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'US wants to take S. Korea into new Korean war'

i agree.but I would say NK isn't any less.its war mongering will lead sk to a war with nk...
border china? I guess there are still delusions in Washington. China will push the Americans out of all koreas if war is to happen.

China would be prepared for total war before she would let US right on the border. Just in Japan, SK, and Philippines is humiliating enough.

Does the US think China is Iraq? China has latest Tanks, Helicopters space Beidou, Drones, fourth generation fighters massive navy missiles that can fire half way across the world. A war this close will mean suicide for US soldiers.
im damn sure the US has used Grade A politics here, got SK sandwiched right in the middle !!!!!
Of-course they want... its not America which has a border with North Korea..right ? Entire Korean peninsula is history if a war is launched ....
N.Korea has been too aggressive over the last few years. Instead of focusing on feeding its people, it has been busy provocating the South Koreans and the US.

Getting rid of that nuisance should be China's number one priority.
N.Korea has been too aggressive over the last few years. Instead of focusing on feeding its people, it has been busy provocating the South Koreans and the US.

Getting rid of that nuisance should be China's number one priority.
No,preventing the reunification of two Koreans is China's priority issue.If the nuclear weapon of NK could do the thing,then it's OK.
The only country at risk of a possible nuclear attack here is S.K. Lunatic kim might have gravity bombs. China will also be affected from the fall out in such a scenario. Also the 10000 artillery pieces pointed towards seoul. Its would be test of US commitment to its allies if a war indeed breaks out. I think they can bomb the hell out of Kim but would they risk a nuclear fall out in S.K . Chances are still pretty low for a war. N.K will be wiped out S.k conventional blitzkrieg alone while Kim and his regime has grown accustomed to power and they won't risk it.
they need another conflict to feed their military industrial complex. soon to be kicked out of afghanistan, need somewhere else to send their kids to their deaths. but korea would be a huge mistake they should have learnt their lesson. oh wait, it's amreeka we're speaking of here. :disagree:
1、North Korea wants to negotiate with the U.S.
2、The United States want to contain China on the plea of North Korea.
3、China want to keep the surrounding stability to develop.
It's that simple
dont waste too much popcorn over it

Neither the West nor China would want to see an all out war take place. Nobody would gain anything.

this back and forth rhetoric is going on for decades now; but deploying missiles on mobile launchers with possible nuclear payload is indeed a very provocative move by North Korea and not a very rational thing to do - even if NK's young leader is trying to prove to the isolated North Korean population that he has the same amount of "bravado" as his father

I was watching a documentary about Camp 14 in North Korea.....pretty crazy stuff.

anyways - nothing is gonna happen and it's better that any differences are resolved through dialogue. West should avoid getting involved in this dispute as it could provoke rather than decrease tensions.

No,preventing the reunification of two Koreans is China's priority issue.If the nuclear weapon of NK could do the thing,then it's OK.

there's so much hatred on both sides, i dont even see it as remote possibility

a status quo without nuclear war rhetoric and things getting out of hand does suit PRC and her interests quite well
dont waste too much popcorn over it

Neither the West nor China would want to see an all out war take place. Nobody would gain anything.

this back and forth rhetoric is going on for decades now; but deploying missiles on mobile launchers with possible nuclear payload is indeed a very provocative move by North Korea and not a very rational thing to do - even if NK's young leader is trying to prove to the isolated North Korean population that he has the same amount of "bravado" as his father

I was watching a documentary about Camp 14 in North Korea.....pretty crazy stuff.

anyways - nothing is gonna happen and it's better that any differences are resolved through dialogue. West should avoid getting involved in this dispute as it could provoke rather than decrease tensions.

there's so much hatred on both sides, i dont even see it as remote possibility

a status quo without nuclear war rhetoric and things getting out of hand does suit PRC and her interests quite well

It's not hatred,delusional koreans has a territory demand on china.Unification of korea will do nothing good to china.
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