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Verification Drive of Muslimsin Nagaland

Who gives authority to this PAC ? No one.

How on earth local people can act without any official authority ? Beats me !

Is India a Banana Republic ? Duh !!
Nagaland has a Christian majority. It also has a known problem of illegal migration from Bangladesh. I feeL that this is a step in the right direction to detect and deport illegal immigrants from India
Look I somewhat agree with Asim, why only Muslims are being registered, why not illegal Hindu, Bodh, Christians??

And please Asim is very decent and balanced, give him the respect he deserves..Argument can be in polite political way.
Meethi churi se marne ka maza alag hi huta hai
Who gives authority to this PAC ? No one.

How on earth local people can act without any official authority ? Beats me !

Is India a Banana Republic ? Duh !!

PAC derives it's authority from Indian constitution.

Relevant paras

Article 244
Article 244 {Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas}

The provisions of the Fifth Schedule shall apply to the administration and control of the Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in any State other than the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
The provisions of the Sixth Schedule shall apply to the administration of the tribal areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

Constitution of India/Part X - Wikisource

Article 371 A

Article 371A {Special provision with respect to the State of Nagaland}
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, -
(a) no Act of Parliament in respect of -
(i) religious or social practices of the Nagas,
(ii) Naga customary law and procedure,
(iii) administration of civil and criminal justice involving decisions according to Naga customary law,
(iv) ownership and transfer of land and its resources, shall apply to the State of Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland by a resolution so decides;
(b) the Governor of Nagaland shall have special responsibility with respect to law and order in the State of Nagaland for so long as in his opinion internal disturbances occurring in the Naga Hills-Tuensang Area immediately before the formation of that State continue therein or in any part thereof and in the discharge of his functions in relation thereto the Governor shall, after consulting the Council of Ministers, exercise his individual judgment as to the action to be taken:
Provided that if any question arises whether any matter is or is not a matter as respects which the Governor is under this sub-clause required to act in the exercise of his individual judgment, the decision of the Governor in his discretion shall be final, and the validity of anything done by the Governor shall not be called in question on the ground that he ought or ought not to have acted in the exercise of his individual judgment:
Provided further that if the President on receipt of a report from the Governor or otherwise is satisfied that it is no longer necessary for the Governor to have special responsibility with respect to law and order in the State of Nagaland, he may by order direct that the Governor shall cease to have such responsibility with effect from such date as may be specified in the order;
(c) in making his recommendation with respect to any demand for a grant, the Governor of Nagaland shall ensure that any money provided by the Government of India out of the Consolidated Fund of India for any specific service or purpose is included in the demand for a "grant relating to that service or purpose and not in any other demand;
(d) as from such date as the Governor of Nagaland may by public notification in this behalf specify, there shall be established a regional council for the Tuensang district consisting of thirty-five members and the Governor shall in his discretion make rules providing for -
(i) the composition of the regional council and the manner in which the members of the regional council shall be chosen:
Provided that the Deputy Commissioner of the Tuensang district shall be the Chairman ex-officion of the regional council and the Vice-Chairman of the regional council shall be elected by the members there of from amongst themselves;
(ii) the qualifications for being chosen as, and for being, members of the regional council;
(iii) the term of office of, and the salaries and allowances, if any, to be paid to members of, the regional council;
(iv) the procedure and conduct of business of the regional council;
(v) the appointment of officers and staff of the regional council and their conditions of services; and
(vi) any other matter in respect of which it is necessary to make rules for the constitution and proper functioning of the regional council.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, for a period of ten years from the date of the formation of the State of Nagaland or for such further period as the Governor may, on the recommendation of the regional council, by public notification specify in this behalf, -
(a) the administration of the Tuensang district shall be carried on by the Governor;
(b) where any money is provided by the Government of India to the Government of Nagaland to meet the requirements of the State of Nagaland as a whole, the Governor shall in his discretion arrange for an equitable allocation of that money between the Tuensang district and the rest of the State;
(c) no Act of the Legislature of Nagaland shall apply to Tuensang district unless the Governor, on the recommendation of the regional council, by public notification so directs and the Governor in giving such direction with respect to any such Act may direct that the Act shall in its application to the Tuensang district or any part thereof have effect subject to such exceptions or modifications as the Governor may specify on the recommendation of the regional council:
Provided that any direction given under this sub-clause may be given so as to have retrospective effect;
(d) the Governor may make regulations for the peace, progress and good government of the Tuensang district and any regulations so made may repeal or amend with retrospective effect, if necessary, any Act of Parliament or any other law which is for the time being applicable to that district;
(e)(i) one of the members representing the Tuensang district in the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland shall be appointed Minister for Tuensang affairs by the Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister and the Chief Minister in tendering his advice shall act on the recommendation of the majority of the members as aforesaid; { ICL-Note: Paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Removal of Difficulties) Order, No. X provides (w.e.f. 1-12-1963) that article 371A of the Constitution of India shall have effect as if the following proviso were added to paragraph (i) of sub-clause (e) of clause (2) thereof, namely: "Provided that the Governor may, on the advice of the Chief Minister, appoint any person as Minister for Tuensang affairs to act as such until such time as persons are chosen in accordance with law to fill the seats allocated to the Tuensang district in the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland." }
(ii) the Minister for Tuensang affairs shall deal with, and have direct access to the Governor on, all matters relating to the Tuensang district but he shall keep the Chief Minister informed about the same;
(f) notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this clause, the final decision on all matters relating to the Tuensang district shall be made by the Governor in his discretion;
(g) in articles 54 and 55 and clause (4) of article 80, references to the elected members of the Legislative Assembly of a State or to each such member shall include references to the members or members of the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland elected by the regional council established under this article;
(h) in article 170 -
(i) clause (1) shall, in relation to the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland, have effect as if for the word "sixty", the words "forty-six" had been substituted;
(ii) in the said clause, the reference to direct election from territorial constituencies in the state shall include election by the members of the regional council established under this article:
(iii) in clauses (2) and (3), references to territorial constituencies shall mean references to territorial constituencies in the Kohima and Mokokchung districts.
(3) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the foregoing provisions of this article, the President may by order do anything (including any adaptation or modification of any other article) which appears to him to be necessary for the purpose of removing that difficulty:
Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiration of three years from the date of the formation of the State of Nagaland.
Explanation: In this article, the Kohima, Mokokchung and Tuensang districts shall have the same meanings as in the State of Nagaland Act, 1962.

And this practice is not limited to Nagaland.Every state has some exceptions from fundamental rights on basis of special circumstances.

Constitution of India/Part XXI - Wikisource

The exceptions could be on basis of preserving native culture of demographically disadvantaged tribals or for preventing practises that would jeopradise local welfare for example: In many Indian states famous among tourists,only locals could buy property so that property rates do not skyrockets making locals unable to buy property in their own state.

Article 19

Article 19 {Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc.}

All citizens shall have the right -
a.to freedom of speech and expression;
b.to assemble peaceably and without arms;
c.to form associations or unions;
d.to move freely throughout the territory of India;
e.to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India; and
f.*** (repealed)
g.to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.

Nothing in sub-clause (a) of clause (1) shall affect the operation of any existing law, or prevent the State from making any law, in so far as such law imposes reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred by the said sub-clause in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.

Nothing in sub-clause (b) of the said clause shall affect the operation of any existing law in so far as it imposes, or prevent the State from making any law imposing, in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order, reasonable restrictions on the right conferred by the said sub-clause.

Nothing in sub-clause (c) of the said clause shall affect the operation of any existing law in so far as it imposes, or prevent the State from making any law imposing, in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order or morality, reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred by the said sub-clause.

Nothing in sub-clause (d) and (e) of the said clause shall affect the operation of any existing law in so far as it imposes, or prevent the State from making any law imposing, reasonable restrictions on the exercise of any of the rights conferred by the said sub-clauses either in the interests of the general public or for the protection of the interests of any Schedule Tribe.

Nothing in sub-clause (g) of the said clause shall affect the operation of any existing law in so far as it imposes, or prevent the State from making any law imposing, in the interests of the general public, reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred by the said sub-clause, and, in particular, nothing in the said sub-clause shall affect the operation of any existing law in so far as it relates to, or prevent the State from making any law relating to, -
the professional or technical qualifications necessary for practicing any profession or carrying on any occupation, trade or business, or
the carrying on by the State, or by a corporation owned or controlled by the State, of any trade, business, industry or service, whether to the exclusion, complete or partial, of citizens or otherwise.

And sometimes exception are provided within the state also.

See schedule VI of constitution

http://lawmin.nic.in/olwing/coi/coi-english/Const.Pock 2Pg.Rom8Fsss(34).pdf

And indians are required to have permits to travel to certain areas in India

Inner line permit

Inner Line Permit is an official travel document issued by the Government of India to allow inward travel of an Indian citizen into a protected/restricted area for a limited period. It is obligatory for Indian citizens from outside those states to obtain permit for entering into the protected state. The document is an effort by the Government to regulate movement to certain areas located near the international border of India. This is a security measure and it is applicable for the following states:
Arunachal Pradesh – Issued by the Secretary (Political) of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh. It is required for entering the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh through any of the check gates across the inter-state border with Assam or Nagaland.
Mizoram – Issued by the Government of Mizoram. It is required for entering the Indian state of Mizoram through any of the check gates across the inter-state borders.
Nagaland – It is mandatory for a mainland Indian citizen entering the state of Nagaland through any of the check gates across the inter-state borders.

Inner Line Permit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look I somewhat agree with Asim, why only Muslims are being registered, why not illegal Hindu, Bodh, Christians??

And please Asim is very decent and balanced, give him the respect he deserves..Argument can be in polite political way.
Meethi churi se marne ka maza alag hi huta hai

That has been done in past.And Nagas have constitutional authority to do it.Even though it may appear a discriminatory provision but without it Naga territory would be swamped by outsiders as they would be reduced to minority on their own land.
Totally support this. Illegal migration from Bangladesh has always been a problem for northeast and it is causing a lot of problems to the 7 sister states. Why doesn't the BSF fence and electrify the borders?
Many Indian members of this forum talk about illegal migration from Bangladesh. Can you give link to some authentic resource? To my knowledge no migration took place after 1971 apart from possibly some irregular hindu migration.
I believe if population is the measuring scale for dividing constituencies NE is going to get more seats when reforms will be made again, I forgot the timeline for such a reform should be around 2015-17 .......

Those reforms will not go through as Southern states steadfastedly oppose such a move and want a freeze.
Why muslims not got massacared in Only one state. Wait a minute. You mean muslim are not massaced In gujrat? Only in one state?
It is decision of NAGA people not decision of GoI. Why are you not understanding? You can feel how they feel.
that is non of your buisness. If the local think than they will do what ever they want to do.
And you stink more than us becuase if Pakistan didn't killed their family than this situation would be never arise


Are you going to massacre your own people because most Naga have decided that and because those poor souls are Muslims? Then you are trying to legalize the killing because Pakistan allegedly killed many Bengali people in 71. And this you interpreted as the meaning of 'democracy' and 'secularity' stated in your constitution!
Are you going to massacre your own people because most Naga have decided that and because those poor souls are Muslims? Then you are trying to legalize the killing because Pakistan allegedly killed many Bengali people in 71. And this you interpreted as the meaning of 'democracy' and 'secularity' stated in your constitution!

Please go through the whole thread .. It is not about muslim but illegal migrants and to be more specific illegal intruders in Naga territory which may include people of all religions. Massacre our own people ?? why on earth will we do that??
Are you going to massacre your own people
because most Naga have decided that and because those poor souls are Muslims? Then you are trying to legalize the killing because Pakistan allegedly killed many Bengali people in 71. And this you interpreted as the meaning of 'democracy' and 'secularity' stated in your constitution!

Not our people. We are doing to those alien
who are raping our women, dangerous for our law and order because the amount of crimes your refugees are doing.

Misinterpreted Democracy??

Sure If you think that stoping millions of alien from electing our rular is democracy than yes. Any problem about what we do in our country?


Verifying alien extramist who don't respect our culture, belief and religion is called act of non-secularism than we are non-secular. You are a muslim nation than take back your muslim citizen after all muslm are bother of each other. Since they are your people.
Nagaland should complete this and give pointers to other states on how to complete the drive. Apparently this menace(in the millions) is in other states besides the NE as well. No wonder India has such poor rankings in the poverty and malnutrition and crime indices.
Are you going to massacre your own people because most Naga have decided that and because those poor souls are Muslims?

The last time I saw a world map, Bangladesh was a separate country.. :what:

Then you are trying to legalize the killing because Pakistan allegedly killed many Bengali people in 71. And this you interpreted as the meaning of 'democracy' and 'secularity' stated in your constitution!

Let me tell you something; these two highlighted words are not a license to usurp land, violently attack local villages and enter into others country trying to change their culture. This is called invasion which we will not tolerate.
Many Indian members of this forum talk about illegal migration from Bangladesh. Can you give link to some authentic resource? To my knowledge no migration took place after 1971 apart from possibly some irregular hindu migration.

We live around you, we surround your country like neighbors. We see scores of Bangladeshis coming into our states and pretending to be Indian bengalis. While other Indians easily get fooled, we can differentiate between a fellow Indian bengali and you guys easily.

If there was a mechanism to have statistical data and enough sincerity for the country among our politicians, our borders with you would have been fenced, wired and electrified 2 decades ago itself.

Go and tell your "we do nothing" story to funded NGOs and weakling secularists. Not us northeasterners.
Verifying them is exteamly and urgently neccessary so we can make sure atleast we can identify those pole vaulter who are still coming to NE. Now, can we differentiate between refugees who came before 1971 or after 1971? hell No. Half of them still can't speak hindi. They still speaking their mother language.
We live around you, we surround your country like neighbors. We see scores of Bangladeshis coming into our states and pretending to be Indian bengalis. While other Indians easily get fooled, we can differentiate between a fellow Indian bengali and you guys easily.

If there was a mechanism to have statistical data and enough sincerity for the country among our politicians, our borders with you would have been fenced, wired and electrified 2 decades ago itself.

Go and tell your "we do nothing" story to funded NGOs and weakling secularists. Not us northeasterners.
Sometimes we heard this & that hindu family had migrated to India (rather well-to-do family). But we never heard of the migration of any single Muslim person. That's why we protest when you people talk of Muslim migration.
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