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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

“The whole nation will wage a jihad against America and will fight against them shoulder to shoulder with Pakistani armed forces,” Haq added.
I doubt it. This is Landi Kotal, where the TTP and Pakistani gov't battle each other. The Taliban are just trying to get the gov't off their back. When the GoP has agreed to this in the past, you know what happened? More bombs in mosques and markets.

Two thumbs down.
Another point which i think people are not giving importance is that US has 140 k troops in Afghanistan who require a permanent and efficient supplies on daily basis. The pentagon is planning to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 and the economical alternate supply line is still not discovered.
Not quite correct. The ISAF are already using alternate supply lines for their troops. This is the so called Northern Distribution Network through Central Asia. Presently, only about half of NATO's nonlethal supplies pass through Pakistan, down from 80% two years ago.

Here is a map showing these routes...


However, as can be seen, the supply routes through Pakistan are the shortest and most viable. But remember, by 2014, the U.S. would station just about 30,000 troops permanently in Afghanistan. Thus, there would not be too much of a hassle getting their supplies from the North if the routes through Pakistan are severed.
they have to run away its not iraq its afghanistan.
Soviet commander: U.S. faces similar Afghan fate

December 01, 2009|By Paul Armstrong CNN

A former commander of Soviet forces in Afghanistan has warned history is being repeated in the war-ravaged country as the United States and its allies become increasingly mired in an "unwinnable war."

Gen. Victor Yermakov commanded the Soviet Union's 40th army in Afghanistan from May 1982 to November 1983, one of six commanders to preside over the Soviet task force after its 1979 invasion.

The Kremlin's bloody nine-year campaign to support the Marxist government in Kabul cost the lives of more than 15,000 troops and brought the Soviet economy to its knees before its 100,000-strong army was forced into a humiliating withdrawal.and remember they were on the border with afghanistan with no problem of getting supplies in to afghanistan unlike US
Soviet commander: U.S. faces similar Afghan fate - CNN
why every tom dick and harry allow to post a new thread? shut the **** off indian *****

you mean every sanjay, sachin and venkat. Cos they cant do the job even though they are much bigger country they have dreams that america will take pakistan away away away lol
2) If they do make this mistake, this region will become the graveyard of one more super power.

There is no warlike situation between US and Pakistan as I mentioned many times but setting that aside what is the reason behind such thought? What will happen? As far as Pakistan's capability is concerned US will remain unharmed from all aspects. Isn't it? US fought Iraq, they destroyed Saddam and his army, what happened to them. nothing.
we had dream of pakistan failing........fulfilled. psakistan is a failed country

we had dream of US bombing pakistan.......fufilled. daily drone attacks in pakistan by great US

now we have dream of US invading pakistan and destroying all its nuear weapon..........inshallah it will be fulfilled soon

Baghal may churi aur muh may ram ram :), describes the indian mentality
Guys at least the mods have seen the quality of the posts and threads he is putting on i think the bell just rang too loudly for him. Anyway if your watching BodyGuard do have a great evening.
For those of you who are overconfident in Pakistan's defence capabilities and think they can turn the USA armed forces in to a graveyard have to go back to Iraq wars twice. Iraq Army had tons of weapons and yet they were made useless within few days.

If and when USA does decide to do anything it will be a slow and progressive process. Watch out for sanctions through UNO, if that move is made Pakistan could be in big trouble. I do not wish tough days to any nation but leadership has to stop playing the games of China Vs USA and that of denying the existence of co-operation between Haqqani network and ISI. It does not matter whether USA was responsible for birth of the group or not. The Saudi Arabia is more afraid of groups like Haqqani Network. They want it destroyed as well although this information is not in the public domain because these are behind the door discussion and kept secret till wikileak leaks them. In order to avoid any bloodshed, it is in Pakistan's best interest to pursue this group relentlessly and destroy them once for all. China's main goal is to bleed Pakistan and USA in order to prevent any riots or terrorist attack like in the past with in their country.

On the other hand USA would like to see internal disturbance originating from Pakistan occupied Kashmir to create tension between two all weather friends. At the end of the day leadership in Pakistan has to choose between two giants of the present day. Status Quo is not going to work for long, there has to be 180 degree turn which delivers result and not talk only.

With best wishes for your nation in the coming months. Take care of your nation in a responsible way.

---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ----------

1) America can't afford to open another front.
2) If they do make this mistake, this region will become the graveyard of one more super power.

Topic addressed, situation resolved, off to dinner![/QUOTE
Too late for action on Pakistan. The US missed their window of opportunity after they had Pakistan over a barrel post OBL raid, Pakistan weathered the storm.
Too late for action on Pakistan. The US missed their window of opportunity after they had Pakistan over a barrel post OBL raid, Pakistan weathered the storm.

I think US could not prove that ISI had the hand in the OBL cookie jar beyond doubt. The noise this time is totally different. Seems that they have some evidence of Kayani's and Pasha's naughtiness. One thing is sure, over the next days there will be action against Haqqanis. Remains to be seen who hangs around them to join the fun. So talking about having weathered the storm is I think ignorant. With OBL Pakistan was just served with the connsume.

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