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USA wants report on Sri Lanka from India

Do you understand English?

I said UK WAS India's master. So what does that to do with its PM now?

In 1971 war, didn't your Soviet master sent a carrier?

You know what's now. :devil:

Edit the bolded parts unless you wish to have posts deleted for flaming. :pop:

I don't see US having that much of a stake in Sri Lanka so why bother?

India should rather handover the reports to UN.

India served its first master UK.

Then it served its second master Soviet.

Now looks it's going to serve its third master USA.

Can India serve itself as a master? -- I mean can you be more independently thinking?

At least we are not stealing and taking proud of it like a great civilization is doing now...
i want to know wat conflict??


Ignorance is not your fault, but your education. This has been posted by our SL friend. Please read it carefully:

Why Is South Asia So Tense? India Must Rethink Its Policies Towards Its Neighbors. | Critical Analysis |Axisoflogic.com

In case of South Asia, this has not been true. India has disputes with almost every neighbor which have strained their relationships for years.

Nepal: The tiny mountain state of Nepal has complained of persistent Indian dictation and interference in its internal affairs. That India employs economic blockades and manipulates transit facilities to this landlocked country for arm twisting is no secret.

Bangladesh: Likewise, Bangladesh is locked into an unresolved dispute for the building of the Farakka barrage that deprives Bangladesh of its water share. Despite the gratitude Bangladesh owes to India for having militarily dismembered Pakistan in 1971 to midwife its birth, relations between the two have often sunk to the rock bottom on a host of issues, including border disputes.

That's ok, buddy, if India wants to invest in SL.

But it's a joke and laughable when China invests in SL, one small-hearted Indian calls SL "broke trust". :tdown:

See the post I replied to. :lol:

Well friend - China can ofcourse invest in Sri Lanka just like India or any other country. There is certainly "no trust broke".

I found the link below which shows Malaysia also as a big investor in Sri Lankan economy. The link is of last year but proves the point that multiple countries are investing in Sri Lanka bcoz they see a bright business future in that country.

Sri Lanka Sees Foreign Investment Quadrupling as Civil War Ends - Bloomberg
i actually laughed uncontrollably; thank you, at the end of fasting season, for making me laugh so hard it hurts

a few investments in Sri Lanka means you have any locus standi on their political matters? Sensitive times for that country, stop butting into their business. Sri Lankan national security is Sri Lankan national security; it has no effect on indian.

again on behalf of all Pakistani Nation, I would reiterate congratulations to Sri Lankans over their victory against tamil tigers (aka locusts)
i actually laughed uncontrollably; thank you, at the end of fasting season, for making me laugh so hard it hurts

a few investments in Sri Lanka means you have any locus standi on their political matters? Sensitive times for that country, stop butting into their business. Sri Lankan national security is Sri Lankan national security; it has no effect on indian.

again on behalf of all Pakistani Nation, I would reiterate congratulations to Sri Lankans over their victory against tamil tigers (aka locusts)

lol but than what is your stand on afghanistan??? why Afghan officials aleways rising such concern about pakistan's effort to destabalize afghanistan? Why Iran and India also concerned about you. lol everyone is laughing to see your concern about sri lanka. :lol:
a few investments in Sri Lanka means you have any locus standi on their political matters? Sensitive times for that country, stop butting into their business. Sri Lankan national security is Sri Lankan national security; it has no effect on indian.

India - Sri Lanka relations are not guided by your intuition (read: Pakistan intuition)

And btw keep laughing, its good for health.
This kind of attitude only expresses Indian mentality of taking south asia as their "back yard". They were provided a loan not bought with it. Sri Lanka as a free and sovergien country as a right to do whatever it wants..even if that is giving a seaport to China, Pakistan, Russia, Japan what so ever..Why do Indians think they own everything and everyone?? clues of akhand bharat mentality??

Pakistan is also speaking as if Afghanistan is their "back yard".
yeah now go n join pakistan and china and start cold war against india..
so that india gets a reason to place its vikramaditya carrier near srilanka,near ur foreign military base:chilli::chilli::chilli:

2 words

Hambantota Project ;);)

in other words, good luck with that one! :azn:

p.s. first get your soviet-era vikramaditya before talking about naval installations
Do you understand English?

I said UK WAS India's master. So what does that to do with its PM now?

In 1971 war, didn't your Soviet master sent a carrier?

You know what's now. :devil:

India didn't get any free weapons from any country like you are getting from last 63 years.

lo,we know who was who's master!!! First USA than China. lol Aid after aid. ships, fighters even choopers in the name of calamity. :lol:

gpit, is a pakistani but he is ashamed to be pakistani. :P
i actually laughed uncontrollably; thank you, at the end of fasting season, for making me laugh so hard it hurts

a few investments in Sri Lanka means you have any locus standi on their political matters? Sensitive times for that country, stop butting into their business. Sri Lankan national security is Sri Lankan national security; it has no effect on indian.

again on behalf of all Pakistani Nation, I would reiterate congratulations to Sri Lankans over their victory against tamil tigers (aka locusts)

Can I also laugh uncontrollably when Pakistan speaks about Afghanistan.

Man do not make me laugh so much, its hurting in the same place...
2 words

Hambantota Project ;);)

in other words, good luck with that one! :azn:

lol china made a port in pakistan you started talk like china is taking over security of pakistan from the army but with in next few years US and NATO forces started bombing inside pakistan but you could do nothing. lol

when Pakistan itself has so many US bases its funny that they are talking about sri lanka. :lol:
Oh yeah?

Now you can blame US for 1962 humiliation, you conflict with Nepal and BD? :rofl:

I agree US stired some unstability in the world, but not everywhere.

You are an american. :lol::lol:

humiliation??? check it again what happened after that in other conflicts with china. what happened in 1971 is the real humiliation.
Pakistan is also speaking as if Afghanistan is their "back yard".

we share a 1500 km long POROUS border with Afghanistan

if there is turmoil in Afghanistan, it has major blow-back effects on Pakistan; as we are learning, those effects are not limited to FATA/Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa but even our big cities

we actually have a lot at stake in an unstable Afghanistan -which we desperately want to be stablized (and of course, one in which hindustan does not have much influence for national security reasons)

Sri Lanka is not even physically connected to hindustan. And we arent talking about human rights abuses in Afghanistan or any of that other stuff

war is war! tamil tigers were trying to wage a civil war on regular civilians and state institutions; they were perfectly within their right to defend their country against legitimate targets.

of course i wouldnt expect indian to understand this, or any foreign policy for that matter. It is no wonder that india is at odds with ALL her neighbours. Sri Lanka approached hindustan before consulting with Pakistanis and Chinese. indian, who are famous for their lackadaisical responses and their indecisiveness, blew the opportunity. Pakistan and China stepped in to help a friend in trouble.
Sri Lanka also may delay the visit by Indian Foreign Minister

Sri Lanka India Relations may hit its lowest level

Sri Lanka’s friends China, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea & ASEAN Countries until now ignored any kind request from USA regarding Sri Lanka

India did a wrong thing, Sri Lanka wont TRUST India in any kind of issues in the future

And who are you to say that ??

by the way what's your authority ???????

Why are you doing big talk :blah::blah::blah:

Sri Lanka is a very tiny nation and don't have any other neighbor near it on thousand kilometers.

So don't take our friendship for granted, the messacare of tamils in lanka and the human rights etc. are not small issue. Also, the situation can be changed again in a day if India wants don't be in illusions that LTTE or some other group can't pop up again.

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