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‘US threatened to attack Swat Taliban if Pakistan failed to act’

You can't have it, period. Furthermore, Pakistan doesn't need all those troops on the border to prevent an Indian invasion, 'cause the Indians currently aren't very interested.

Yep. Elections, IPL and lotta stuff going on here. We are not interested in any war. :pop:
Regarding Fencing...Pakistan tried to fence and mine border but Afghan National Army stopped that process because they don't accept Durad Line.How is it Pakistan's Fault?Also Ratus Ratus who is a former Australian Military Officer also mentioned how Afghanistan Pakistan border can be successfully fenced with troops patrolling it 24/7.This afghan jihad really fucked Pakistan.I wish it would not have had happened..General Zia, Akthar Abdur Rehman, CIA William Casey fuked Pakistan royally. If Pakistan was supporting Talibans/AQ it should have made sure that both groups are Pro America.
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Rabbit.Rabbit:)did u Americans control the so called insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan or insurgents battling from Mexico into US that US doesn't want to talk about...did you guys control "them" from Afghan borders entering Pakistan..what a hypocrites you can't control while you tell others..
Ok regarding fencing...well Let NATO/US provide $$$ and install barriers as Israel/Palestine areas are fenced..and yeah we'll do it u watch open an audit office to control funds :)only if you americanas and Nato agrees Now dig it..
Rabbit.Rabbit:)did u Americans control the so called insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan or insurgents battling from Mexico into US that US doesn't want to talk about...did you guys control "them" from Afghan borders entering Pakistan..what a hypocrites you can't control while you tell others..

Insurgents from Mexico? What are you on about? The drug problem is certainly not an insurgency, and to whatever extent it was the fault of the US, Ms. Hillary Clinton has already explained.

The US may not have succeded in putting an end to the insurgency in Afghanistan, but we had considerable success in Iraq, better I'd say than Pakistan has managed in its own country, and that's saying a lot.

The thing is that this is your own country. Its not your neighbour and definitely not some country halfway around the world. I thought the basic job of every government was to ensure that people are not running around shooting each other and neighbouring countries.
‘US threatened to attack Swat Taliban if Pakistan failed to act’

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The United States made it clear last week that it would attack the Taliban in Swat valley unless the Pakistani government stopped their advance.

A senior Pakistani official told The Times newspaper, the American government intervened after Taliban moved in Buner.

In Washington, officials feared that the country pivotal to the US war in Afghanistan and against Al Qaeda was succumbing to extremists.

“The implicit threat – if you don’t do it, we may have to – was always there,” said the official. He said that under American pressure, the ISI agency told the Taliban on Friday to withdraw from Buner.

However, the Taliban withdrawal was less than total.

The official said the ‘mortal threat’ remarks by Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, were “calculated to ramp up the pressure on Pakistan” to take action. She was one of several American political and military leaders to use unusually strong language about Pakistan’s failure to curb the Taliban. Others included Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and General David Petraeus.

Husain Haqqani, the Pakistani ambassador in Washington, then accused the Obama administration of making it harder for his country to fight the Taliban.

“The US needs to relate its comments to the ground realities in Pakistan instead of the mood in Washington,” he said. “Most Pakistanis are not supportive of the Taliban way of life, but at the same time widespread anti-Americanism confuses many Pakistanis into having a conflicting view. We want to turn that view around but the US and its leaders must help us to do that.”

The Americans want the government to shift troops from the India-Pakistan border to meet the Taliban threat, The Times said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

A statement made for domestic consumption; in response to the scare stories of last week. Obama has shown himself to be everything I expected, naive, inexperineced, indesisive but I don't think he is stupid. There is very little the US can do in Swat of Pakistan choses not to act,; bomb the place, to what purpose, the terrain pretty much ensures that any bombing will be ineffective, they have zero assets on the ground, so its not like the CIA can do much, and if you are talking about troops, well i) they are'nt any to spare ii) how the hell will you supply them and iii) if you are talking air assualt, well we tried that in Waziristan in 2007, suffered quite a few casulties and concluded that except for special ops, its out.
Rabbit.Rabbit....:)you know you Americans label domestic and regional terrorism as something else while when it comes to Pakistan you call it Terrorism, I don't have to explain it boy you know it all to well whether u choose to keep silent about it I care less an eye over Florida/Boston/NY/CA good nice places with lots going on just keep it that way once it swells we'll start off from that point until than over and out..

Rabbit.Rabbit....The thing is that this is your own country. Its not your neighbour and definitely not some country halfway around the world. I thought the basic job of every government was to ensure that people are not running around shooting each other and neighbouring countries....

O so you are telling me the Taliban and insurgents in Afghanistan aren't afghanis? o these talibans are not neighbors lol give me proof we Pakistanis are shooting around our owns and neighbors are you referring to Mumbai Drama or the so called local taliban Afghanis in Pakistan funded and trained by US on afghan soil wandering jobless US creating jobs for them pouring sending them into Pakistan tagged marked the weapons and communication equiptment seazed are confirmed US/Russian/Indian in origins? Brother don't brag and brawl about it no more you need a smoke:)
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Rabbit.Rabbit....:)you know you Americans label domestic and regional terrorism as something else while when it comes to Pakistan you call it Terrorism, I don't have to explain it boy you know it all to well whether u choose to keep silent about it careless an eye over Florida/Boston/NY/CA good nice places with lots going on just keep it that way once it swells we'll start off from that point until than over and out..

Yes I hear its fashionable to predict doom for the US ever since the recession. Well keep waiting for it, ain't gonna happen.
Meanwhile, try saving your own country from a very real doomsday scenario.
Rabbit rabbit...Yes I hear its fashionable to predict doom for the US ever since the recession. Well keep waiting for it, ain't gonna happen.
Meanwhile, try saving your own country from a very real doomsday scenario.

LOL didn't you just predicted about my country's doomsday what a hypocrite contradictory statement by you...I did not predict its already happening open eyes wide open example your own American children are with guns killing their mom dad classmates teachers the next generation of terrorists are already growing that's just not prediction no where in the world does this happens US is unique when it comes to kids with guns in school killing going AMOK..
:) so u are suggesting i keep waiting and ain't gonna happen as you said while you chose to predict and it would happen?? Contractions contradictions boy you are really on marijuana lol
qsaark, that's no excuse for giving militants a free run of the country. The "cause" is usually just an excuse for cheap demagogues to rile their mobs and gain power by waging "jehad".The real problem is the inability of the Pakistani state to control the insurgents.
The real problem is neither the lack of willingness nor the inability to control the insurgents, the real problem is the lack of confidence of Pakistanis in American intentions and its plans for Pakistan. Pakistanis are totally confused about this whole thing; Pakistanis are aware of the fact that right now they are facing three enemies that are India, extremism, and the USA.

Question is who is the bigger and immediate threat to the existence of Pakistan? India probably not, we know India and its potential. Even with our limited resources, probably we can keep it at bay.

Extremism may be, but who is supporting extremism? First and foremost, it is the failure of the GoP's policies that is the major reason of the extremism. In past 20 or so years, GoP has completely failed in providing the basic necessities to the common people. Corruption is rampant in each and every department and law is only for the weak and poor. Common Pakistanis are oppressed to a level where they are looking desperately for some body that can get them out of this mess. Every ruler came with the high promises and got an initial support by the majority of the Pakistanis that include both, the civilian as well as the military rulers. Unfortunately both missed excellent opportunities and have totally failed the common Pakistanis. The best time was during the Zia's rule; we were literally getting tons of money from the US as well as from the oil-rich gulf countries. However, instead of investing that money wisely into some long term and sustainable projects, we spent most if not all of it on our military. We strengthen the military but weakened the society as whole. Than we missed the chance during Nawaz Sharif's 2nd term into office when we tested our nuclear devices for God knows why, and even after that, kept spending heavily on the conventional arms. Than we missed the chance after the fateful 9/11 and instead of 'assisting' the Americans in their so-called WoT, we literally jumped into a ‘foreign’ war.

Before 9/11, there were no Taliban or if they were, they were never so powerful to challenge the writ of the GoP in any Pakistani-administered territory. And the only reason they were not able to do so was because they did not have the support of the common Pakistani people. What changed after the 9/11 was the sentiment of the people after in-discriminate killing of the innocents in the name of WoT. Those who had never agreed with the Taliban's strict view of religion were now supporting them and if not supporting them, at least not apposing them. It happened only because they saw them (Taliban) as forces fighting against the foreign invasion. Common Pakistanis also looked at them because they were totally ignored by the ruling elites and left to survive on their own. This ignorance and the incompetence of the GoP lead to a vacuum of good governance and eventually to the rise of the non-state acting organizations who are slowly but gradually gaining people’s support. All of non-state actors or organizations are fanatics, but not always religious as in the case of Taliban. In Balochistan and Sindh, we have extreme left wing organizations which are challenging the writ of the GoP in the two provinces. In the PashtoonKhwa (former NWFP) province, however, the religious fanatics are gaining support mainly because of the traditional involvement of the religion in everyday life of Pashtoons and because of their tribal customs. Pashtoons of the frontier province are the people who benefited as well as suffered the most from the Russian and now US invasion of the Afghanistan. They have blood relations on the two sides of the Durand’s line and hence got affected badly due to the loss of lives of their loved ones.

All the mentioned factors were present even before the so-called WoT, but what this invasion did was to turn the sparks into smoldering flames. Instead of convincing the Pashtoons both on the Afghan and Pakistani side, the US used brutal force to achieve its goals and the result is in front of all of us. Even after 8 long years, no goal has been achieved. The million dollar question is though, what was the goal in the first place or was there any at all? If the goal was to capture or kill OBL and his aides, why it was trumpeted? Why he was given all the chance to escape? Why he and his aides were not located quietly and captured or neutralized? But than of-course if OBL is captured or killed, what would happen to the pre-text of the prolonged occupation? It is an un-deniable fact that US had already planned and informed several countries about the regime change in Afghanistan months before the 9/11. It was no contingency plan as several suggest, it was a done deal. And the most tragic mistake of all times was to invade Afghanistan with insufficient force. That made the whole operation ineffective and with not end in sight. So Pakistanis are right in asking the intentions of the USA for their country. It is clearer than ever that US has something else in her mind other than just the pursuit of OBL and his Al-Qaeda. Moreover the US’s actions towards Pakistan are just not helpful in this whole WoT thing. On one side, the GoP is asked to patrol the borders, on the other side, they are denied of the required equipment. On one side GoP is blamed for its inability to curb the crossing of the militants into Afghanistan, on the other side, the US/NATO troops are not effectively controlling the cross-border infiltrations. On one hand GoP is asked to move its military assets on the northern borders, on the other hand, India is encouraged to carry out hostilities against the Pakistan.

Unfortunately the US and her allies refuse to accept that the ongoing hostilities are not the answer here. The answer is to isolate the extremist elements from the rest of the society, and that can only be done through improved economical situation of Pakistan and dialogue, lots and lots of dialogue. Sure, the US and its short sited allies have all the capacity to spread this fire throughout Pakistan and rest of the Muslim countries, but their present strategy will not help containing let alone eliminating it.
You are a child.

"The answer is to isolate the extremist elements from the rest of the society, and that can only be done through improved economical situation of Pakistan and dialogue, lots and lots of dialogue."

How can you responsibly posture "improved economical situation"? Where? Punjab? You might as well start and end there and Sindh. After that, you've no security sufficient to implement the most basic civil improvements like digging a well much less high falutin' words about the economy.

One before the other. Right now, any penny spent in the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan is a waste of coin. Are you turning these projects over to the local government as part of your "dialogue"?

Do they get to stamp "A Gift From Your Local Irhabists" over each bag of wheat that arrives? How about the vehicles themselves? What's to keep them from being stolen?

Dialogue? If talking will kill them, yeah. Short of that, you've really revealed a distinct absence of conflict resolution skills. Didn't you just fire the pro-taliban gov't administrator who cut the SWAT deal.

Not that you weren't warned then and in Wana in 2007.

Do me a favor and get your lame azz home, out of my country, and back where you can go chit-chat and loan out some rupees.

Those boys are gonna LIKE you.:agree:

Good luck and watch your six.
The people who shout do more, do more need to tell us what have they achieved in the past 8 yrs in Afghanistan? 72% of Afghanistan is in Taliban control.
I see you read my post.

Show me your evidence that 72% of Afghanistan is CONTROLLED by the taliban please or forever put this thought away. You are too smart to continually bleat nonsense when the truth is being shoved at you.

I shall do so ONCE MORE, sir. For your reading pleasure-

ICOS Incident Map-Afghanistan November 2008

Please assure that you review the correct map. Then please assure that you read english. Finally please assure that you can identify and read the legend.

If so, you'll note that "heavy insurgent activity" doesn't connote CONTROL. Secondly, you'll note that the map shows violent incidents and their graded severity.

Where are these? By any standard, we can see that the VAST majority of these incidents are centered on Helmand-Kandahar corridor and the Kabul-Jalalabad nexus. Agreed? If not, then I shall only permit you to connect the dots between Kandahar and Kabul.

Thus we have a band of violence that extends from Helmand to Jalalabad roughly parallel to YOUR BORDER.

Go figure.

Looks damnably devoid of major contacts from the center of the country north. There's a war there, Asim, but we fight and fight very hard. So hard that I doubt you missed my comment about how WE DON'T LOSE.

Try doing the same because we've travelled 6,000 miles to kick irhabi azz. You can't seem to get out of the driveway.

I'm really hoping that this is the last time I need to do this with a smart guy like you. Stay away from the grossly mis-interpreted axioms of mistruths and dissemblance and see it for what it is-an incidence map and damned useful in it's proper context.

Nothing more.

As expected the bully retaliated with personal attacks. This right there shows that some sensitive nerve is touched. Improved economical situation is digging well for you. Well I can’t complaint, you were in Artillery; economics is far from your understanding. Besides, most of my Americans friends told me that they have left the economical part on the Jews to take care of.

Note how quickly he changes his statements, first the complaint was about infiltration, now all of a sudden most Afghanistan is under control. If Afghanistan is under control, what the fuss is all about?

You are a child.

get your lame azz home, out of my country, and back where you can go chit-chat and loan out some rupees.

Please assure that you review the correct map.
Then please assure that you read english.
Finally please assure that you can identify and read the legend.
Well bully, you are here and we are here, we'll see how far your binary brain will take you. You believe in "A lie told often enough becomes truth" and "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it." But unfortunately, in today’s world where the information is so readily available your lies and disinformation can take you only that far.

I shall do so ONCE MORE, sir. For your reading pleasure-

ICOS Incident Map-Afghanistan November 2008
Who really needs to read and understand the map is you. Even if the map is based on correct figures, the map shows 54% area with 'heavy taliban presence', 38% with 'substantial' presence and 8% with 'light taliban presence'. What this tells? So basically Taliban are present in all of the Afghanistan and are present in substantial numbers in 92% of Afghanistan. So what the US/NATO troops have achieved in past 8 or so years if Taliban are substantially present in 92% Afghanistan?

Thank God majority of Americans are still sane people. If Chinese stop loaning you money and we Immigrants leave your country, what will happen to you lazy obese fat ***** isn’t very difficult to predict.
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So what the US/NATO troops have achieved in past 8 or so years if Taliban are substantially present in 92% Afghanistan?

Oh, you know, built schools, wells, houses, universities, etc. Made friends with the locals and driven the Talibunnies from being a Afghan based operation to a Pakistan based one to such an extent the Talibunnies now find it more expedient to view Pakistan as it's current target and take over that country instead.
Interesting thing about the NZ reconstruction force in Bamyan: the Talibunnies have apparently asked the local tribesmen several times for permission to attack the NZ forces, including offering large sums of money. The locals told our troops that they refused permission and reported the Talibunny presence because they just like our people a whole lot better. Probably won't bat 100 for ever, but it's nice to know the locals have our peoples backs, even those dastardly women soldiers

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