You seem like an old timer, these days .... atleast in university campuses, the frustration is at both sides of the field and so is the effort to impress each other.
Agreed ... Good move by the IHC ... However, it's also islamic to make it easy, so that people can get married. As far as that goes, the potential husband's family is looking for a model like girl, while the potential wife's family is looking for a millionaire whose 25 and handsome ... and that's even when both the guy and the gal are okay with marrying each other ...
So, when you have conditions like these, where getting married is perhaps one of the most difficult things ... and you add to that the constant bombardment of romance tv-series/ movies which portray "true love" and affairs (BTW also against islam/ values/ culture) and you somehow expect the youth won't act on what you've been practically programming them to do since the time they were born ? ... In addition, if a teen kid asks you ... why shouldn't I love someone and convince me how the concept of free love is superior to this marital system? ... Most parents would whoop their kids instead of convincing them ... sure they will act all high and mighty with the " it's against our culture argument" after whopping their rear ends ... but that's not exactly a convincing argument ... and most parents can't make a logical argument worth jack for their position .... which is why we're in this predicament to begin with ... The solution is to include something like a "marital studies" course by the time a student reaches puberty. But then again, we won't do that ... Root-cause analysis and taking steps to get rid of that root cause isn't exactly our style ...