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Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

You didn't absorb it! Foreigners forced and imposed you the IDENTITY.
Lol who is forcing us? Those to wanted succeed in current times and previously during British rule used to learn it, no point being the frog in the well when who world runs on English language.
Again that doesn't mean you don't have your own language and culture, in India you will find languages, dialects and scripts changing within short distances. And yes that is very much our Indian identity.

It is called in Pakistan. social studies main ham na Indo Pak subcontinent hi parha tha
Indian ocean ko bhi Indo Pak ocean bolte ho kya?
It is amusing to see Pakistanis being accused of identity crisis here when it is India which has named itself after a river which isn't even in the country any more (mostly).

The name India was used by the Greeks and other outsiders to lump together the Indus river region with rest of the region beyond, but that lumping together ceased officially in 1947. Time for India to move on and embrace the separation.

India has renamed so many cities, from Bombay to Mumbai, Madras to Chennai, Calcutta to Kolkata, so why stick with the old Indus-based name?

Look at the bright side. If you call yourself Bharat then you're already halfway to Akhand Bharat. :)
Wot, no one calls it Indo Pak subcontinent.

true.... never heard indo pak subcontinent..... its Indian subcontinent globally..... no idea on urdu version....
true.... never heard indo pak subcontinent..... its Indian subcontinent globally..... no idea on urdu version....
It's South Asia or Asian subcontinent. Not Indian Subcontinent.
It's South Asia or Asian subcontinent. Not Indian Subcontinent.

If it's not at all Indian subcontinent and South Asia subcontinent then why to start such thread to begin with???

If it's not at all Indian subcontinent and South Asia subcontinent then why to start such thread to begin with???
Wikipedia is wrong.

I do not go by popular culture you moron.

It is Asian subcontinent or South Asia. Even United Nations uses South Asia.
Wikipedia is wrong.

I do not go by popular culture you moron.

It is Asian subcontinent or South Asia. Even United Nations uses South Asia.

you yourself start a thread saying USAGE OF INDIAN SUBCONTINENT SHOUD BE STOPPED..... and then you say its South Asia or Asian continent.... if you are so much convinced then why to start a thread to begin with????
I go further and since we are all making up things say India should be kept for Pakistan.

Because that is where the Sindhus came in and their origins of the word.

What calls itself India today is Bharat and has nothing to do with the origins of the nomenclature India.

So the south asian subcontinent should be Pakistan which was India along with Bharat and Bangladesh
This is all Pakistanis what are able to spend their energy on? What a useless pointless exercise.
This is all Pakistanis what are able to spend their energy on? What a useless pointless exercise.
No this is not pointless.

Because people in the West, think we Pakistani have something in common with Indians which is not true.

We are Pakistanis and not Indians.
No this is not pointless.

Because people in the West, think we Pakistani have something in common with Indians which is not true.

We are Pakistanis and not Indians.
I live in the west too and anyone with half a brain here knows the difference between Pakistan and India
In Pakistan,

Saying "Indian Subcontinent" should banned.

We are not Indians, we are Pakistanis.

Say Asian Subcontinent.
Instead of denying it you should reclaim the word, greek indo / indus was about you guys, the population around the banks of indus. While the supposed indians should call them self something else.
Again that doesn't mean you don't have your own language and culture, in India you will find languages, dialects and scripts changing within short distances. And yes that is very much our Indian identity.

Indian Identity = Forced by European Conquerors
Hindistan/Hindustan = Forced by Turkic/Persian Conquerors
Hindi/Al-Hind = Forced by Arab Conquerors

Delusion created to shrug off ancestral humiliation by your RW Nationalists = Bharat/India/Hindustan/Hind it is the same thing :P

Yep that is very much your identity!
Indian Identity = Forced by European Conquerors
Hindistan/Hindustan = Forced by Turkic/Persian Conquerors
Hindi/Al-Hind = Forced by Arab Conquerors

Delusion created to shrug off ancestral humiliation by your RW Nationalists = Bharat/India/Hindustan/Hind it is the same thing :P

Yep that is very much your identity!
So according to your logic Japan shouldn't feel good about Japanese identity because the word Japan isn't local endonym?
Having an exonym doesn't remove yourself from your identity, so many countries have them. Also India/Ind/Hind derives from Sanskrit word Sindhu, I guess it's an exonym but it's roots are Indian.
So according to your logic Japan shouldn't feel good about Japanese identity because the word Japan isn't local endonym?
Having an exonym doesn't remove yourself from your identity, so many countries have them. Also India/Ind/Hind derives from Sanskrit word Sindhu, I guess it's an exonym but it's roots are Indian.

If your parents name you "Nathu Laal", and after conquering your home your conqueror starts calling you "David"; it is a humiliation to you and your parents. Because "Nathu Laal" is your name and "David" is imposed on you :P

Also Bharat, India, Hind, Hindustan, British India and Republic of India at the time of their conception had absolutely different geographical boundaries with multiple nations living in them :)
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