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US to offer F-35 fighters to India

Sanctions are political moves, the U.S. certainly didn't hesitate to levy sanctions because India tested some nukes.

Wrong, it wasn't a frivolous political response as a matter of fact sanctions were required by US law - this was an unavoidable consequence of the nuclear test, both India and Pakistan were aware of the consequence of testing.

If they want to levy sanctions, you can bet that they can find an excuse, and they may want to levy sanctions for any number of reasons.

Once again sanctions are imposed because it is required by law, it is an inescapable consequence of violating US laws. It certainly isn't triggered by border skirmishes but can result from mass killing and genocide. This is not unique to the US, France and Germany have imposed sanctions too.
i think f-35 is should be for Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)-II bcoz Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)-I and INS vikramaditya is already booked for MIG-29k and naval LCA.
Who told you that we do not have access to what is being offered to you? No less than Vice Adm Lefever (commander, Office of the Defense Representative, Pakistan) is on record saying that all versions of F-16s were available to Pakistan, however its a matter of funding. Pakistan has never been interested in the F/A-18. Secondly, by the time IN actually gets some F-35s, PAF may potentially already have some on hand. Just never say never. There are quite a few angles at work here and its certainly not just the Indians talking about these things.

That doesn't make sense or? If PAF had F16 B60 for example on offer and couldn't fund it, how should they want to fund F35 which is several times more expensive? The 36 F16 B52s costed close to $80 millions each, while a similar number of F35 will cost at least twice that much if not more.
I don't rule F35 out for PAF, but not as far as it costs that much, possibly only as a replacement for the F16 block 15s in future.

This is not unique to the US, France and Germany have imposed sanctions too.
France did not, one reason why they would be a more reliable partner than the US.
Who told you that we do not have access to what is being offered to you? No less than Vice Adm Lefever (commander, Office of the Defense Representative, Pakistan) is on record saying that all versions of F-16s were available to Pakistan, however its a matter of funding. Pakistan has never been interested in the F/A-18. Secondly, by the time IN actually gets some F-35s, PAF may potentially already have some on hand. Just never say never. There are quite a few angles at work here and its certainly not just the Indians talking about these things.

then why is US offering you the latest of the F16 block 60 and even US rejected when pak asked for E-3 awacs and even the latest of P-8 posidens were never offered to you .US is offering india ah64 helis, patriot missile defence,and ageis systems for the new distroyers build in india
Who told you that we do not have access to what is being offered to you? No less than Vice Adm Lefever (commander, Office of the Defense Representative, Pakistan) is on record saying that all versions of F-16s were available to Pakistan, however its a matter of funding. Pakistan has never been interested in the F/A-18. Secondly, by the time IN actually gets some F-35s, PAF may potentially already have some on hand. Just never say never. There are quite a few angles at work here and its certainly not just the Indians talking about these things.
Blain2 -

With your first use nuclear policy and F-35 you will bring peace to earth and US knows it.
well india already invested in 5th gen fighter jets if they go for F 35 for MRCA this will not suite indian airforce requirements and will be twice the expansive i dont see they are going for this F 35

a very intellectual post seen after some time in this tread ..well maintaing so many variety of fighter planes will be a pain in the *** not to mention expensive!!!!! in my opinion india should concentrate more on the pakfa and the naval version tejas... remember riding with your legs stuck on two boats is more likely to get you drowned....:bunny::bunny:
I am just wondering how an air craft like F-35 will operate from a Russian/Indian Command and control system onboard that air craft carrier , wouldn't be mixing up the Technology secrets that US always have preserved:blink:

They done a lot of works on that. Thats why they had no problem to link Phalcon with MKI. Its not a difficult job. The Navy also have other US aircrafts in service like Seaking and future P-8I.
France did not, one reason why they would be a more reliable partner than the US.

France has imposed sanctions on several nations South Africa, United Kingdom and New Zealand to name a few. I don't fault you for not knowing, French sanctions barely make the headlines.:coffee:

France may be a reliable partner for India but they are comme ci comme ça at making war planes.
then why is US offering you the latest of the F16 block 60 and even US rejected when pak asked for E-3 awacs and even the latest of P-8 posidens were never offered to you .US is offering india ah64 helis, patriot missile defence,and ageis systems for the new distroyers build in india

The smart bomb has acted as a force multplier of 10 or 20 times. USA has now a surplus of planes that it really dont need for any for seeable threat....US air force is half again as large as China with a lot more advanced planes, Russia has disapeared as a credible threat.
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...source codes? What source codes? Much ado has been made of source codes by people who don't fully understand the implications, it is a non issue for mission planning,aircraft configuration,maintenance and operation. The aircraft is sold with support software including a mission planning suite that allows the end user to configure all aspects of aircraft operation for any mission without the need to make changes to the "source code". You really expect each partner nation to maintain a customized version of millions of lines of code just to support a unique requirement? Any need for customization that may arise is handled with plug-ins that allow the end user to extend existing functionality or add new capability.
In that case why don't you ask the Indians about their requirement for such a request?
France has imposed sanctions on several nations South Africa, United Kingdom and New Zealand to name a few. I don't fault you for not knowing, French sanctions barely make the headlines.:coffee:

France may be a reliable partner for India but they are comme ci comme ça at making war planes.

I said they didn't posed sanction on India and that's a fact:

World Reaction to the Indian Nuclear Tests

France has criticized India but said it opposed US sanctions and will not apply its own.
(International Herald Tribune, 14 May 98)

CNS - World Reaction to the Indian Nuclear Tests

True, France joined in the consensus over the resolutions passed in the various multilateral forums...which condemed the tests and asked India to sign the NPT and CTBT, but it opposed sanctions, thus preventing the imposition of collective sanctions.

India and the major powers after ... - Google Bücher
To get back to the topic, this is a latest news about the costs of F35:

Kimball Cariou: $16-billion fighter jet price tag is a Canadian scandal

Rejecting the view of Canadians that the military budget should be reduced to tackle urgent domestic needs, the Stephen Harper’s Conservative government now plans to spend $9 billion on 65 new fighter jets, plus another $7 billion on “ancillary costs” such as future parts and maintenance. The total price tag has more than quadrupled since 2008, when the government first announced that it would purchase 80 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters from U.S. munitions giant Lockheed Martin for a total of $3.8 billion.

This deal gives new meaning to the term “sticker shock”. Just two years ago, the jets were priced at $47.4 million each. Now the price has jumped to $245 million at a time when the Harper Conservatives are slashing social program spending.

Kimball Cariou: $16-billion fighter jet price tag is a Canadian scandal | Vancouver, Canada | Straight.com

We are talking about a partner of the F35 development here, that buys more fighters, of the cheaper version than IN is interested in!
So what would just 40 x F35 C for IN (an simple export customer) would cost?
Canada might have some compatible weapons from their F18s, but we don't have US weapons and must buy them completely new, what increases the costs even more.

On the other side, Pak Fa is expected beween $80 and 100 million each, lets assume a naval version would cost $100 to 150 millions. That means we still could buy 1 Pak Fa + 1 naval MMRCA fighter, for the same costs that 1 F35 could cost!
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Don't worry indian members are justa day dreaming :cheers:

ohh really...we indians can afford whatever type of aircraft we are interested in.... u see are not begging to china or usa for monetary aid......:azn:
The fact is F22 or no F22 if the Indonesians or Malaysians decide to invade Australia,there is nothing Australia can do alone.But Australia is under the US security umbrella so no one is going to invade them.

The whole point of Australia acquiring better aircraft is to be able to stand alone.

Our defence force is having the biggest military build up since WW2. 12 new submarines, 3 new destroyers, 100 F-35 fighter jets, 2 aircraft carriers and countless other new aircraft.

Economics 101 says that Australia is too small to make any meaningful contribution to offset the F22 cost.

If the F-22 is sold..the Brits and the Japanese will get it first,then the Canadians,perhaps the Israelis and only then the Australians. As of now the Congress has prohibited any sale.Maybe in 10-15 years when the technology becomes obsolete!

I fail to see how Australia is too small to have the aircraft, We can easily afford the jets. You even said israel would get them before us, last time i checked our GDP is 2x larger then israels and about 5x more richer. Our GDP is even the same as Canada's GDP. I think you have grossly underestimated us.
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Who told you that we do not have access to what is being offered to you? No less than Vice Adm Lefever (commander, Office of the Defense Representative, Pakistan) is on record saying that all versions of F-16s were available to Pakistan, however its a matter of funding. Pakistan has never been interested in the F/A-18. Secondly, by the time IN actually gets some F-35s, PAF may potentially already have some on hand. Just never say never. There are quite a few angles at work here and its certainly not just the Indians talking about these things.

thats the biggest joke that i have ever heard...a country whose economy is in tatters...... which is totally dependent on american military and economic aid ........ is actually considering purchasing the F-35 that to before India..lol

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