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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Here is what American Experts have to say..
Is Iran Showing Us the Real Drone? - Global - The Atlantic Wire

But other former U.S. officials disagree. Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that a former U.S. official said "the beige-colored drone featured in the more than two-minute video aired Thursday was indeed an RQ-170 Sentinel that is used for surveillance of Tehran’s nuclear facilities." Because the craft appeared to be in one piece, the news agency said it "confirmed experts’ contention that the classified aircraft can be programmed to land safely if its communications link is lost."

Here is another picture.

It took US 2 weeks to get Afghanistan, 3 weeks Iraq and 24 weeks Libya. In case of Iran since they are very capable it might take 40 weeks, a year max, even if Iranians try to cut off the oil and all sorts of stuff, Tehran will fall within a year. By longbrained

Bro, I think US take Pakistan one weeks easily since we seen witnessed many events happening in Pakistan, correct? Pakistan nukes prevent this happening.
Another Spanish video on this: (Funny, they think it was a reaper)

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Bro, I think US take Pakistan one weeks easily since we seen witnessed many events happening in Pakistan, correct? Pakistan nukes prevent this happening.

No, bro. That is because we are allowing this to happen. There is a difference. If Pakistan puts up its will power and say no more, everything will stop. But Iraq did not have that option. And again no, US can not take Pakistan in weeks. That is their official statement and it is because of our nuclear weapons, check this, what Obama and his advisors were thinking about invading Pakistan:

No, bro. That is because we are allowing this to happen. There is a difference. If Pakistan puts up its will power and say no more, everything will stop. But Iraq did not have that option. And again no, US can not take Pakistan in weeks. That is their official statement and it is because of our nuclear weapons, check this, what Obama and his advisors were thinking about Pakistan:

Secret Pakistan : Documentary by BBC Part 2 (Backlash) - YouTube

Pakistan Authortiy banned BBC propagandas, Secret Pakistan and attacked on our country. So these official statments we supposed to watch? The hours in OBL raid was 40 minutes now extend to longer 2-5 hours. :what:

We can't rely on US official statements, many lies, many twisting and propagandas on Pakistan.
Pakistan Authortiy banned BBC propagandas, Secret Pakistan and attacked on our country. So these official statments we supposed to watch? The hours in OBL raid was 40 minutes now extend to longer 2-5 hours. :what:

We can't rely on US official statements, many lies, many twisting and propagandas on Pakistan.

I am not talking about the documentary, its substance or OBL or 40 minutes. Just see in that video what CIA advisor to Obama tells him officially when Obama inquires of him about invading Pakistan. See what he says and then compare it with your previous post. Then tell me whether those nukes have made Pakistan safer or not? Will you?

Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=G5-lSSC9dSE#t=2233s
What I see from this story alitle bit difference, and more than likely, US seems made it up for its "drone fall" in Iran soil. In the other hand, Iranians will using that drone as a trophy from the Ameria's hands. This make me think "Troy" from US inside Iran country.
Dear longbrained
I read your comments about this necessity that Iran should equip itself with nuclear weapons for defending itself.
I understand your reasons and I believe you're right, specially when I read "nuke them" or "nuke Iran" or similar phrases in comments of many American people on articles about this story in recent days.

But I believe there is no need necessarily to build nuclear bombs or weapons. I think acquiring the capability of building nuclear weapons every time you decide to build is enough, Like Japan. Iran is near to that point now, I think even now Iran has such deterrence capability to some extent when you see Panetta says in the best scenario attacking Iran can just postpone its nuclear porgram 1-2 years.

In Iran We also have Fatwa of supreme leader that production and using of "weapons of mass destruction" like nuclear weapons is haram. Maybe many people outside of Iran say this is just a political gesture but inside of Iran many people don't think so.
Dear longbrained
I read your comments about this necessity that Iran should equip itself with nuclear weapons for defending itself.
I understand your reasons and I believe you're right, specially when I read "nuke them" or "nuke Iran" or similar phrases in comments of many American people on articles about this story in recent days.

But I believe there is no need necessarily to build nuclear bombs or weapons. I think acquiring the capability of building nuclear weapons every time you decide to build is enough, Like Japan. Iran is near to that point now, I think even now Iran has such deterrence capability to some extent when you see Panetta says in the best scenario attacking Iran can just postpone its nuclear porgram 1-2 years.

In Iran We also have Fatwa of supreme leader that production and using of "weapons of mass destruction" like nuclear weapons is haram.

Well, it is upto you guys. But I still prefer nukes ready to go on top of ICBM just in case. That is the only guarantee against a bunch of crazy white fascists who are unstable in mental faculty. Of course it is not for first strike use but if attacked then they should be ready to go. Otherwise, United States had given Iraq just 48 hours to surrender and even started the war by launching cruise missiles before that 48 hours was over. And they were lucky. Sometimes an attack comes without any ultimatum.

As for Japan, that country has a military pact with United States and lives under American nuclear umbrella. So its situation is abit different than Iran. There are many countries living under umbrella of a nuclear country for example all of Europe lives under nuclear assurances of UK, France and United States. Those holding nuclear weapons are Russia, United States, China, France, UK, Israel, Pakistan, India, North Korea. But in addition to these are those countries which share nuclear weapons. Though your peaceful attitude is appreciated, I am not sure, if Iran is going to have enough time before a surprise attack with a total war destroying Iran in order to build a stockpile of nukes. As you know just one or two nukes are completely useless. A nation with a nuclear deterrence must have atleast dozens and ideally hundreds of nukes. Since using just one nuke will not finish off your enemy but it will cause your enemy to nuke you 500 times.

So this latent capability does not apply to Iran. Japan can depend on this latent capability because US is protecting it already. Nobody is protecting Iran. As for Fatwa, it is just a jurist opinion and is not something that can not be undone. Fatwas are broken every day and new fatwas issued. It is not something written in Quran. By the way in Quran it is clearly written, Fight your enemies the way they fight you. So there you go. If they start nuking Iran tomorrow, Iran will not have enough time to build 300 nukes and ICBM for a response. It will be too late.

This image (by Steven Douglass of Dreamlandresort.com posted by Scotty09 in ACIG forum) shows there is an engine behind the grill that proves the displayed drone isn't a model.

Well, the nay-sayers will never accept it. They will always deny. Anyways, it seems to be quite a large engine for the size of the drone. Let's see what Birbal has to say about it.
Well, the nay-sayers will never accept it. They will always deny. Anyways, it seems to be quite a large engine for the size of the drone. Let's see what Birbal has to say about it.

John pike of Globalsecurity.org think thank says about engines of this drone to lolita c baldor of AP:

He said the key to America's success with the stealthy aircraft is the fuel efficient engines, which give it the ability to stay aloft for days rather than hours.

The Associated Press: Experts: Iran capture of stealth drone no worry
An Intersting article : in depth photo analysis of displayed drone


A part of article:

RED ARROW: Why nobody has taken the high-resolution photo files and put them into Photoshop to blow out the details is beyond me. A huge tell in whether or not this thing is real or a fake would be what lies behind the intake radar diffuser. In this case it appears to be exactly what should be there, a jet motor with possibly some type of radar blocker covering the fan face. If this was a hastily designed mockup I seriously doubt the Iranians, who had full control of what images were released, would have formed such a smooth inlet and actually placed a motor inside. This is possibly the largest piece of evidence found during my analysis, and you have not seen it anywhere else but aviationintel.com! Sometimes it actually pays to be a professional photographer in these matters because you can utilize basic editing tools to bring out details that are not apparent in the images in the state that they are distributed.
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