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lmao, this ruskie is hilarious. What the hell the brotherhood between China and Vietnam has anything with an European nation named Russia?

Your country can promote your brotherhood with Ukraine/Poland/Romania or whatever, we don't even give a f@ck about.

Next time, don't ever stick your nose on other people's business.

Take your own advise and kick rocks, no one was talking to you, but being a public forum we all have our own view. And do a little reading before you go flailing around. I commented because a Vietnamese member was talking about Asians sticking together and a sort of brotherhood. Even worse is that he got thanked for those posts by Chinese members that have said some very bad things about Vietnam.

And thank you for further proving my point, I am a "ruskie" a drunk one at that, according to you. Drunk ruskie is no different than if i were to call you a short oriental, but some people have too much class.
Take your own advise and kick rocks, no one was talking to you, but being a public forum we all have our own view. And do a little reading before you go flailing around. I commented because a Vietnamese member was talking about Asians sticking together and a sort of brotherhood. Even worse is that he got thanked for those posts by Chinese members that have said some very bad things about Vietnam.

In the US prison, people are divided by race. People of each race has to look out for one another. So maybe this guy is speaking from an experience.
The reason there's no racism in china 90 % are Han Abd tge rest live in the middle of nowhere.

Here we go, wanna enjoy a good beat down by the Russian skinheads? :D

I am sure they just love to beat the hell out on some Sicilian darkies as they did to other non-whites.

Check how they just behead an Armenian who also happens to be a white Christian, but just happened to be darker than Russians.

Skinheads In Russia Killed Armenians | HyeFinder
I haven't seen Schinese in here for a while. But his comments are continued by someone like Hong Wu. In any case, I do understand that various Chinese empire did regard itself as the superior organization. Also, I did also detect many Chinese used IQs test to "prove" their racial superior views. Unfortunately, IQ test is one of the most bias tests out there. (Anyone want to know my reasoning, please look up the details yourselves online) In any case, with the recent economic development out there, many younger Chinese had forgotten the recent suffering of China and falsely believe the their economic development rate will continue indefinitely. They start to project that China will be the #1 economy or military once they graduated. Because of this, some started to develop views that clearly would be regarded as racism by modern standards. And these guys would only make a fool of themselves in this forum.

To me, they are just immature Chinese boys that need to grow up and start to regard one another from the content of the character instead of ethnic background. Hopefully, some of their views as just like pimples on their faces now that they will disappear as they grow up and enter the society.

I may advice you to keep an eye on your white trophy wife, next time she may dump you for another guy of her own race.
Yeah right, we are all racist pri&ks, wonder why the Russian king came to Hongkong, a place well known for racists looking for business, come on, whats he is expecting from a tiny city of China with a population of 7 million? i'm so concern about his safety though, you know how we treat non-Chinese eh.......?:lol:
Russian President Medvedev visits HK - People's Daily Online

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (R front) receives welcome from John Tsang, financial secretary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), as he arrived in Hong Kong, south China, April 16, 2011. (Xinhua)

President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Hong Kong Saturday night for a two-day official visit, according to the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

Medvedev, who led a business delegation to visit here at the invitation of Chief Executive Donald Tsang, is the first Russian President to visit the HKSAR since 1997.

PS, noticing how racist we are, Your president was recieved by our
financial secretary only, not even our chief executive, Donald Tsang
In the US prison, people are divided by race. People of each race has to look out for one another. So maybe this guy is speaking from an experience.

Most likely, than again some people can't live without bringing race into everything, I do, however, enjoy pointing out race myself whenever I see a well know racists trying to blend in or deny their wrong doings, but nevertheless, it is interesting. Back to the Asian brotherhood, some Chinese on this forum disown other Chinese because they are Christian, so the question is why are those same members agreeing that different Asians should lookout for one another, if some can't except their own people for their believes than they certainly will not except foreigners.
I may advice you to keep an eye on your white trophy wife, next time she may dump you for another guy of her own race.

So I guess my post above really irritated you. You should respond to my legitimate comments instead of making personal comments about me. Since you remember me, you must have another account as I've been here infrequently since beginning last year until the last couple of months. I actually was here very frequently until mar/apr of last year.
So I guess my post above really irritated you. You should respond to my legitimate comments instead of making personal comments about me. Since you remember me, you must have another account as I've been here infrequently since beginning last year until the last couple of months. I actually was here very frequently until mar/apr of last year.

Here we go, the inferiority complex symdrome, even marrying to a white girl won't help you to cure it.
Yeah right, we are all racist pri&ks, wonder why the Russian king came to Hongkong, a place well known for racists looking for business, come on, whats he is expecting from a tiny city of China with a population of 7 million? i'm so concern about his safety though, you know how we treat non-Chinese eh.......?:lol:
Russian President Medvedev visits HK - People's Daily Online

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (R front) receives welcome from John Tsang, financial secretary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), as he arrived in Hong Kong, south China, April 16, 2011. (Xinhua)

President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Hong Kong Saturday night for a two-day official visit, according to the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

Medvedev, who led a business delegation to visit here at the invitation of Chief Executive Donald Tsang, is the first Russian President to visit the HKSAR since 1997.

PS, noticing how racist we are, Your president was recieved by our
financial secretary only, not even our chief executive, Donald Tsang

Is this a joke? I never said all Chinese people were racists, i did, however, say that many do feel that other races are inferior, including many on this forum. I also stated that Russia has many racists itself. And what did you expect the John Tsang do do? He is meeting one of the most powerful people in the world, of course he will be welcoming.
Most likely, than again some people can't live without bringing race into everything, I do, however, enjoy pointing out race myself whenever I see a well know racists trying to blend in or deny their wrong doings, but nevertheless, it is interesting. Back to the Asian brotherhood, some Chinese on this forum disown other Chinese because they are Christian, so the question is why are those same members agreeing that different Asians should lookout for one another, if some can't except their own people for their believes than they certainly will not except foreigners.

What is safe to generalize for many Chinese in this forum are 1) Anti-Indian, 2) pro-Pakistan 3) anti-American. As for anti-other asian or racist against other asians, its far as consistent as the top three I mention abe. On a side node, Gambit is a Vietnamese American who is also very anti-Chinese. So when another Vietnamese start to have pro-Chinese views, they jump up and down. As for anti-Christian, this is still not as prevalent as the top three I mention above. So its not too difficult to find Chinese in this forum shift their views on anti-Christian/anti-other Asian. One day they would display one tendencies and another day, totally different perspective. Most Chinese in here are also generally has a shifting view on Russians as well.
Here we go, the inferiority complex symdrome, even marrying to a white girl won't help you to cure it.

Just because I do not feel I'm superior to other people doesn't mean that I'm inferior. I've married a person, not a race. I would married her whether she is white, Asian, Hispanic or black.
Is this a joke? I never said all Chinese people were racists, i did, however, say that many do feel that other races are inferior, including many on this forum. I also stated that Russia has many racists itself. And what did you expect the John Tsang do do? He is meeting one of the most powerful people in the world, of course he will be welcoming.

Here is what you actually said:

Stop sucking up to China, most look at Vietnemese as 'roaches' i have been told directly by a Chinese that most Chinese people view themselves as superior to all other races, infact they like to joke that in ancient times everyone painted their faces like apes while China had clean runing water.

And you still don't have any evidence, to back up these absurd claims.

Find some hard numbers, and a source as well.
I believe we should regard one another base on the content of the character instead of the color of the skin. This is the word of Martin Luther King Jr.
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