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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN


The first and second images are phased AESA radar of Ballistic Missile Early Warning System of US in RAF Fylingdales station . Compare it with Iranian radar in third image that hasn't been unveiled officially yet. Image of this radar has been taken during inauguration of some of space projects last year.

And this is another phased array radar of Iran with around 6000 elements that was displayed in an exhibition was held specially for supreme leader of Iran. This radar hasn't been unveiled officially yet too.

can russians do the such work???


this drone flies in all of the world ... what happened ... nothing!


when coming to iran ... F**K DOWN !!!

is it ok ???
explanation is very simple: there are a lot of drones used in Afghanistan/Pakistan
countries near Russia: which one could get some high quantity of american drones ?

update: i remember one story in Georgia war: the russians could destroy a US drone right?
:lol: You have the F-14 and the F-5. American products. And yet despite all these decades the best Iran could come up with was a V-tail for the F-5.

i don't think so baby!!!


---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

explanation is very simple: there are a lot of drones used in Afghanistan/Pakistan
countries near Russia: which one could get some high quantity of american drones ?

IRAN :whistle:
woooooooooow !!! :blink:


It can also identify a mosquito !!!
Iranian are very capable themselves, they dont need help from china or russia, also who said usa is telling them not to give away this tech? its common sence that they should not.

Iran is completely self sufficient in their military so i doubt they will ask for anything.

also china and russian does not have anything to offer Iran for this except the s-400, but Iran would be stupid to take that offer, as the techology they will recieve from china,russian will be badly downgraded.
the sensors alone on this uav is more advanced anything russia and china has put together.

this will make the saudi so scared they are probably asking usa for an RQ-170 too lol

You never know, they have probably already struck a deal. You don't have to think of it as "giving it away". Instead it's a win-win if you think of it as a "joint venture". You never know what kind of technologies Russia and China will churn out in the future, so for the Iranian government to have one door open would be beneficial to the ever growing relationships :D
You never know, they have probably already struck a deal. You don't have to think of it as "giving it away". Instead it's a win-win if you think of it as a "joint venture". You never know what kind of technologies Russia and China will churn out in the future, so for the Iranian government to have one door open would be beneficial to the ever growing relationships :D

That is right. The only way is cooperation. No single country can do all things in the world, not even United States and not even China. Iran needs cooperation at some level but of course they can remain independent too. Iranians are angry because they see themselves exploited by foreign powers for a long time.

Russia refused to launch Iran a geo-stationary communication satellite despite Iran having paid for it. Out of four geostationary orbit slots which are owned by Iran, one the most valuable which is just above Iran and ideal for Iran's communication is to expire in next few months. Iran will most probably lose this slot to Arabs who will acquire it automatically. Because Iran has not been able yet to develop a geo-stationary satellite launcher and because Russia and China under western pressure have refused to launch Iran a communication satellite, Iran will lose this precious slot. It is not only that. Russia and China have also backed Iran sanctions and Russia even refused to deliver a defensive weapons such as S-300. So obviously Iranians are angry.

It was Iranian national oil company that discovered the world's largest gas reserves known as South Pars. This unique oil and gas field holds almost 15% of world's total gas and condensate reserve. Besides it also holds over 33% of earth's helium reserves. When Iranian oil company announced proudly its discovery in early 1990's under sanctions, no body believed Iran as usual, except Qatar who share a border in that locality with Iran. Qatar quickly brought in European oil and gas giants and soon enough found that a small portion of that field protrudes into their territory as well. They started sucking all the gas, oil and helium they could from the field. West seeing a moment of opportunity to pressurize Iran started to pour money in Qatar portion of the field in order to economically damage Iran by using their share of the field as well. The average life styles of Qataris soon changed as they became the richest nation on planet earth. Iran was powerless, as being under sanctions, it had no way to develop the field as fast as Qatar. So the shared field is being used up by Qatar to disadvantage of Iran. Basically west was telling Iran, to give up their science and technology ambitions and get money for the gas field or let the gas field go down the drain.

Europeans came to Iran and delayed Iranian projects in South Pars by procrastinating and when Iran kicked out Europeans for their fraud, then they brought Russians and Chinese. They did the same to Iranians. They delayed the project as much as they could in order for Iran to give them more commissions and then left Iran alone. Today Iran is developing the field all by itself but at a very slow rate since they do not have enough off-shore technology. So Iranian reactions are understandable if one looks at it from this perspective from Anglo-Iranian oil company to now.

But it is never late. I guess if China and Russia compensate Iran they can surely get access to this drone. One way would be for Russia to give S-400 technology, Tor M2 and Pantsir S-1 technology to Iran so that they can integrate these technologies in their Bavar-373 system. Besides these are defensive technologies and no body should object to it. China can supply Iran with a fab plant so that Iran can produce electronic components, something Iran can not do since it does not have a fab plant yet. It will go a long way for Iran if Chinese give them a fab plant and Iranian electronic industry will be revolutionized as they would start producing their very own processors, IC's and FPGA's.

There are grounds for cooperation here. With help from Chinese and Russians, Iran can learn more from this drone than they can learn alone. But the basis for this cooperation should be honesty and truthfulness. Not that Chinese and Russians make a fool of Iranians with future promises, get the drone out of Iran and then show the finger to Iranians, as has mostly happened. Cooperation can only happen based on mutual interest and a good business model with strong guarantees.
woooooooooow !!! :blink:

It can also identify a mosquito !!!
The US radar in raf Fylingdales station has 3000 miles range,
Iran has announced that has built 3000 km range radar, I guess that 3000 km range radar of Iran is the same radar that is similar to American radar in RAF Flyingsdales station.
Even Ukraine has radars of similar capability..built in the USSR times
Ground based radars are not that technically challenging because you can have all the space you want and all the megawatts of power..
Air based radar are difficult as they have limited space and limited power supply.
Iran files formal protest against U.S. over drone incident


Iran denounced the United States at the United Nations on Thursday night for engaging in a pattern of "provocative and covert operations," including the use of an RQ-170 unmanned spy drone that was captured by Iranian authorities, and warned that Tehran "reserves its legitimate rights to take all necessary measures to protect its national sovereignty."

Iran's U.N. ambassador Mohammad Khazaee wrote in a letter to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that the United States has stepped up covert operations against Iran in recent months, perhaps referring to the assassination of three Iranian nuclear scientists. He called on the United Nations to condemn what he described as "acts of aggression" and to take "clear and effective measures" to "put an end to these dangerous and unlawful acts."

The diplomatic protest comes as the Iranian government has itself come under intensive criticism at the United Nations over its nuclear program, its human rights conduct, and its alleged role in an assassination plot against Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United Nations.

Earlier this month, the International Atomic Energy Agency issued a report expressing serious "concern" that Iran has been seeking to master the technology to develop nuclear weapons capability. The U.N. General Assembly's Human Rights Council, meanwhile, adopted a resolution deploring the alleged assassination attempt.

A copy of the latest Iranian letter, which will also be presented to the presidents of the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly, was emailed to Turtle Bay by the Iranian government.

It says the American drone "violated Iran's air space" by flying "250 Kilometers deep into Iranian territory up to the northern region of the city of Tabas, where it faced prompt and forceful action by the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"This is not the only act of aggression and covert operation by the United States against the Islamic Republic of Iran," Khazee wrote. "My Government emphasizes that this blatant and unprovoked air violation by the United States Government is tantamount to an act of hostility against the Islamic Republic of Iran in clear contravention of international law, in particular, the basic tenets of the United Nations Charter."

Full Text Below:

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

No. 1396 8 December 2011


Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honor to draw your kind attention to the provocative and covert operations against the Islamic Republic of Iran by the United States Government, which have increased and intensified in recent months.

In the continuation of such trend, recently, an American RQ-170 unmanned spy plane, bearing a specific serial number, violated Iran 's air space. This plane flied 250 Kilometers deep into Iranian territory up to the northern region of the city of Tabas , where it faced prompt and forceful action by the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In the past, the Iranian Government lodged its strong protests against similar acts by submitting several Notes including Notes No. 164440 dated 29 October 2008 and No. 268483 dated 11 February 2009 to the Government of the United States.

My Government emphasizes that this blatant and unprovoked air violation by the United States Government is tantamount to an act of hostility against the Islamic Republic of Iran in clear contravention of international law, in particular, the basic tenets of the United Nations Charter. The Iranian Government expresses its strong protest over these violations and acts of aggression and warns against the destructive consequences of the recurrence of such acts. The Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its legitimate rights to take all necessary measures to protect its national sovereignty.

My Government, hereby, calls for the condemnation of such acts of aggression and requests for clear and effective measures to be taken to put an end to these dangerous and unlawful acts in line with the United Nations' responsibilities to maintain international and regional peace and security, in accordance with the letter and spirit of the United Nations Charter.

I am sending identical letters to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council. It would be appreciated if this letter could be circulated as a document of the General Assembly under the agenda item 83 and of the Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Mohammad Khazaee


Permanent Representative

H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon

Secretary-General of the United Nations

New York

cc: H.E. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin

President of Security Council

United Nations, New York

cc: H.E. Mr. Nasser A. Al-Nasser

President of General Assembly

United Nations, New York
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