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US Tries to Stifle Chinese Space Advances

China won't start a war with US, why ask such question?
Too afraid to answer the question, eh? I will pose it to you as well. If there is a war between the US and China, do you advocate all Asians in the US, including US citizens, to side with China and to wage their own battles against the US in a racial context?
Too afraid to answer the question, eh? I will pose it to you as well. If there is a war between the US and China, do you advocate all Asians in the US, including US citizens, to side with China and to wage their own battles against the US in a racial context?

Look, even if US attacks us first, we won't make such move.

But sure we will kill off all the traitors along with their white masters who dare to step on our soil with no descrimination. :sniper:

It seems you are really hoping US to declare the war against China, eh? :disagree:
Look, even if US attacks us first, we won't make such move.

But sure we will kill off all the traitors along with their white masters who dare to step on our soil with no descrimination. :sniper:

It seems you are really hoping US to declare the war against China, eh? :disagree:
Your 'tough guy' Chinese superiority facade is obvious. The question has nothing to do with who attacks whom first. The US, despite its flaws, is clearly a more colorful society than your racist China. So regardless of how this hypothetical war is started, should all Asians in the US, including US citizens, like 4-star General Eric Shinseki who is now an Obama Cabinet member, side with China and wage a racialist war against the US?
Your 'tough guy' Chinese superiority facade is obvious. The question has nothing to do with who attacks whom first. The US, despite its flaws, is clearly a more colorful society than your racist China. So regardless of how this hypothetical war is started, should all Asians in the US, including US citizens, like 4-star General Eric Shinseki who is now an Obama Cabinet member, side with China and wage a racialist war against the US?

I don't care what is their allegiance, if any of them dare to invade China, then they are the public enemies of the Chinese people.

That's how racist we can get, eh?
I don't care what is their allegiance, if any of them dare to invade China, then they are the public enemies of the Chinese people.

That's how racist we can get, eh?
Who is talking about 'invading' China...??? According to the 2010 US Census, there are nearly 15 million Asian Americans of all ethnicities in the US. That is one heck of an army in the service of the 'superior' Chinese race. You already have one Vietnamese who admitted his inferiority to the Chinese and he claimed to be a US Army officer, Corps of Engineer. There are Asians in every strata of American society, from blue collar to high Presidential appointees. So the question remains: If there is a war between the US and China, do YOU advocate all Asians in the US, including those Asians who are US citizens, to betray their country in the service of the 'superior' Chinese in race war? That is not a difficult question to answer.
They can follow whoever they want if they're US citizens. That is their choice and is not our business. They are not our citizens. It seems you're worried about the US keeping their soldiers in line if a war starts against any country slightly stronger than Iraq. Why would you have that worry, unless deep down you know the US is an imperialist power?
They can follow whoever they want if they're US citizens. That is their choice and is not our business. They are not our citizens. It seems you're worried about the US keeping their soldiers in line if a war starts against any country slightly stronger than Iraq. Why would you have that worry, unless deep down you know the US is an imperialist power?
Too chickensh1t to answer, eh? No one is asking for any marching orders. To 'advocate' is to espouse a certain belief...

–verb (used with object)
1. to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers.

So do you 'superior' Chinese advocate all Asians in the US to side with China in a race war? Someone like General Eric Shinseki or US Senator Daniel Inouye can do a lot of damages against the US for China.
It seems you are the one that feels doubt towards their loyalty. But no wonder, because China is an open, multicultural society, far different from the enforced assimiliation policy of the US.

How many Blacks in the US still know Swahili after a mere 400 years of rule? Why is the US enforcing laws to ban Spanish in schools? But Tibetans and Uighurs still know their native languages; in some cases like for Uighurs and Mongols, they know their language under Chinese government BETTER than their counterparts in independent countries like Turkey, Turkmenistan and Mongolia which use Cryllic script!

Many minorities will fight for the US, but how many are willing to DIE for the US, especially because the US will forcibly assimiliate their culture?
It seems you are the one that feels doubt towards their loyalty. But no wonder, because China is an open, multicultural society, far different from the enforced assimiliation policy of the US.
This is from a man who once advocate the erasure of the Tibetan culture?

How many Blacks in the US still know Swahili after a mere 400 years of rule?
Were they borned in the US? For the blacks who emigrated to the US, who forced them to abandon their language?

Why is the US enforcing laws to ban Spanish in schools?
Why is the US government obligated to meet their language difficulties? They are in the US, why not learn English? If they are in China, should they learn Chinese?

But Tibetans and Uighurs still know their native languages; in some cases like for Uighurs and Mongols, they know their language under Chinese government BETTER than their counterparts in independent countries like Turkey, Turkmenistan and Mongolia which use Cryllic script!
I want to see a credible third party source that says the Chinese government is responsible for this.

Many minorities will fight for the US, but how many are willing to DIE for the US, especially because the US will forcibly assimiliate their culture?
Still too chickensh1t to answer my question, eh? Do you advocate that all Asians in the US to side with China in their own race wars if there is a war between the US and China? I fail to see why this is such a difficult question to answer.
Indeed, off topic trolls have frequent appearances on this forum.

Just to humor though:


Uyghur is a Turkic language spoken in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, administered by China, by the Uyghur people. It is a language with a long literary tradition, and has been written using numerous writing systems through time. Today, an Arabic-derived alphabet is the official writing system used for Uyghur in Xinjiang, but other alphabets are still in use, especially outside Xinjiang.

The Old Uyghur alphabet stayed in use until the 18th century, being used alongside with an Arabic-derived alphabet introduced along with Islam in the 10th century. The Arabic-derived alphabet stayed in use, unlike the Old Uyghur alphabet, and is still in use today, although it was only used little during the mid-20th century.

The Arabic-derived alphabet taken into use first came to be the so-called Chagatai script, which was used for writing the Chagatai language and the Uyghur language, but fell out of use in the early 1920s, when the Uyghur-speaking areas variously became a part of, or under the influence of, the Soviet Union.[1]


Officially, Turkmen currently is rendered in the “Täze Elipbiý”, or “New Alphabet”, which is based on the Latin alphabet. However, the old "Soviet" Cyrillic alphabet is still in wide use. Many political parties in opposition to the authoritarian rule of President Niyazov continued to use the Cyrillic alphabet on websites and publications, most likely to distance themselves from the alphabet that Niyazov created.

Before 1929, Turkmen was written in a modified Arabic alphabet. In 1929–1938 a Latin alphabet replaced it, and then the Cyrillic alphabet was used from 1938 to 1991. In 1991, the current Latin alphabet was introduced, although the transition to it has been rather slow. It originally contained some rather unusual letters, such as the pound, dollar, yen, and cent signs, but these were later replaced by more orthodox letter symbols.


Turkish is written using a modified version of the Latin alphabet introduced in 1928 by Atatürk to replace the Arabic-based Ottoman Turkish alphabet. The Ottoman alphabet marked only three different vowels—long ā, ū and ī—and included several redundant consonants, such as variants of z (which were distinguished in Arabic but not in Turkish). The omission of short vowels in the Arabic script was claimed to make it particularly unsuitable for Turkish, which has eight vowels.


As you can see, Uighurs in China are the ONLY people in the world still using Turkish written with Arabic alphabets, while all other Turkish groups have been westernized.
Gambit, it is a moot point, this whole thread demonstrates the "racist" component of posters with Chinese flags. They want to justify their racism and "racial superiority", but want to bash for almost the same things.

As some one said, this whole thread seems to be a Chinese version of Stromfront.
Gambit, it is a moot point, this whole thread demonstrates the "racist" component of posters with Chinese flags. They want to justify their racism and "racial superiority", but want to bash for almost the same things.

As some one said, this whole thread seems to be a Chinese version of Stromfront.
Except the boys over at Stormfront has the courage to say what they are and proud of it. The question I asked is simple enough but everyone bolted. Fifteen millions Asians in the US is a powerful army FOR China in a race war. Why are they so afraid of advocating these US citizens to betray their country in the service of China and the Asian race?
Gambit, it is a moot point, this whole thread demonstrates the "racist" component of posters with Chinese flags. They want to justify their racism and "racial superiority", but want to bash for almost the same things.

As some one said, this whole thread seems to be a Chinese version of Stromfront.

They claim that anyone who isn't white and who doesn't wholeheartedly support the Han Empire's global ambitions is nothing more than slaves to the Americans.

Yet it is the majority of the multiethnic and multi religious people of the United States that have elected a man of African roots president, whereas every CCP leader has had and always will have eyes that look like this --> \ /
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