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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

How many jews lives in Isreal ? How many muslims lives in middeleast and asia ? What will happen if muslims start war against Isreal and nuke them ? Will we have any jews left ?

There was a war where multiple Muslim countries attacked Israel, multiple times, just to be humiliated and crushed.
Google Six Day war, ARROW Missiles and Jericho Missiles and you`ll have your answer who`ll be left standing.
Plus there`s still the 6 million Jews living in US alone.
I say go for it cut and veto, UN is a useless organization, the world will see the Hypocrisy of the USA, also third intifada , and finally we will see if Saudi Arabia and the other gulf oil rich states will fund their Muslim brethren, this perfect chance to see to reveal whose who.
People need to make up their minds. First...They condemn US for not helping the Palestinians when despite PUBLICLY available records, the same people is ignorant that the US is a major contributor of aid to the Palestinians. Now...We are condemned because we decided to be more selective with our aid. Which begs the questions: Since when is ANYONE, let alone the Palestinians, is entitled to US money? And if someone feel so entitled, why should he not feel entitled to China's money, for example?

how does you whining relate to title of the thread???
There was a war where multiple Muslim countries attacked Israel, multiple times, just to be humiliated and crushed.
Google Six Day war, ARROW Missiles and Jericho Missiles and you`ll have your answer who`ll be left standing.
Plus there`s still the 6 million Jews living in US alone.

wasnt it israel who attacked first in the six-day war?
When a large majority of the UNGA--even many European countries--are willing to vote for a Palestinian state in September it is the power of ONE DAMNED LOBBY and its surrogate politicians to defy the world.
Did I not say that UNSC is a tyranny in the India UNSC thread?

PS. Come on Saudis: Show some spine!
wasnt it israel who attacked first in the six-day war?

The Soviet Union gave false information to Egypt that Israel was massing near the Syrian border, so they closed the Straits of Tiran(Which was considered an act of war by previous agreements) and expelled UN peace keepers. Put 100000 soldiers in the Sinai border in order to attack Israel, Jordan invited Iraqi army on her borders and Israel launched a surprise attack and crushed them all.
lol which aid ? u mean "aid" u robbed from other country ? Like all money u have stolen from Iraq oil money ?

Yeah, Iraq made us rich! Now strap on your helmet, the short-bus is waiting!
I always knew this, words are cheap and Americans are full of it. Which is why I have been against this UNSC bakwas. There has to be General Assembly vote, thats it. If it was up to me, I would push for a new UN this one has gone to the gutters. All UN decisions should be democratic.

I agree that UN should be done away with. But a new one would eventually become just as corrupt. It is a never ending money pit full of corrupt professional bureaucrats.
wasnt it israel who attacked first in the six-day war?

They did after watching Egypt mass around 100,000 on the border. along with Syria 75,000, Jordon 55,000, 1350 tanks and over 1000 artillary pieces. And that doesn't include the reserve forces. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was in store for them if they didn't hit first.

We may be getting off-topic here but, since there is chest-thumping by the Israel supporters, here it is:
According to Mearseimer and Walt's ground breaking work 'The Israel Lobby', Israelis ALWAYS had military superiority--even in their War of Independence. Look it up. Modern wars are not fought along one million men in straight formation against each other. In modern war, the weaponry and technology matters. I would respect Israeli forces if they take on either Iran or Pakistan or Turkey in a conventional war. These countries may not have the weaponry to match but they will show that wars are costly.

Back to topic.
There is still some hope. If you read the 'Comments' section in NY Times you will see that overwhelmingly Americans are critical of Israel and express their helplessness viz a viz this AIPAC-Paid Congress. So this is not just a Pakistani or Muslim cause. Palestine's is a global and very secular nationalist cause.
The U.S.'s blind spot with reference to Israel is simply incredible. The U.S. by its actions supporting Israel (especially the present government) can only do long standing damage to its own interests. This threat by the U.S. is very telling. It means that the U.S. believes that any resolution in the UN general assembly will have overwhelming support & that the U.S.'s power to influence other countries to vote against is almost non-existent. This threat therefore, is a clear admission of weakness and will only serve in tarnishing what is left of the U.S.'s image.
Let China, the new super power, take on the Palestinian Authority as its new client. Oh! No! Wait! the Palestinians don't have any raw materials that the PRC wants!! Too bad, no aide from China!! There is nothing in it for the PRC .......
Yes and yes.
There are plenty of Americans are who are fed up with the Israeli Lobby's extremely damaging influence on American policies. Unfortunately, the US electoral system is so beholden to money and lobbies it is almost suicidal for almost all politicians to stand up against them lest they lose their own seats. I have read an article where at least 2 congressmen lost because tried to be balanced toward Israel-Palestine issue. Their 'crime' was swiftly paid back by dumping of millions of $$ from outside their constituencies into opponents coffers to ensure those candidates' defeat.
Many, many Americans---as can be seen in the 'Comments' at NY Times (who, incidentally, are very critical of Pakistan/Muslims)--are beginning to realize the 5th Columnists within their midst.

Americans are now increasingly calling to revoke Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.
3 Billion dollars in Military aid, 1.7 billion obligated to spend on US weaponry.
The threat is existential as long as Iran attempts to acquire Nukes, Israel is very small so it wouldn`t take more than one nuke.
Even if Palestine gets recognized in the GA, it won`t change the facts on the ground, only piss of the US and Israel.
It`s been stated more than once that Israel can also make one-sided decisions, and she will.

Comon Ptex,

As much as I don't like Iranian expansionism, we all know that Iran is NOT an existential threat to Israel because Israel HAS nukes. It will be a threat only to those countries that DO NO have nukes. Besides, GCC countries would already be doing all the hard work for Israel.

And Israel has been such a pain BECAUSE the Palestinian issue has not been solved. If Israel accepts the Arab peace plan and resolves the Palestinian issue, the Iran will have its influence directly curtailed because of that.

And if recognition of Palestine will not change anything, then that is more of a reason why US should not veto this. Why should US get pissed if nothing will change? Why make itself look isolated by vetoing this? The Israeli ruling coalition is basically being run by a coalition of the far right and the loony right and have been making one blunder after another. There is no visonary like Rabin for example who knew the importance of a settlement. If the US is truly a friend of Israel, they should bring them back to the center and explain them the importance of resolving this now when Israel is undisputably the most powerful country in that region.
Now is the time to resolve the issue as soon as possible before the advantage that Israel has will no longer be there. Or the Congress can continue to hobble the President, give standing ovations to the Israeli PM then they can be happy for now, but they are creating problem for the future of Israel.

The existential threat to Israel is if a Palestinian state is NOT created. Because what is the other option? Give voting rights to the people of West Bank and Gaza? Either Israel should give up the lands to a free Palestine, or give equal rights as other Israeli Arabs. And if you want to maintain the Jewish character of Israel, then the latter will be the existential threat - not Iran.
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