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Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

"Bahasa" itself is derived from the Sanskrit Bhasha or language I suppose?

Your country real name is Bharat.

Indonesia real name is Nusantara and it has become the name of our new capital.

My name @Indos is not wrong

Indo/Indos is also term for mixed blood people. Many Indonesians are basically mixed blood as well :haha:
Saw this video explaining Indonesia etymology
For the time being....!!:smokin:

That's going to hurt for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time until you guys will eventually accept it :P

in hasratoñ se kah do kahīñ aur jā baseñ

itnī jagah kahāñ hai dil-e-dāġh-dār meñ

Indian constitution specifies Hindi and English as official languages.
Again what is the NATIONAL LANGUAGE ???????????

भारत गणराज्य : Republic of India

We are not the ones to call ourselves foreigners just because we might have absorbed some linguistic/cultural elements.

You called your self INDIANS and your country INDIA.

You didn't absorb it! Foreigners forced and imposed you the IDENTITY.
It is not about “shared history”; it is about self-created and self-pleasing "shared history" of RW Indians.

As the state of Pakistan will get older and mature, you will see that the how the engineered history of India will be challenged and debunked :)

It's all about time!
Just keep at it, you will be called middle east. Make sense 👌 since you identify with them.
In Pakistan,

Saying "Indian Subcontinent" should banned.

We are not Indians, we are Pakistanis.

Say Asian Subcontinent.
We are actually more indian than the so called indians (bharatis). Most of the Indus valley reside in Pakistan. I believe this concept of subcontinent should just be dropped. Probably colonizers use that to define their regions ( i could be wrong)
We are actually more indian than the so called indians (bharatis). Most of the Indus valley reside in Pakistan. I believe this concept of subcontinent should just be dropped. Probably colonizers use that to define their regions ( i could be wrong)
I know. But people associate India with modern day "Republic of India."

Say Asian subcontinent or South Asia.
Baloch sea بحیرہ بلوچ. Because most of the Pakistan coastal area is in Balochistan and according to some PDF members Karachi was also Baloch area and it is on the western side of indus. According to PDF members east and west of Indus are 2 different worlds

I think indos is PDF's own account and it posts about Indonesia in every thread to attract SE Asians
Intresting, a big chunk of Gulf coastline was also populated by Baloch historically
Aik baar Balochistan assembly main kisi na yeh kaha tha. But Arabian sea koi Pakistan ki malkiyat thori ha Jo name change karay ga
What was his name?

Chad Baloch 😍💪🏼🇵🇰😍🇵🇰💪🏼
Like South Africa I would have loved it more if India was named as South Asia instead of India......

India isn’t even named after india
India is named after River Indus which is in Pakistan
So india is named after Pakistan

Indus originates from Tibet my friend and then crossing kashmir it goes into Pakistan..... So it's not solely a Pak river.....
Like South Africa I would have loved it more if India was named as South Asia instead of India......

Indus originates from Tibet my friend and then crossing kashmir it goes into Pakistan..... So it's not solely a Pak river.....
What bullshit is this?

95% of the Indus River is in Pakistan. It is a Pakistani river.
Just keep at it, you will be called middle east. Make sense 👌 since you identify with them.

Nobody wants to be called "middle east". It is just an inferiority complex on your side that when we reject the fictional claim of "shared history", out of burn, you guys allege us that we want to be "middle east".

Again DON'T WORRY ABOUT US. Worry about yourself because your 5000 or 50000 history and identification comes from the courtesy of European.
The best thing to do is to consider Pakistan to be in the Middle East because majority of Pakistanis have Arabian DNA anyway. This has been scientifically proved on this very forum countless times.

In my opinion, Pakistan is a Middle Eastern ethnic Arab country.
Correct vocabulary
Words like Indian subcontinent instead of South Asia, Desi instead of Pakistani, founder instead of leader for Mr.Jinnah are wrong
It is fact, that the world recognizes us as South Asian nations.... not the Indian sub-continent ...that was a British slave term.
What bullshit is this?

95% of the Indus River is in Pakistan. It is a Pakistani river.

agreed but it originates in Tibet..... imagine if you didn't have friendly relations with China and they decided to build a dam or something.... if it was originating in Pak then you could have called it totally Pak river.... India too is benefited from water of this river....
It is called Indo Pak subcontinent and in Urdu bar e sagheer pak o hind
Wot, no one calls it Indo Pak subcontinent.
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