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Use of Chemical Weapons by India

But you didn't highlight this part.

Pakistanis were desperate, and tried every thing in their books to stop the Indian onslaught in Kargil. An international observation team would be just perfect to force India into a ceasefire, sadly for you guys no one bought what Pakistan was selling. Could be two reasons for that, Pakistani life was too cheap and no one cared if India was killing them with chemical weapons or Pakistan was lying. :lol:

I don't see much caring happening even now. :lol:
What has stopped Pakistan from taking India to UN, if she has proof that India attacked Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiris with Chemical weapons.

These have to be tested in a particular time frame. Probably the heights where these chemical weapons were used made it difficult to timely collect the stained samples. The friends in the army explained the kind of sickness caused to the soldiers and it was nothing but chemical artillery shells that could have caused it.
From the BBC article.


Intellectual dishonesty @Nassr

Now is the perfect time for Indian govt. to deny... as now is same Nawaz Sharif and Sartaj Aziz, who claimed it...
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Western sources? They are reporting a sorry Pakistani claim, not a statement of fact. The fact India hid its chemicals weapons stockpile is hardly surprising, both Pakistan & India hid their nuclear status too. There is no anger, pointing out rubbish for being that hardly constitutes anger. The garbage is quite clearly in your rear when you have to stoop so much to create a story. What did happen about those Pakistani allegation? Any further claim? No? :lol::lol:

Indians denied the existence of their chemical weapons program for years till it disclosed in June 1997 that it possessed chemical weapons. Under the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which India signed in 1993 and ratified in September 1996, India had to tell the world that it had chemical weapons. The fact that India deliberately did not divulge that they had chemical weapons and accepted it four years after signing the treaty is evidence enough that highlights their lie.
These have to be tested in a particular time frame. Probably the heights where these chemical weapons were used made it difficult to timely collect the stained samples. The friends in the army explained the kind of sickness caused to the soldiers and it was nothing but chemical artillery shells that could have caused it.

I suggest an alternate theory :lol:

Lack of oxygen, lack of supplies, starvation, living on crumbs for weeks(because India took out ration depots and the logistics routes, and Pakistan abandoned its soldiers), winter cold, constant bombardment -

most Pakistani prisoners we caught were in a state of delusion too.
Now is the perfect time for Indian govt. to deny... as now is same Nawaz Sharif and Sartaj Aziz, who claimed it...

:lol: You are never happy with your government are you?

As for denying, India or anyone else for that matter didn't even acknowledge Pakistan's allegations, so there is no question of denying it after 14 odd years.
Kaki - did you bother to read the post i quoted. :coffee:

I can help you....

South Asia

India 'using chemical weapons' in Kashmir
Pakistan has accused India of firing chemical shells in its campaign to dislodge hundreds of suspected infiltrators from positions on the Indian side of the line of control in Kashmir.
India - a signatory of the Chemical Weapons Convention - has denied the accusation.

Pakistan has produced no evidence for its allegation, but says it wants to get independent experts into the disputed Kashmir region to establish the truth.

Foreign minister Sartaj Aziz told the BBC this was the only way to verify the presence of chemicals because the evidence tended to dissipate within a day or two.

Indian air force jets continued to strafe enemy positions high in the Himalayas on Monday. Reports also spoke of close combat.

A military statement from Islamabad accused India of making heavy artillery bombardments deep into Pakistan's territory.

It said India had attacked a Pakistani army position on the line of control and that, as a result of that incident, one of its patrols was missing.

The statement warned that if attacks on the line of control continued, then Pakistan reserved the right to respond.
The allegation came shortly after the Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, made a telephone call to his Indian counterpart, Atal Behari Vajpayee, in which he again called for a reduction of tension in Kashmir.

Mr Vajpayee, during a visit to the front line in Kashmir, told troops that India was prepared for any eventuality. He said India would continue its offensive until it won back its lost territory.

Addressing a news conference, Mr Vajpayee declined to say whether there was any possibility that the fight might be taken across the line of control.

(Click here to see a map of the area)

Several shells landed nearby as Mr Vajpayee and his delegation arrived in the largely deserted town of Kargil, some 200 km north-east of Srinagar.

The town is close to the scene of the worst fighting.

They were visiting Indian troops, who have for the past month been engaged in heavy fighting along the demarcation line between India and Pakistan in Kashmir.

India is trying to repulse what it describes as Pakistani-backed infiltrators from the mountains on the Indian side of the line of control.

It is the prime minister's first visit to Jammu and Kashmir since India launched its offensive.
On the diplomatic front, the Indian Foreign Minister, Jaswant Singh, arrived in China on Monday for a two-day official visit.

China is a long-standing ally of Pakistan.

Mr Singh's trip follows deadlock on Saturday in the first face-to-face talks between India and Pakistan on the conflict.

A proposal by Pakistan that India should call off its air strikes and that both sides should stop trading artillery fire across the line of control was rejected by India.

Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh said that, if Delhi were to dilute the measures it was taking to end the infiltration, this would merely - as he put it - sanctify the aggression
Indians also believe in pink elephants. So, I don't know what's so hard about believing India possesses and has used chemical and biological weapons against the civilian population?

A country that has elected Hindu Extremist Governments again and again, massacred minorities, committed racial genocides against non-Hindus, no doubt such a hate filled nation possesses and uses weapons of mass destruction against civilians.

are you joking? call me when india can produce novichok-5 or 6.making agents that are inert till
mixed in artillery shell and are undetectable to NBC sensors and protection needs good R and D .Rather producing a gun type enriched uranium bomb is easy if yiu have the uranium. ..and googlre sure isn't the best source.Refer to papers from ivanovsky .

You are in Russia, why don't you ask the Russians who may have passed this technology as well. When the Russians denied for years on end about their collaboration on Indian nuclear submarine, and were later the only country present when Indian PM inaugurated the Arihant speaks volumes about Indo-Russian collaboration. And what is so technical about developing undetectable chemical agents, after all India did develop nuclear weapons without anyone's help didn't they. ;)
Indians denied the existence of their chemical weapons program for years till it disclosed in June 1997 that it possessed chemical weapons. Under the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which India signed in 1993 and ratified in September 1996, India had to tell the world that it had chemical weapons. The fact that India deliberately did not divulge that they had chemical weapons and accepted it four years after signing the treaty is evidence enough that highlights their lie.

Pakistan denied for years that it had nuclear weapons, yet a few days after India tested(which also denied existence), Pakistan was able to test. Pakistani generals have been making statements that they had weapons since the late 1980's. Liars...eh? Don't be silly, non disclosure of weapons hardly constitutes a grave crime. India did declare when it needed to. To read more is to really stretch it. pointless & best to cut your losses here. Not much of a case to prosecute.

India publicly threatened to not ratify the treaty if the U.S. did not sign. Hardly something that suggests subterfuge.
While the world is deliberating the use of chemical weapons by Syria, we must not forget the India had earlier lied about possession of chemical and biological weapons and is conducting further research on these weapons. India has also used chemical weapons in Kashmir, and against Pakistan.

Unlike the ever-denying usual Indian posters, i do believe your story.

I do believe India used chemical weapons on some of your countrymen, causing some chemical reaction, thereby mutating many into something entirely different, the planet has ever seen.

Full marks to your research.
These have to be tested in a particular time frame. Probably the heights where these chemical weapons were used made it difficult to timely collect the stained samples. The friends in the army explained the kind of sickness caused to the soldiers and it was nothing but chemical artillery shells that could have caused it.

My brother is serving Indian Army and he told me never believe In Conspiracy theories. PERIOD. Provide source or else :wave:
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