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'US wants to take S. Korea into new Korean war'

After liberation of Korea in 1945, many Koreans believed that ***** should be given to Korean rule, but the military control by United States of America in the south and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the north hindered any unified Korean claim to the territory. The chaos of the Korean War and the geopolitical situation of the Cold War effectively diminished any opportunity for Koreans to highlight the ***** issue. In 1962, North Korea signed a boundary treaty with People's Republic of China setting the Korean boundary at Yalu and Tumen, effectively foregoing territorial claims to *****. South Korea also recognizes this as the boundary between Korea and China.
Today, none of the governments involved (North Korea, South Korea, People's Republic of China, or Japan) make the claim that ***** is Korean territory. In addition, there is very little enthusiasm for irredentism among the Korean minority in China. Although there are occasional arguments over historical interpretation, this issue arouses very little emotion or official interest on the part of any of the parties, and relations between China and both Koreas remain warm.
In 2004 the South Korean government issued a statement to the effect that it believed that the ***** Convention was null and void. The resultant controversy and strong negative reaction from the PRC led to a retraction of the statement, along with an explanation that its issuance was an "administrative error."
A small number of South Korean activists believe that under a unified Korea, the treaties signed by North Korea can be deemed null, allowing the unified Korea to actively seek regress for *****. However, the current political situation make this a faint possibility at best. Also, some scholars claims that China's efforts to incorporate the history of Goguryeo and Balhae into Chinese history is an effectively pre-emptive move to squash any territorial disputes that might rise regarding ***** before a unified Korea can claim such or the Korean ethnic minority in the Manchuria region claim to become part of Korea.

From the wiki entry it does not look like an important issue for South or North Korean govt. except for a very small number of South Korean private activists.

I heard that although Chinese citizens of Korean origin have some privilege due to their common ethnic origin in South Korea, most people now-a-days recognize that they (Chinese of Korean origin) have completely assimilated to Chinese culture and consider them more as Chinese than Korean. Even when they move to Korea, they prefer to speak in Chinese among themselves, perhaps because they recognize that the Chinese identity will be more important for them in the future, while they do not hesitate to use their Korean ethnic origin to gain benefits from South Korean state. So I think both Korea's consider these population of Korean origin effectively lost and assimilated to Chinese culture.

Unification, on the other hand, is a far more important issue for both North and South Korea. It is the US and US supported politicians (Grand National Party) in South Korea who are against unification, while Uri party (or its latest incarnation) is for unification. US wants to prevent unification because that will remove the last excuse for keeping their bases in East Asia.

So if China wants the removal of US bases from East Asia, then I would think unification would be in China's interest.

But I do recognize that this is a complicated matter and there is no easy answers. The status quo will change slowly with China's economic and military rise.

As for the OP and topic, the US do not want a war, the US wants to maintain status quo. Its the same old brinkmanship and bluff by North Korea to get more leverage before the North Koreans sit down to negotiate, because a war would be suicidal for North Korean Kim regime, I would think.
From the wiki entry it does not look like an important issue for South or North Korean govt. except for a very small number of South Korean private activists.

I heard from South Koreans that although Chinese citizens of Korean origin have some privilege due to their common ethnic origin in South Korea, most people now-a-days recognize that they (Chinese of Korean origin) have completely assimilated to Chinese culture and consider them more as Chinese than Korean. Even when they move to Korea, they prefer to speak in Chinese among themselves, perhaps because they recognize that the Chinese identity will be more important for them in the future, while they do not hesitate to use their Korean ethnic origin to gain benefits from South Korean state. So I think both Korea's consider these population of Korean origin effectively lost and assimilated to Chinese culture.

Unification, on the other hand, is a far more important issue for both North and South Korea. It is the US and US supported politicians (Grand National Party) in South Korea who are against unification, while Uri party (or its latest incarnation) is for unification. US wants to prevent unification because that will remove the last excuse for keeping their bases in East Asia.

So if China wants the removal of US bases from East Asia, then I would think unification would be in China's interest.

But I do recognize that this is a complicated matter and there is no easy answers. The status quo will change slowly with China's economic and military rise.

As for the OP and topic, the US do not want a war, the US wants to maintain status quo. Its the same old brinkmanship and bluff by North Korea to get more leverage before the North Koreans sit down to negotiate, because a war would be suicidal for North Korean Kim regime, I would think.
Don't even know what you are talking about.
Divide and conquer,it's as simple as that.A unified korea would be a problem for china surely,either it's leading by NK or SK.SK dont't take the jiandao issue seriously because they don't even have a border with china,but who knows what would happen when two Koreas get unified?
The nuclear weapon of NK is not a big threat to China,it's a headache of SK,Japan and Uncle Sam,not us.
Don't even know what you are talking about.
Divide and conquer,it's as simple as that.A unified korea would be a problem for china surely,either it's leading by NK or SK.SK dont't take the jiandao issue seriously because they don't even have a border with china,but who knows what would happen when two Koreas get unified?
The nuclear weapon of NK is not a big threat to China,it's a headache of SK,Japan and Uncle Sam,not us.

How many years or decades do you think the Koreans will stay divided? They were together for approximately 1300 years and were divided for only last 60 years.

And how will China "conquer" a divided Korea? Which one, North or South?
N.Korea has been too aggressive over the last few years. Instead of focusing on feeding its people, it has been busy provocating the South Koreans and the US.

Getting rid of that nuisance should be China's number one priority.

That's not true at all, it is the U.S. and South Korea who are constantly playing war games and threatening North Korea. Watch the video again more carefully.
i think nobody but only NK knows their limits so thinking a complete wipe out would be a bit odd i think but 1 on 1 war will gain nothing.

Think about it all the wars that United states have fought so far they didnt fought in their own country so they knows nothing of this word war or Destruction so even if NK goes ahead it will only crush them or their neighbor SK US on the other hand will still be saved and will have chance to be even more close to china to watch them even now they are 1 step ahead of controlling the asia that is iran.

if you guys look at the map all the areas surrounding iran instead of caspian sea they have Control over KSA iraq afghanistan and even pakistan even if we admit it or we dont the reality wont change...
having NK area controlled and the asia in their hand they are steps to control the world...
That's not true at all, it is the U.S. and South Korea who are constantly playing war games and threatening North Korea. Watch the video again more carefully.

I can agree that the US war-machine is always active, but S.Korea has always preferred peace between the two countries. Kim had a chance to work this out and improve the living standard of his people (aka prisoners). Instead he chose to develop nukes and then threaten others with it.
I can agree that the US war-machine is always active, but S.Korea has always preferred peace between the two countries. Kim had a chance to work this out and improve the living standard of his people (aka prisoners). Instead he chose to develop nukes and then threaten others with it.
Not our concerns if the war-machines of other countries, particularly in the ME, are lazy in training and therefore easily defeated in real combat.

That's not true at all, it is the U.S. and South Korea who are constantly playing war games and threatening North Korea. Watch the video again more carefully.
And that is a good thing. Dictatorships needs to be reminded that not everyone is weak.
How many years or decades do you think the Koreans will stay divided? They were together for approximately 1300 years and were divided for only last 60 years.

And how will China "conquer" a divided Korea? Which one, North or South?
Germany was divided for decades and when East Germany felled, West Germany and the Soviets could do nothing. For the German people, reunification was inevitable once the East German government collapsed. No other choice.

If China wait until North Korea collapse the way East Germany did, it will be too late and if military measures are employed to keep North Korea alive, there will be bloodshed and not because the SKR/US alliance will have anything to do with said bloodshed. The PLA will have to take control of everything north of 38th parallel, killing resistance as they arises and in keeping a panicked population under control it will mean even more killing. South Korea will be under highest military alert and if there are any mistake by either side, more killings.

Nothing like that happened in Germany because the Soviet government did not interfere with the collapse.

If China want to keep this economic burden and moral abomination call 'North Korea' alive, China must actively interfere now.
That's not true at all, it is the U.S. and South Korea who are constantly playing war games and threatening North Korea. Watch the video again more carefully.

That's not true at all, it is North Korea that is constantly terrorizing the rest of Asia and China that defends them for its own interests. Look at reality more carefully.
That's not true at all, it is North Korea that is constantly terrorizing the rest of Asia and China that defends them for its own interests. Look at reality more carefully.
Come now...His 'reality' is that the US is the source of all ills in the world. Where else can he look besides inside his warped mind?
No,preventing the reunification of two Koreans is China's priority issue.If the nuclear weapon of NK could do the thing,then it's OK.

wow so much so for the sovereignty of other nation and commitment to bring peace in neighborhood. no matter china is hated by all its neighbors. :coffee:
That's not true at all, it is the U.S. and South Korea who are constantly playing war games and threatening North Korea. Watch the video again more carefully.

N.Korea is a zombie land... will loose nothing with the war... but the S.Korea will loose a lot....

How many years or decades do you think the Koreans will stay divided? They were together for approximately 1300 years and were divided for only last 60 years.

And how will China "conquer" a divided Korea? Which one, North or South?

would you like to join with pak again?
It's not hatred,delusional koreans has a territory demand on china.Unification of korea will do nothing good to china.

I hope China did NOT give any signs to protect North Korea.... I hope CPC is NOT that fools to eat up Nukes for failed states like NK or Pakistan!

I hope number one priority for China is NOT NK... but Economy... They will NOT mess with US with the exports to US is in Trillions of dollars!

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