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US trying to choke China

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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The 200 marines, or a strategic pivot?: Voice of Russia

The 200 marines, or a strategic pivot?​


As reported by the Associated Press, the first detachment of 200 U.S. Marines has arrived in northern Australia, where a permanent joint training hub is taking shape as part of a U.S. shift of military strength in the Asia-Pacific region.

This is the follow-up to November, when the United States and Australia announced plans to send more U.S. military aircraft to Australia and to rotate up to 2,500 Marines through the northern city of Darwin to better protect American interests across Asia.

In late March, The Washington Post wrote that the expansion of U.S. – Australian military ties also includes possible drone flights from a coral atoll in the Indian Ocean (the Cocos Islands) and increased U.S. naval access to Australian ports – there are plans to expand the Stirling naval base in Perth.

Well now, what is this all about? Definitely, the two hundred marines (or be it even 2,500) cannot alter the strategic situation in this part of the world. Then why is the U.S. so preoccupied with its military plans in the southern parts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans?

The answer lies in the fact that this is the area which is becoming, as predicted by Robert Kaplan in 2009, the center stage of all global politics. The U.S. apparently is still preoccupied with the events in the Middle East which will not let go of too easily in the nearest future. But the main challenge to the U.S. strategic interests comes from a different source – and that is China.

The Indian Ocean and South China Sea are the main thruways connecting the oil-rich Middle East with the Pacific region. And about half of all global shipment goes across the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.

In recent years, China has been extremely busy establishing its presence in the Indian Ocean. The “String of Pearls” strategy consisting in building a chain of seaports in littoral countries like Kenya, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar, was on the one hand, aimed at securing the transportation routes, and on the other hand – at encircling China’s main rival in the region, India, from the sea.

More so, ports in Pakistan and Myanmar could facilitate ground transportation routes which would enable China to bypass the narrow Malacca Strait, now swarming with pirates.

Now imagine that some kind of row arises between China and its neighbors in the East and South (Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, to name just a few). It would be sufficient for the U.S. Seventh Fleet to send just one aircraft carrier accompanied by a couple of destroyers and join forces with pirates in the Malacca Strait in order to block all transportation routes from the Middle East to China. Energy-starved China would not last long in a standoff with its neighbors. The 2,500 marines based in Australia will be quite handy.

But if and when China’s strategic plans concerning the “String of Pearls” are implemented, the picture will change dramatically.
With transportation routes and pipelines connecting China to the Indian Ocean overland, it would be able to resist any military or political pressure to much better effect. So, this is something the U.S. is not ready to put up with.

And it comes as no surprise that almost simultaneously with the arrival of the first marines to Australia the U.S. State Department announced a partial lifting of sanctions against Myanmar.
Following the visit to that country by the U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton in early December last year, the U.S. intention to establish its strategic presence in Myanmar and the desire to gradually push out China became obvious.

Also, the recent flirting of U.S. congressmen and State Department with Baloch separatists in Pakistan was not caused by concern about the notorious “human rights”, but by the mere fact that the China-built port of Gwadar is located in Pakistani Balochistan province.

So, it is not just two or twenty-five hundred marines. It is a much broader “Great Game” going on.

Boris Volkhonsky, senior research fellow, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
I'd be happy to leave backstabbing Pakistan (hiding Bin Laden...) on our own and hook up with the Indians. I don't know why we didn't in the first place.

After Pakistan kick out the US they will be able to concentrate their resources on dealing with poisonous india. Pakistan will be assisted by the Arab world, China, and all of the South Asian countries.
Without Pakistan, there won't be the withdrawal of soviet union troops from afghanistan and the later collapse of U.S.S.R.

You should remember that. Pakistan helped U.S. to win the cold war.

Pakistan also helped to normalize the relation between China and U.S.A, which was also another foundation step for U.S. to win the cold war.

I'd be happy to leave backstabbing Pakistan (hiding Bin Laden...) on our own and hook up with the Indians. I don't know why we didn't in the first place.
china must use diplomacy to keep good relations with neighbours and provide everything they need.
but china got DQ-21 so and so,can crush any of neighbour so what the need of good relations with others......but i agree with your post....US settled most of it's disputes with neighbours.....and bullying other continents....but asians are different here....have disputes with neighbours, good relations with others..
Okay Go on and we very happi for the USA to leave us alone.....Anywayz The CIA was keeping OBL hiding within Pakistan through his local network......:smokin:

Apparently CIA's local network in Pakistan is beyond all of Pakistan's own security establishments. If this is true, there is no hope for your people and everyone's sold out already.

Without Pakistan, there won't be the withdrawal of soviet union troops from afghanistan and the later collapse of U.S.S.R.

You should remember that. Pakistan helped U.S. to win the cold war.

Pakistan also helped to normalize the relation between China and U.S.A, which was also another foundation step for U.S. to win the cold war.

Pls have a reality check and come back to the present. The nukes are all that is keeping Pakistan on the edge.
but china got DQ-21 so and so,can crush any of neighbour so what the need of good relations with others......but i agree with your post....US settled most of it's disputes with neighbours.....and bullying other continents....but asians are different here....have disputes with neighbours, good relations with others..

China most powerful Asset is India, China will eventually be forced to form a common alliance with India we might just see Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai again after all, I believe Indians feel the same about their chinese brothers.
China most powerful Asset is India, China will eventually be forced to form a common alliance with India we might just see Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai again after all, I believe Indians feel the same about their chinese brothers.

To some extent our Govt did and does see China as balance to Western influence.

For now we want both West and China to balance each other, until India won't need any help.
To some extent our Govt did and does see China as balance to Western influence.

For now we want both West and China to balance each other, until India won't need any help.

Didn't Dr Manmahon singh declare 2012 friendship between Chin and India ? I generally believe China and India will move closer.
With transportation routes and pipelines connecting China to the Indian Ocean overland
so in war scenario china will rely on land route and pipe lines ???? what made china think that if USA wants to choke china and stop the supplies there navy will block sea while simultaneously b-2 bombers will blow off these road and pipelines.
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