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US Warns China on SCS Moves

Unlike china, We willing to share the international water in SCS(east sea) with every one , we only claim all islands, not the whole SCS(east sea) like greedy, loud barking but coward china:coffee:

China claims all the shoals and their EEZ in SCS, not the whole sea as you said, so does Vietnam. Get this fact straight before you further embarrass yourself in this international forum.
China claims all the shoals and their EEZ in SCS, not the whole sea as you said, so does Vietnam. Get this fact straight before you further embarrass yourself in this international forum.
We don't claim the U-shaped like china

btw: twisting the fact in PDF can't help china to get stronger or having more friends. china dare not solve the disputed in international court bcz she's a dirty robber and make every one hate her . that the truth, face it:coffee:
I think it would have been better if instead of warning China....U.S should have deployed atleast 4 to 5 more squadrons of F 15 SE...
I think it would have been better if instead of warning China....U.S should have deployed atleast 4 to 5 more squadrons of F 15 SE...

That will not be happens for U.S risking its pilots life, instead of that U.S could ship those jets to Philippines and let the Philippino do their jobs. I'm sure, Philippinos are good at it. Or U.S could supplies those fighters for Viet Nam then problems solve.

Viet Nam already send pilots to U.S for "learning English", and only U.S could teach Viet Nam learn English so well.
China claims all the shoals and their EEZ in SCS, not the whole sea as you said, so does Vietnam. Get this fact straight before you further embarrass yourself in this international forum.

What is the base for China to "claims all the shoals and their EEZ". Historical evidences or International laws? None of them :rofl:

Look at these "brave" Vietnamese :lol:


Sacrifice their lives for the Nation. Since when it's not brave actions?
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3269030 said:
Undefined. It means our gov haven't published maritime claim, because they are trying to discuss and solve with Indonesia, Philippines first. We have only done with Malaysia.

Undefined? It seems Vietnam wants the best of two world, while telling no one what she claims and proceeded to occupy 40 prime real estate in the area. What's next, Singapore?

Now I'm glad China's there to rein you guys in!
So tell Mr WiseGuy, what precisely does Vietnam claim?
If you need further information, please go to international court and ask. If you dare not go there and ask, then you're just a liar like those paranoid chinese here:coffee:
ahfatzia said:
Undefined? It seems Vietnam wants the best of two world, while telling no one what she claims and proceeded to occupy 40 prime real estate in the area. What's next, Singapore?
You're just one of china spies or 50 cent china's soldier in Singapore, so don't drag that tiny country in :coffee:
Undefined? It seems Vietnam wants the best of two world, while telling no one what she claims and proceeded to occupy 40 prime real estate in the area. What's next, Singapore?

Now I'm glad China's there to rein you guys in!

:rofl: It means our gov haven't published maritime claim, because they are trying to discuss and solve with Indonesia, Philippines first. Unlike China, Vietnam respect other claims from South East Asia's nations, so we won't publish a personal self-fish claim.
We are ASEAN's members, we act together, so we try to solve our problems together so every member is happy. So, the result is a Mutual Claim from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam. That's much more better than a personal claim, isn't it?

Your country, Cambodia and Myanmar should learn how to co-operate with other ASEAN's members. Singapore is the most advanced country in South East Asia, you should be a leader, not the one who try to break the solidarity of ASEAN for the need of your chinese race.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3269178 said:

Your country, Cambodia and Myanmar should learn how to co-operate with other ASEAN's members. Singapore is the most advanced country in South East Asia, you should be a leader, not the one who try to break the solidarity of ASEAN for the need of your chinese race.
Singapore is just a tiny US's vassal state and its economy and politic are controlled by chinese, few nuclear-capable Shaddock missile is enough to send it back to poor and dirty fishing village, so pls don't highly appreciate her.
Singapore is just a tiny US's vassal state few nuclear-capable Shaddock missile is enough to send it back to poor and dirty fishing village, so pls don't highly appreciate her.

They have highest technology-capable in South East Asia.
Most of them are chinese but unlike mainland chinese, they have the best society in South East Asia.
They do the best organization in South East Asia.
Have you ever been there?

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