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US urges India to avoid Pakistan-centric policies

Fauji Foundation is not caste based, but it is social class based. That the army in Pakistan is a class apart is of no doubt. Same thing really. Call it by any name.

I would rather not indicate what the Fauji Foundation is doing/ has done which is not conducive to industry or a nation's growth.

Unlike that, in the Indian industry, it is meritocracy and not based on caste. The bottom line is profit and not social upheavals. That is for the Pollyannas of the world and those who see shadows even in bright daylight!

Marwaris control the Indian economy and they are no Brahmins, by any chance!

Or is a Marwari, a Brahmin? I presume you would know better since you know the Indian caste system so well!


I AGREE with the punishment of stoning to death for commiting Zina.

Seriously what are you trying to say?

I will stand by that specific punishment, for it ends that kind of "dirty" Vices.

Like what the heck?

If someone rapes one of your relatives, what do you should happen to the rapist?
The figures below are from the late 80's and must be a lot worse now.
1. Loksabha 48% are Brahmins
2. Rajyasabha 36 % are Brahmins
3. Governor/L.G. 50 % are Brahmins
4. Secretary to Governor/ L.G. 54 % are Brahmins
5. Union Cabinet Secretaries 53 % are Brahmins
6. Chief Secretaries to Minister 54 % are Brahmins
7. Private Secretaries to Minister 70 % are Brahmins
8. JS/ Additional Secretaries 62 % are Brahmins
9. Vice-Chancellors to Universities 51% are Brahmins
10. Supreme Court Judges 65 % are Brahmins
11. High Court Judges/ Addl. Judges 50 % are Brahmins
12. Ambassadors 41% are Brahmins
13. Chief Executive of Public undertaking:
(i) Central 57 % are Brahmins
(ii) State 82 % are Brahmins
(Courtesy: Voice of the Week, Oct. 1989)
In other fields also:
Banks 57% are Brahmins
Airlines 61 % are Brahmins
IAS Offices 72% are Brahmins
IPS Office 61 % are Brahmins
Radio & TV 83% are Brahmins
CBI, Customs & Central Excise 72% are Brahmins

It would be good of you to tell the hindu/brahmin leaders that we live in contemporary times and all are not in a time-wrap like ancient india!

Whats ur backup statistics?
yeh Pakistanis=Muslims
and Muslims ruled over India for 700 years keepin Hindus under their rule.
And at end we divided their land
So indeed they would be Pakistan centric forever.

Anyone realize how this nonsensical post turned one of the rare threads where Indians and Pakistanis were actually agreeing with each other into an all-out flame war? Nice going Jana ji.


Pakistanis=Muslims(and non-Muslims whom you completely forgot by the way) who live in Pakistan That's what we Indians believe and will continue to believe regardless of what you say or do. There are 150 million muslims in India who chose to live here even after being given an option of migrating to pakistan in 1947(or their ancestors did....same thing). So they automatically become Indians and will continue to remain Indian as long as they want to.

Your argument is absolutely ludicrous.
The following are the well known Newspapers that are owned by the Brahmins, not to mention so many others which are financed less by the Brahmins.

The Indian Express - 93 % employees are Brahmins

The Hindu - 97 % employees are Brahmins

The Times of India - 73 % employees are Brahmins

These Brahmins have invaded both All India Radio and Television. Most of the time the Brahmins and their programmes are on air.

The figures below are from the late 80's and must be a lot worse now.
1. Loksabha 48% are Brahmins
2. Rajyasabha 36 % are Brahmins
3. Governor/L.G. 50 % are Brahmins
4. Secretary to Governor/ L.G. 54 % are Brahmins
5. Union Cabinet Secretaries 53 % are Brahmins
6. Chief Secretaries to Minister 54 % are Brahmins
7. Private Secretaries to Minister 70 % are Brahmins
8. JS/ Additional Secretaries 62 % are Brahmins
9. Vice-Chancellors to Universities 51% are Brahmins
10. Supreme Court Judges 65 % are Brahmins
11. High Court Judges/ Addl. Judges 50 % are Brahmins
12. Ambassadors 41% are Brahmins
13. Chief Executive of Public undertaking:
(i) Central 57 % are Brahmins
(ii) State 82 % are Brahmins
(Courtesy: Voice of the Week, Oct. 1989)
In other fields also:
Banks 57% are Brahmins
Airlines 61 % are Brahmins
IAS Offices 72% are Brahmins
IPS Office 61 % are Brahmins
Radio & TV 83% are Brahmins
CBI, Customs & Central Excise 72% are Brahmins

It would be good of you to tell the hindu/brahmin leaders that we live in contemporary times and all are not in a time-wrap like ancient india!

What are your backup statistics.
Sir Ray we know they churn things like that but it does not mean that we do not have those problems.

And Jana, don't they have the same problems?

It is that they couch their same problems in clever words with psychological mishmash, while we are painted as savages.

Little do they realise that our civilisation was there when they did not even exist!

Be proud of what you are. Don't get overawed by what they have to say or what they do.

What is good of them, we should learn and the remainder tripe, discard!
Originally Posted by Jana View Post
yeh Pakistanis=Muslims
and Muslims ruled over India for 700 years keepin Hindus under their rule.
And at end we divided their land
So indeed they would be Pakistan centric forever.


Surprising that those who ruled for 700 years should ask for and get a separate country so that they are not dominated! ;)
What are your backup statistics.

Those stats are clearly manufactured.. I don't have time to dig up for each & every claim made in the post but just an instance is enough..

Brahmins In India
Snapshot of a community: population per state - the rich, the poor and the educated...


Total Population: 5.6 crore
Poor Brahmins: 13%
Rich: 19%
Literacy levels above the age of 18: 84%
Graduates: 39%
Brahmin chief justices between 1950 to 2000: 47%
Associate justices between 1950-2000: 40%

Falling percentage of Brahmin MPs elected in the Hindi belt

1984: 19.91%
1989: 12.44%
1998: 12.44%
1999: 11.3%
2007: The present Lok Sabha has only 50 Brahmin MPs nationwide. That’s 9.17 per cent of the total strength of the House.

Brahmin MPs were only 12.4% as against the claim of 48%. The figure now stands at 9%.

Most of the conversions in india were not forced, but rather islam provided equality to all regardless of your skin color and caste system and that was the major factor in people converting to islam in the sub-continent and they came in droves ( now don't get me wrong).

Just by changing your religion, you became and were accepted as an equal human being with equal rights just like any other citizen, why would anyone wanted to be left behind. Suddenly the high caste hindu was not the only beloved of god but Allah loved them all equally without prejudice.

If islam was indeed spread by force in india, hinduism would have been a part of the history books----case in point---spain---after the victory by the catholics in spain in the 1400's, there was no muslim or jew left alive in spain. Either they were killed, forced to change religion or they emigrated. Canyou believe it---nobody left after 700 years of rule.

Why do you think that hindu heirarchy is so much against pakistan----it is because our predessesors took all the power away from the hindu temples and the brahmin became a nobody---a brahmin in front of whom the kings would bow down to---suddenly this untouchable shooder converts to islam and now he can stand in front of the brahmin and tells him that he is an equal----. Centuries ago, this brahmin took a vow to totally annihilate us one day.

We may have forgotten what may have happened, but they have not.

Your post is a joke with not one ounce of reality or truth. Is this what they teach you in Pakistani schools? That Brahmins hated Islam and they vowed revenge?!

Very old thread but still relevant.

Yes, that is their POV and very eloquently expressed by @MastanKhan.

Of course that is not how we see it but then this is where such interactions can help us understand where the other person in coming from.

This is another masterpiece.

Let me share something with you ZRAVER---muslims ruled india for close to 600---800 years----a very small minority of muslims---at one time maybe 2 % of the population was ruling over 98 % POPULATION---and at times the rule was extremely brutal to the subjugated class---in he same manner that you subjugated your american indian natives---at one time or other---india and indians will seek their revenge on us and try to annihilate us---that is a given---not today or tomorrow but definitely day after tomorrow---so we have no love lost over here.

India and us---we will be at war with each other in due time---a major clash---there is no ifs and buts about it---they only need one Radovan Karadjzic---they could have done it ---but the problem is that the indians cremate their dead---so there are no bones buried deep to be dug out of the graves and waved around to spread hatred.

Instead of confronting us over here, you need to confront your generals and ex sec def at home for not doing the job.

Will be good to discuss this hypothesis. Though I would say that the Turks/Mongols just happened to come as Muslims but they were equally brutal everywhere (even when they were not Muslims). They killed millions of Muslims and Chinese and Europeans and others as well.

Not to mention massacring each other, boiling each other, gouging out eyes, destroying a city to the last living thing, not letting a stone stand on the other, making drums out of each others' skin...

This was par for the course for the Turks/Mongols. Muslims (and other Turks as well) were at the receiving end of this more often than non Muslims.

Not sure, why people should choose to associate with them or make heroes out of them.

Subcontinental Muslims were only at the receiving end of these barbarians. Like Babur made minarets of Pushtun skulls and mentions out the Afghans would surrender with grass in their mouth. To indicate they they were his cows, as was their tradition.

Not sure, how any Pushtun can consider him his hero!
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Let them be whatever centric they please. What can they do?

The end game is near and we've hedged our bets.
Fauji Foundation is not caste based, but it is social class based. That the army in Pakistan is a class apart is of no doubt. Same thing really. Call it by any name.

I would rather not indicate what the Fauji Foundation is doing/ has done which is not conducive to industry or a nation's growth.

Unlike that, in the Indian industry, it is meritocracy and not based on caste. The bottom line is profit and not social upheavals. That is for the Pollyannas of the world and those who see shadows even in bright daylight!

Marwaris control the Indian economy and they are no Brahmins, by any chance!

Or is a Marwari, a Brahmin? I presume you would know better since you know the Indian caste system so well!

So you're an expert on the military industrial complex or its ventures - which are essentially like any other venture in the country (and not tax exempt)

Humor me, since you speak as if you're an expert

Chalo bhai.. Ummeed pe duniya Kayam hai.. ;)

Poker is mostly about luck but also strategy and gauging the actions and reactions of the opponent.

Sorry history repeated itself and you chose the wrong side (again)
niaz do you think US has cautioned India due to its (US) love for Pakistan eh??

The warning came after some indication of India's involvement in Pakistan to malighn CIA of prepraring sabotage activities inside Pakistan.
So you can guess why US had warned India
Let me come 2mrw and i will post in deatail.

I am surprised that even as a journalist, your command over the language is not strong enough to distinguish between warning and urging.. But then I have seen Pakistanis losing perspective in context of India and lately USA. And if both India and USA are referred to in the same sentence, sky is the limit :D
Poker is mostly about luck but also strategy and gauging the actions and reactions of the opponent.

Sorry history repeated itself and you chose the wrong side (again)

I am just thinking what was the result of Pakistan choosing the right side the 1st time around..

1. India established good relationship with both USA and Russia
2. Pakistan lost USA as its strategic partner of decades
3. Pakistan got thrown into the chaos of religious extremism, the results of which are visible today and are getting worse by the day

Wonder what the right choice the second time around will get Pakistan.....Except a bottle of Pepsi of "Yehi hai right choice baby" kinds ;)

Chalo bhai.. Ummeed pe duniya Kayam hai.. ;)

Sometimes ummeed is the only thing left to cling to. ;)

Well, why should we mind it. It is good for everyone. There should be ummeed till the last breath, after that it doesn't matter.

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