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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

US is merely trying to divert attention of Pakistan Army and engage it in uncalled for confrontation at another front and thus create another mess in Pakistan as next elections are approaching. thats all no physical attack is in sight so far.

Respectfully ...

There is every chance of confrontation and the extent will be derived from Pakistan's voice against the current allegations.

Looks like we have played our best Card in Past few days (Attacking green zone in Kabul and Rabani), played a very dangerous game considering that US will not and cannot go on an all out WAR with Pakistan, knowing there strategic positioning of the forces in the region and dependence on Pakistan for supplies and support for NATO forces in Afghanistan it is know to ISI and establishment that US cannot retaliate with Pakistan ...... It is out of Question! So what is the question and what is a probable answer?

Question is : Pakistan's Point of View; US should include Taliban and Pakistan in the front line handlers of Afghanistan when US leaves in 2014 or even 2012 and peace and presence of US bases can be discussed !

US's point of view; Create a situation to alienate Pakistan and establish Indian loving Northern alliance in command of Afghanistan with continued pressure on Pakistan for ever.

Answer: if we have the nerves to stand firm and take offensive and WAR readiness actions to give a clear cut message to US that any incursion even of Drones will be met with force and reactive measures against US /NATO in Afghanistan and no easy wandering for your fleet in the Arabian sea, US will come on dialogue in which Pakistan can give and take our requirements for future Afghanistan.

Wait and See !!!
i said this before and i will say it again, usa is losing badly in afghanistan, they want to blame Pakistan for everything, because they wasted trillions of dollars and now they dont know what to tell their citizens who are seeking answers.

and Pakistan is not suppose to protect nato forces inside KABUL, that is not Pakistani territory,
Over frustration of Super Power results dissolution .... think before taking over so many tensions


Very nice picture descriptive of reality. But you forgot to draw the Iran Pakistan gas and oil thick pipe going through Uncle Sam's asss.
Advanced MIRV ICBMs can hit slow moving targets.

you need 'n' number of satellites to provide mid course guidance....its not as simple as that...

and LOL at the zaid hamids here who think they can take on usa and win.....
its our territory and its our choice if we want to attack haqqani group or not, everybody else should sdfu.

and what is the point of attacking haqqani group? more suicide bombings, more innocents getting killed, and usa blaming Pakistan for losing their war in Afghanistan.
i doubt you would be able to play with any thing mate.

the question is not that the US will attack and loose a war with you . the question should be what is the extent of damage they can cause to your country ." its great to chest thump but when bombs fall out of the sky , only the innocent cry ".

---------- Post added at 12:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------

i said this before and i will say it again, usa is losing badly in afghanistan, they want to blame Pakistan for everything, because they wasted trillions of dollars and now they dont know what to tell their citizens who are seeking answers.

and Pakistan is not suppose to protect nato forces inside KABUL, that is not Pakistani territory,

the facts have nothing to do with it . its perception ! the US perceives that you support these guys (whether rightly or wrongly is debatable) so they will want answers .
you need 'n' number of satellites to provide mid course guidance....its not as simple as that...

If Iranians can harass US Cruisers with ******* speedboats, I'm sure Pakistan is not in that much trouble.

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usa cant afford to attack Pakistan.

What is your definition of attack??? An all out war?? if yes then forget it...I am not sure about they can or can't but cost of the war will certainly outweigh the benefits it will bring in...

Otherwise they are attacking you on daily basis...Drones, OBL operation is nothing but an attack...Now it happens with or without Pakistan consent is a different debate.....
What is your definition of attack??? An all out war?? if yes then forget it...I am not sure about they can or can't but cost of the war will certainly outweigh the benefits it will bring in...

Otherwise they are attacking you on daily basis...Drones, OBL operation is nothing but an attack...Now it happens with or without Pakistan consent is a different debate.....

government is involved in drone attacks and probably in obl too, im talking about full face to face war,
If Iranians can harass US Cruisers with ******* speedboats, I'm sure Pakistan is not in that much trouble.

the iranians have the advantage of the straits of hormuz... a narrow bottleneck......here its the wide open arabian sea......moreover any retaiatory attacks on the iranians will cripple the global economy as they are the third largest crude producers....pakistan ?
What this moron senator asking is literal sucide for thousand of their troops in Afghanistan plus a massive wave of retaliation by Pakistanis in USA.
the iranians have the advantage of the straits of hormuz... a narrow bottleneck......here its the wide open arabian sea......moreover any retaiatory attacks on the iranians will cripple the global economy as they are the third largest crude producers....pakistan ?

From that far out, will Pakistan really be disadvantaged?
government is involved in drone attacks and probably in obl too, im talking about full face to face war,

As said....that is not happening...The cost of war vs the objective's makes no sense.....What US will certainly do is put enormous pressure on you which might involve some OBL kind of operations...but that's it.....

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