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US tech workers' body ask Trump to suspend H-1B visa programme amid layoff fears

Ab bolo Chandus and Gangus tumhara kya hoga?? Pehle to gore ki chaat chaat k achi jobs le lete they tum log. Ab kya laro ge?
Other races who are far fewer in number than indians are way more scientifically and technologically superior than Indians could ever be.
The evidence of India's skill is international chess. In chess, the player is on his own. So you cannot speculate about help from Whites or collaboration with Whites. If you still accuse Indians of taking other's help in preparation, then it is not valid because during chess preparations ALL players work with coaches and use computers. Once the chess game starts, it is player's talent that matters. Link for you:


Only reason they getting Visas is cause Ganguland churns our more tech students and companies will pay low wages and you people jump for it.

How ever the structure is set up where workers from India work in a group dominated by Americans and Chinese as managers and executives and you people work in a sweat shop style environment.

Ganguland doesn't actually turn out more tech students.

You will be surprised how many of these H1B idiots are unqualified low class idiots who pass from third rate 'Annamalai Agricultural Institute' in Tiruvirammalli or some such backwoods town - then get hired by these scammy Indian outfits after finishing a three month course in so-called 'database management'. :lol:

Add water - instant 'database' expert!

Then when these low class idiots finally get stateside - and Americans discover that they are rank incompetent idiots, it is too late to send them back for the salaries they are getting, American employers are usually too humane to send them back.

After a lot of abuse and 'learning the ropes' on American employers' 'dime' - these Indian idiots finally learn to function marginally.

Next steps are to,
  1. Send their kids to Sanghi schools in the US to breed new generation of Sanghis,
  2. having their wife work using visa facility and,
  3. sending earned funds to local RSS shakhas in their town so anti-Muslim pogroms can continue in India.
Of course I'm talking about pseudo-educated Indians from India, not those who went to school in the US.
You will be surprised how many of these H1B idiots are unqualified low class idiots who pass from third rate 'Annamalai Agricultural Institute' in Tiruvirammalli or some such backwoods town - then get hired by these scammy Indian outfits after finishing a three month course in so-called 'database management'. :lol:
Couldn't have said it better than this myself
@dbc @KAL-EL

Has the good Indians strated claiming 'rascism' yet? Would be logical progression...or HumanRights n Stuff thing...

I know for a fact that American SoftwareWriters are world class.. Belarussians, Turks, EastEuroz and Ruskiz not that far behind....

What actual Software
do the good Indians write in America that a stand up American can't write?

I don't know any software writers , I don't encounter them in my line of work. I always thought it was something that was outsourced long ago. I still don't get why these people need to be in the US?
I don't know any software writers , I don't encounter them in my line of work. I always thought it was something that was outsourced long ago. I still don't get why these people need to be in the US?

You and I went to a more or less respectable American college, spent years educating ourselves and spent hundreds of thousands in loans paying back over decades to get an education and marketable technical or business skills.

These Indian fakers went to a third-rate Indian school for FREE - as relevant as it is to the level of education provided there, then stole question papers to barely pass by the skin of their teeth (as is common in India). Then they took a three month course by a scam Indian software outfit, instantly transforming into and claiming to be a software 'expert'. This scam Indian outfit brought in these unqualified people to the US to 'help cut costs'. Actual costs are of course - never lowered, we in the US are simply training these H1B idiots for free while they breed new Sanghis in the US.

Congratulations - your H1B Sanghi Indian colleague is now considered 'equivalent' to yours and will replace you anytime your US employer decides it needs to save a few bucks. They will buy bigger houses than you (given that husband and wife both are minting money) and will drive around in luxury cars while you and I (the schmucks that we are) work like idiots to pay off our student loans.

H1B program should be dropped immediately if not sooner. High time this is abolished. Plenty of Americans available to do these jobs in these tough times.

The evidence of India's skill is international chess. In chess, the player is on his own. So you cannot speculate about help from Whites or collaboration with Whites. If you still accuse Indians of taking other's help in preparation, then it is not valid because during chess preparations ALL players work with coaches and use computers. Once the chess game starts, it is player's talent that matters. Link for you:



One Viswanathan Anand does not make even .00001 percent of talent in India. That kind of talent exists in most every country.

I have seen Indian H1B's for a long time and seen their quality of work.

They can't write code worth $hit and the only reason they survive in the US workplace is because White or other US-Born managers take pity on them.

Their talent level is 'gobar for brains' and everyone in this country knows it. The day of the 'brilliant Indian coder' ended two decades ago, whatever few folks there were, nowadays all you get is underclass gobar talent.

Now if you are a Indian Sanghi and prize gobar (gau mata product) highly - do hire these talent in India, America doesn't need them.

Anyone working in Corporate America will vouch for this - even Indians from decent families educated in the US who work with these H1B's.

Low life H1B's need to go back to India - now.

That is a valid feedback....But here Indians are not saying that other nation's education system is creepy and stupid....

We have definitely done exceedingly well in term of getting biggest pie in IT outsourcing jobs in the last 30 year...That has created an ecosystem where jobs, economy and overall infrastructure of IT has been laid in the Indian job market...And as our outsourcing model matures, we have moved on with the value chain to next level by enhancing our contributions...

Mr. Kaniska - how far will you push these stories?

The reason outsourcing happens to India is because of low cost - but this is a myth pushed by scummy Indian BPO companies. Actual cost is no lower.

As far as education system, here is an Indian school where Higher Secondary exam (US High School graduation equivalent) is being held. Yes those are relatives climbing to the fourth/fifth floor supplying cheating notes and stolen question papers to exam-takers to help pass the exam. This is the level of education H1B Indians actually have and they claim as US equivalent. Teachers don't even dare challenge these practices. Enough said.

Yeh hai tera India....

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You and I went to a more or less respectable American college, spent years educating ourselves and spent hundreds of thousands in loans paying back over decades to get an education and marketable technical or business skills.

These Indian fakers went to a third-rate Indian school for FREE - as relevant as it is to the level of education provided there, then stole question papers to barely pass by the skin of their teeth (as is common in India). Then they took a three month course by a scam Indian software outfit, instantly transforming into and claiming to be a software 'expert'. This scam Indian outfit brought in these unqualified people to 'help cut costs'. Actual costs are of course - never lowered, we are simply training these idiots for free.

Congratulations - your H1B Indian colleague is now considered 'equivalent' to yours and will replace you anytime your US employer decides it needs to save a few bucks. They will buy bigger houses than you (given that husband and wife both are minting money) and will drive around in luxury cars while you and I (the schmucks that we are) work like idiots to pay off our student loans.

H1B program should be dropped immediately if not sooner. High time this is abolished. Plenty of Americans available to do these jobs in these tough times.

One Viswanathan Anand does not make even .00001 percent of talent in India. That kind of talent exists in most every country.

I have seen Indian H1B's for a long time and seen their quality of work.

They can't write code worth $hit and the only reason they survive in the US workplace is because White or other US-Born managers take pity on them.

Their talent level is 'gobar for brains' and everyone in this country knows it. The day of the 'brilliant Indian coder' ended two decades ago, whatever few folks there were, nowadays all you get is underclass gobar talent.

Now if you are a Indian Sanghi and prize gobar (gau mata product) highly - do hire these talent in India, America doesn't need them.

Anyone working in Corporate America will vouch for this - even Indians from decent families educated in the US who work with these H1B's.

Low life H1B's need to go back to India - now.

Mr. Kaniska - how far will you push these stories?

The reason outsourcing happens to India is because of low cost - but this is a myth pushed by scummy Indian BPO companies. Actual cost is no lower.

As far as education system, here is a school where Higher Secondary exam is being held. Yes those are relatives climbing to the fifth floor supplying plagiarizing notes and stolen question papers to exam-takers. This is the level of education H1B Indians actually have and they claim as US equivalent.

Yeh hai tera India....


Mr Know all specialist...Do not give me any silly example, where everyone in this forum knows all,with their individual capacity how Indian write their code...Do you think we are fools here who do not know, what kind of quality BD people come to US? And what kind of work they do in US??? Heck, if i can get enough examples of people from one country immigriate in illgal way in my home city in India itself....

At least Pakistan has a reason and justification to complain about us....Man...you guys have to get to the stature of Pakistan to even criticize us.....
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Mr Know all specialist...Do not give me any silly example, where everyone in this forum knows all,with their individual capacity how Indian write their code...Do you think we are fools here who do not know, what kind of quality people come to US? And what kind of work they do in US??? Heck, if i can get enough examples of people from one country immigriate in illgal way in my home city in India itself....

At least Pakistan has a reason and justification to complain about us....Man...you guys have to get to the stature of Pakistan to even criticize us.....

I live in the US and am a citizen here...if you are an H1B, your days are numbered.

Pack your bags while there's still time.
I live in the US and am a citizen here...if you are an H1B, your days are numbered.

Pack your bags while there's still time.

Sorry mate...bad luck...You have to live with me in this country....

But prior to pointing fingers to other, first check out your own situation....Otherwise, your argument will hold no water...
Go to any journal for advanced sciences and look at the Hindu names. Look for scientists in research companies all across the western world and look for Indian contribution there. Look at patent lists and look for Indian companies.

If you cant, I know why you can't :)

If Americans are letting 100,000 Indian students, 80k H1bs and rich Indians to settle here by opening businesses through EB5, It gives Indians opportunity to contribute to science, earn good money and improve their standard of living. Who claimed whites and Indians are the same?

Perfect Sanghi line of thinking.

And Sanghi spotted. :-)

Sanghis are perpetually looking to find reasons for assigning respectability to a toilet-less nation, the champion of open defecation among all countries.

Don't leave out ancient pre-Roman Indian achievements like air travel, plastic surgery etc.

@UKBengali , @Homo Sapiens
More sour grapes from Pakistani members of PDF. If Indians are incompetent as you claim, would they still be getting H-1B visas by the thousands? And far as abuse is concerned, it takes two to tango. I agree that H-1B rules should be strengthened to prevent abuse of the system, just don’t blame Indians exlusively.
H1b Visa for low tech jobs(~60,000) salary without any perks is mainstay for h1b visa..trump tried to squash this by increasing it 90,000. if he does that this si called boom will be squashed

60,000 is too low for this kinda of job when other similar jobs make 100,000+

H1b was supposed to be high paid talented jobs of 200,000+ where skilled people dont exist..or professors or researchers of renown (EB1)
Congratulations - your H1B Sanghi Indian colleague is now considered 'equivalent' to yours and will replace you anytime your US employer decides it needs to save a few bucks. They will buy bigger houses than you (given that husband and wife both are minting money) and will drive around in luxury cars while you and I (the schmucks that we are) work like idiots to pay off our student loans.

I don't understand, how can a H1B worker be cheaper? I worked overseas in Japan, UK and Norway. Although my skill set is highly specialized and domestic equivalent rare - my cost to my employer is often at least 10x a local equivalent.
I don't understand, how can a H1B worker be cheaper? I worked overseas in Japan, UK and Norway. Although my skill set is highly specialized and domestic equivalent rare - my cost to my employer is often at least 10x a local equivalent.

You have asked the right question to address this problem...Why US Govt is not fixing the rule to make H1B visa minimum wage at least 150% of the base/Avg salary of the city? Every citizen who is staying here is equally concerned about the impact on the job market...So what is stopping successive US Govt to do a drastic change with this rule or even to put a hold on H1B process to 5 year ?
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I don't understand, how can a H1B worker be cheaper? I worked overseas in Japan, UK and Norway. Although my skill set is highly specialized and domestic equivalent rare - my cost to my employer is often at least 10x a local equivalent.

This is called H1B fraud. See @ziaulislam bhai's post above yours and you will see how Indian scummy companies get around this. They've good too many tricks up their sleeve.

The claim Indian scummy BPO companies make is to lower costs for American corporations and get more supposed talent 'bang for the buck'; by getting these low-priced 'talent' from India. What you are getting is 'claimed' as talent, but in actuality '$hit for brains' garbage. These people aren't even fit to work for Indian corporates. Ask any educated Indian in India itself.

When Pres. Trump raised the H1B salary limit to $100,000 a year, he did squash these fraud practices somewhat but not entirely. Before this, the garbage that was coming in for $60,000 a year salaries, were horrendous.

I will explain more - later.

But again - H1B visa process should be abolished - NOW!

We need those jobs for American citizens and their families.
H1b Visa for low tech jobs(~60,000) salary without any perks is mainstay for h1b visa..trump tried to squash this by increasing it 90,000. if he does that this si called boom will be squashed

60,000 is too low for this kinda of job when other similar jobs make 100,000+

H1b was supposed to be high paid talented jobs of 200,000+ where skilled people dont exist..or professors or researchers of renown (EB1)

See...you can find so many good reasons to like our president....Rather, the way US economy is reacting, they should technically stop any kind of immigration in job market for some time...Do you think, US do not have such qualified professors or researchers which really can be filled out by university graduate from India/Pakistan/BD????

This is called H1B fraud. See @ziaulislam bhai's post above yours and you will see how Indian scummy companies get around this. They've good too many tricks up their sleeve.

The claim Indian scummy BPO companies make is to lower costs for American corporations and get more supposed talent 'bang for the buck'; by getting these low-priced 'talent' from India. What you are getting is 'claimed' as talent, but in actuality '$hit for brains' garbage. These people aren't even fit to work for Indian corporates. Ask any educated Indian in India itself.

When Pres. Trump raised the H1B salary limit to $100,000 a year, he did squash these fraud practices somewhat but not entirely. Before this, the garbage that was coming in for $60,000 a year salaries, were horrendous.

I will explain more - later.

Nope...You are wrong...Corporates are always their to make profit...It is the job of the Govt to stop them....So the right question should be asked that why US Govt should is not stepping up to protect the job for their citizens?

Why should we restrict this discussion to IT Jobs only for H1B...If it is a matter of loss of jobs, why US Govt is not preventing the import of other products such as garments, manufacturing products from other countries? If our president is really thinking about us, then there should be an overall import fee for all the imports that is being routed to the US in all categories...It can be IT, manufacturing, garments, and other commodities too.....

I sincerely hope when Mr. Trump comes up next time, he will really stop this H1b and put a good amount of import duties wherever US people's interests are protected...
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