in the region would affect the local government’s poverty relief targets.

Military officials have made efforts to pacify the angry protests of locals.

PLA officers have visited every family in the village to inform residents about the sensitivity of the project and its potentially negative effect on China’s boarder defences.


Joke of the year. do you personally really believe that?

Both Guangxi and Yunnan province are way powerful alone comparing with undeveloped Vietnam.

The original Chinese article is still up on the official PRC Ministry of Defence website. Click on that bottom link, here are some quotes from that article:


...就此,笔者采访了防城港军分区某部负责边境事务的副部队长曹安。“这条路一端连接界河,另一端直通我方阵地前沿,建成后势必对国防安全造成严重威胁” 曹安说...

... 扶贫修路原本是好事,这一点不容置疑。如果扶贫路修好了,带来的经济效益一定可观。然而,我们在算经济账的同时,也要算一算“国防账”。因其地理位置特殊,一旦战争爆发,这条路很可能为敌人进攻打开方便之门

I can’t read Chinese, so can you help translate these quotes for your Vietnamese friends like me? thanks.
The original Chinese article is still up on the PRC Ministry of Defence website. Click on that bottom link, here are some quotes from that article:


I can’t read Chinese, so can you help translate these quotes for your Vietnamese friends?

Seems like you are a Vietnamese who can read Chinese( many Vietnamese do) the Chinese version doesn't say for being afraid of Vietnamese invasion. that's coined by some pathetic sensation seeking reporters. and now let me test your IQ, do you personally believe that China worries about Vietnamese invasion? Does US worry about Jamaican invasion? you posted that link only proves how pathetic you are

What's your purpose to post that funny stuff? to show that China is worrying about being invaded by Vietnam? Is that what you truly want to show in PDF?
Seems like you are a Vietnamese who can read Chinese( many Vietnamese do) the Chinese version doesn't say for being afraid of Vietnamese invasion. that's coined by some pathetic sensation seeking reporters. and now let me test your IQ, do you personally believe that China worries about Vietnamese invasion? Does US worry about Jamaican invasion? you posted that link only proves how pathetic you are

What's your purpose to post that funny stuff? to show that China is worrying about being invaded by Vietnam? Is that what you truly want to show in PDF?

No I can’t read Chinese. It doesn’t really matter what I, as a Vietnamese civilian, think of it. I’m just posting an interesting article with quotes from your officials.

I don’t think what SCMP wrote is that different from the MoD article. The MoD page didn’t specifically mentioned Vietnam but we all know what country it was referring to, because it is Vietnam that is across that border, not the US or anyone else. And it did in fact said the road would be a threat because it would allow enemy attacks to enter that route. So while the original article did not specifically calls it a “Vietnamese invasion”, it is still what is implied, i.e. a Vietnamese attack on Chinese soil.
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In a sense, S.Vietnam lost the control of the Paracel islands because of US not to do anything approach, so you can count on US again this time on the Spratly islands.

"In the early morning of January 19, 1974, South Vietnamese soldiers from the HQ-5 landed on Duncan Island and came under fire from Chinese troops. Three Vietnamese soldiers were killed and more injured. Finding themselves outnumbered, the Vietnamese ground forces withdrew by landing craft, but their small fleet drew close to the Chinese warships in a tense standoff.

At 10:24 a.m., the Vietnamese warships HQ-16 and HQ-10 opened fire on the Chinese warships. HQ-4 and HQ-5 then joined in. The sea battle lasted about 40 minutes, with the vessels on both sides sustaining damage. The smaller Chinese warships managed to maneuver into the blind spots of the main cannons on the Vietnamese warships and succeeded in damaging all four Vietnamese ships, especially the Nhật Tảo (HQ-10), which could not retreat because her last working engine was disabled. The crew was ordered to abandon ship but her captain, Lt. Commander Ngụy Văn Thà, remained on board and went down with his ship. HQ-16, severely damaged by friendly fire from the HQ-5, was forced to retreat westwards. HQ-4 and HQ-5 also joined in the retreat.

The next day, Chinese jet fighters and ground-attack aircraft from Hainan bombed the three islands, and anamphibious landing was made. The South Vietnamese Marine garrison on the islands was forced to surrender, and the damaged navy ships retreated to Đà Nẵng.

During the battle, the Vietnamese fleet detected two more Chinese warships rushing to the area. China later acknowledged these were the Hainan-Class submarine chasers #281 and #282. Despite South Vietnamese reports that at least one of their ships had been struck by a missile, the Chinese insisted what the Vietnamese saw wererocket-propelled grenades fired by the crew of #389 and that no missile-capable ships were present. The reason the Chinese ships closed in was because they had no missiles. The South Vietnamese fleet also received warnings thatU.S. Navyradar had detected additional Chinese guided missile frigates and jet fighters on their way from Hainan.South Vietnam requested assistance from the U.S. Seventh Fleet, but the request was denied.
Following the battle, China gained control over all the Paracel Islands. South Vietnam protested to the United Nations, but China, having veto power on the UN Security Council, blocked any efforts to bring it up.[12] The remote islands had little value militarily, but diplomatically the projection of power was beneficial to China."

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