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@Gigawatt u even donot know drama people dinot worship idols in early times ;)

now give me break ..........
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Havi sultan is a mohajir from karachi and his origin is from lucknow. According to his own words he has "adopted pashtun race" because he is fascinated by pashtuns. Last time he was saying that he has started learning pakhto from some one online...in short he is wannabe pakhtun and he admits it...he hates his mohajir identity due to MQM and other stuff

He even claimed himself as Hyderabadi at some point. :lol:
@afghanis_hehe my mother is also pathan :)

Marraiges between balochs and pashtuns are common. But i believe any pashtun or any one with one of parent as pashtun, would use word "pashtun" or "pakhtun" instead of pathan, which is used by punjabis, sindhis and indians. May be your tongue slipped .

mashallah bro . but these afghanis and indians think that pashtuns cannot marry anyone except pakhtuns .. i think i need to show them some examples where pakhtuns married black males too..
celina jaitley is an example too her mother was afghan does she know pashto now ??

Marraiges between pakhtuns and punjabis do occur in islamabad, pindi , lahore etc .And with mohajirs in karachi. When you said that your mother is from lahore than i believed you. But the pashtuns who marry with punjabis are always non-traditional and urban type...
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bro i know where u coming from i lov pakhtuns as i m half of it but to be honest i cant respect afghan pakhtuns anymore... they are the mennace of our society ..

If you would have been sure about your "pukhtoon" identity, you would not have find it imperative to remind observers in every post that your mother is pukhtoon.

This hung up behavior is a defense mechanism in psycho-dynamics ,and is called reaction formation which you are using to mask your disgust for pukhtoons.

I think you have selective memory loss, we had discussions about it right on this forum http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/27046-idp-camps-being-restricted-nwfp.html .

It is the first time i am hearing that tehrik hijrat was about NWFP pakhtuns...it is your another punjabi propaganda, you are murdering a very well known history, it was hindostani ulemas who declared india dar ul harb and issued fatwa for hijrat and thousands of muslims of present day india tried to migrate to Afghanistan, small number stayed while most of them returned back due to very poor conditions. The idea was that all hindostani muslims would migrate to afghanistan, it was stupid. And thanks God they didnt migrate and Afghan governament apologized, they could have turned Afghanistan into karachi.
Pakhtuns didnt move an inch, neither they need to migrate. They were not slaves of british and were challenging rule of british. While tribals of FATA were not annexed with british at all.
i dont know what u r talking about but i can feel the hatred in ur words... british india included all the prsend day pakistan and india and i dont have to give u proofs because ur small mind can not accept them ..the muslims that migrated to afghanistan were from north of pakistan so plz dont lie give me a good reference where it states that it was just muslims from lucknow .. dont give me a reference of hindustani muslims because at that time every muslim in bristish india was termed as one .. afghan govt didnt appologize but they staright away said no.. its good now tha afghan refugees are getting the same treatment being kicked out is the best solution..

idp camps were allowed in punjab but not in sindh .. well ur sources say it didnt myne say they did. well where do u liv i liv in punjab so yeah maybe i might have seen idps from russia over here then,...
this is british indian empire for ur reference befr u make any more further stupid claims see these

If you would have been sure about your "pukhtoon" identity, you would not have find it imperative to remind observers in every post that your mother is pukhtoon.

This hung up behavior is a defense mechanism in psychodynamics ,and is called reaction formation which you are using to mask your disgust for pukhtoons.

ok whatever .. u r an indian troll.. keep troliing coz it doesnt effect me .. i m reminding becz some indians and afghans over here are pretty dumb
Marraiges between balochs and pashtuns are common. But i believe any pashtun or any one with one of parent as pashtun, would use word "pashtun" or "pakhtun" instead of pathan, which is used by punjabis, sindhis and indians. May be your tongue slipped .

Marraiges between pakhtuns and punjabis do occur in islamabad, pindi , lahore etc .And with mohajirs in karachi. When you said that your mother is from lahore than i believed you. But the pashtuns who marry with punjabis are always non-traditional and urban type...

well i guess u r in a dream world.. people marry women from swat and peshwar quite commonly ..and the marraiges between pashton and punjab not only happen in punjab but also in kpk...one of my frend is marrying a punjabi girl from mandi bahaudin and he is a swaty.. and my mother is not urban type maybe ur mother is an urban type or non traditional so better be careful next tym .. my mother has kept her traditions quite intact while due to my fathers strictness she always remaind quite ..
i dont know what u r talking about but i can feel the hatred in ur words... british india included all the prsend day pakistan and india and i dont have to give u proofs because ur small mind can not accept them ..the muslims that migrated to afghanistan were from north of pakistan so plz dont lie give me a good reference where it states that it was just muslims from lucknow .. dont give me a reference of hindustani muslims because at that time every muslim in bristish india was termed as one .. afghan govt didnt appologize but they staright away said no.. its good now tha afghan refugees are getting the same treatment being kicked out is the best solution..

idp camps were allowed in punjab but not in sindh .. well ur sources say it didnt myne say they did. well where do u liv i liv in punjab so yeah maybe i might have seen idps from russia over here then,...
this is british indian empire for ur reference befr u make any more further stupid claims see these

ok whatever .. u r an indian troll.. keep troliing coz it doesnt effect me .. i m reminding becz some indians and afghans over here are pretty dumb

The burden of proof lies on you, you first claimed that mostly pakhtuns of present day pakistan migrated to afghanistan during tehrik e hijrat, provide me sources and refrences to prove your claim.
As for as IDPs are concerned than it seems you wont listen to facts. Let me give you example of karachi, 5 millions pakhtuns there are not even refugees by defination yet they are killed through target killings and packed in boris on daily basis.....we pakhtuns of both countries do not pack each other dead bodies in boris.
Since I talked to some Afghans, Afghan means Pashtun or Pashtun means Afghan. The Dari speakers are called Farsiwan.

and since when i talked to alot of indians i found sikhs wree sikhs not indians
maratha were maratha not indians.. south indians wre proud to be called south ..and kashmiris prefereed the word kashmiri instead of indian. i think the real indians are red indians . u r bharaty .. .. u talked to afghans lik luffy who live in dream world.. and aall these examples
and since when i talked to alot of indians i found sikhs wree sikhs not indians
maratha were maratha not indians.. south indians wre proud to be called south ..and kashmiris prefereed the word kashmiri instead of indian. i think the real indians are red indians . u r bharaty .. .. u talked to afghans lik luffy who live in dream world.. and aall these examples

A Urdufized Punjabi commenting about identity of Indians. :cheesy:
well i guess u r in a dream world.. people marry women from swat and peshwar quite commonly ..and the marraiges between pashton and punjab not only happen in punjab but also in kpk...one of my frend is marrying a punjabi girl from mandi bahaudin and he is a swaty.. and my mother is not urban type maybe ur mother is an urban type or non traditional so better be careful next tym .. my mother has kept her traditions quite intact while due to my fathers strictness she always remaind quite ..

You have specifically mentioned swat and peshawer. About swati, a swati can better counter your lie, it is falsely propagated about swatis that they sell their women to punjabis and arab shiekhs...as i have lived in peshawer, so let me tell you that majority of peshawaris are hindkowans , they call themeselves pishoris, you people call them punjabi-pathans..they also speak pakhto beside their mother tongue hindko and they introduce themeselves as pashtuns outside kpk for convenience...they prefer to marry with punjabis especially of pindi, attock etc...
Shahrukh, dilip kumar and kapoors are actually pishoris/hindkis, not pakhtuns.
The burden of proof lies on you, you first claimed that mostly pakhtuns of present day pakistan migrated to afghanistan during tehrik e hijrat, provide me sources and refrences to prove your claim.
As for as IDPs are concerned than it seems you wont listen to facts. Let me give you example of karachi, 5 millions pakhtuns there are not even refugees by defination yet they are killed through target killings and packed in boris on daily basis.....we pakhtuns of both countries do not pack each other dead bodies in boris.

i will provide u with sources dont worry
here it is Ghaffar Khan leads a march from Peshawar to Kabul during the Khilafat Movement. Peshawar Street 1920 (Mela Ram & Sons),,,, do u think that he gathered muslims from up bihar in peshawar when bacha khan travelled to kabul....

File:Pesh muhajireengoingtokabul 1920.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

while abt karachy pakhtuns and muhajirs will sort out their problem ..pakhtuns are not weak as u r portraying them by saying its so easy to put them in boris.. (this statemnet can be true fro an afghan pakhtun lik u )

You have specifically mentioned swat and peshawer. About swati, a swati can better counter your lie, it is falsely propagated about swatis that they sell their women to punjabis and arab shiekhs...as i have lived in peshawer, so let me tell you that majority of peshawaris are hindkowans , they call themeselves pishoris, you people call them punjabi-pathans..they also speak pakhto beside their mother tongue hindko and they introduce themeselves as pashtuns outside kpk for convenience...they prefer to marry with punjabis especially of pindi, attock etc...

good not all peshwarites are hindkos. i didnt even mention the word selling . !!

A Urdufized Punjabi commenting about identity of Indians. :cheesy:

u liked it ..i m feeeling really happy now that i made ur day
You have specifically mentioned swat and peshawer. About swati, a swati can better counter your lie, it is falsely propagated about swatis that they sell their women to punjabis and arab shiekhs...as i have lived in peshawer, so let me tell you that majority of peshawaris are hindkowans , they call themeselves pishoris, you people call them punjabi-pathans..they also speak pakhto beside their mother tongue hindko and they introduce themeselves as pashtuns outside kpk for convenience...they prefer to marry with punjabis especially of pindi, attock etc...
Shahrukh, dilip kumar and kapoors are actually pishoris/hindkis, not pakhtuns.

these three are indian i dont like all of them ...shahrukh i think is non pashto speaking pakhtun..
well i guess u r in a dream world.. people marry women from swat and peshwar quite commonly ..and the marraiges between pashton and punjab not only happen in punjab but also in kpk...one of my frend is marrying a punjabi girl from mandi bahaudin and he is a swaty.. and my mother is not urban type maybe ur mother is an urban type or non traditional so better be careful next tym .. my mother has kept her traditions quite intact while due to my fathers strictness she always remaind quite ..

I dont poke my nose in some one family , but as you have shared details about your family then let me ask you a question, if your father is strict (strict about what?) and your mother always remain quiet then i guess it was arranged marraige? You said two met in lahore (love marraige?)
i will provide u with sources dont worry
here it is Ghaffar Khan leads a march from Peshawar to Kabul during the Khilafat Movement. Peshawar Street 1920 (Mela Ram & Sons),,,, do u think that he gathered muslims from up bihar in peshawar when bacha khan travelled to kabul....

File:Pesh muhajireengoingtokabul 1920.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

while abt karachy pakhtuns and muhajirs will sort out their problem ..pakhtuns are not weak as u r portraying them by saying its so easy to put them in boris.. (this statemnet can be true fro an afghan pakhtun lik u )

good not all peshwarites are hindkos. i didnt even mention the word selling . !!

u liked it ..i m feeeling really happy now that i made ur day

This is not a proof, all the image is saying "mohajireen passing through peshawer", you seem to forget that traditional route for entering into Afghanistan is through torkham and for that first you have to reach peshawer. These mohajireens from india have reached peshawer and are marching to Afghanistan where thankfully to God, they would be denied refuge.
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