Ya, that's an excellent idea and perhaps arrange for it to be dropped on the zionist illuminati freemasonary mafia elected dictatorship of the USA?
Please do no bother responding.
Akhi, as you know, the USA is an elected dictatorship made up of the zionist freemasons & illuminati et al; all with the same aim and purpose: NWO, in which the zionist yehud take control and try to rule the world with their master and leader, the dajjal. May ALLAH AoJ protect us from his fitnah, ãmiin.
We cannot and should not expect anything from these pale face red neck hypocrites, because, they only live for the life of this dunya, all embroilled in greed, tyranny and mastership over anybody and everybody. We muslims have been warned against these dastardly evil rotten dirt, and in all honesty, we muslims are in deep slumber expecting these zionist yehud led entities, to come to our rescue, when we should totally rely on and expect our affairs to be put right by ALLAH AoJ.
May ALLAH AoJ give taufiq, steadfastness and unity within the muslim world, ãmiin.