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US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

Did I say the US is not a democracy ? I said the US was never intended to have direct democracy.

The US is a democracy. But direct democracy is about the process or application of the mechanisms of democracy, and there are many mechanisms, or methods, of democracy. That is the crucial difference that you and the other ya-hoo failed to understand.

The US is a democratic republic.

  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
Direct democracy was severely criticized by the American Founders. Each of them have different ideas -- as in mechanisms -- on how the people chose their agents to speak for their diverse interests. Up one level -- representatives -- is what make the US a republic. The result: a democratic republic.
It seems like you are talking about Iran here, not the US.
And please do not try your mechanisms theory; there is real democracy as in social democracy where people have an all time say, regardless of whom they chose as representatives, anytime and at any level, so they really govern themselves in a true democratic way. The US is a republic democracy in regards to a monarchy, but its main intent is the same, read; feudal system, where a very few dictate what the other 250 million should do, think and eat, call it what you want, this is dictatorship in disguise. the only difference is that it is not in the hands of one person but a few, and eventhough, maybe those very few are controlled themselves by fewer ones, up till some secret dictator voted on covertly, which seems like some messianic lodge.
It all leads logically to the founding fathers and the writers of the a constitution that is not respected, not than and not now, belonged to some messianic lodge(s) and were hypocrites, since, as you say it yourself, it was never intended for true democracy.
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LOL still butthurt that we are surpassing the US in every area including in science and innovation.

Read the full thread and you will realise the US can't hold a candle to China in science and innovation today :D

My point stands that the US is in permanent decline and China is on the rise. US is nothing special. Never has been and never will be. US got a multiple decade head start on China and thus had a big lead but now we have showed there is nothing 'exceptional' about US power as we are matching them and surpassing them.

I will pay attention when China makes a successful passenger jet powered by Chinese jet engines. Or is that too difficult? How about a car that gets a five-star crash rating even? :D
Look up 'Rodney Martin'. All you get is PressTV stuff. I think the Iranians made him up, just like they make up all those 'super weapons'.:rofl:
I will pay attention when China makes a successful passenger jet powered by Chinese jet engines. Or is that too difficult? How about a car that gets a five-star crash rating even? :D

It's already being made. China is also making its microprocessor and software too.

Within 8-10 years, China will have surpassed the US in nearly all technology fields.

US is living off its past and hasn't really invented many things in recent years. China has caught up and will surpass the US in 8 years. US is nothing special nowadays.
It's already being made. China is also making its microprocessor and software too.

Within 8-10 years, China will have surpassed the US in nearly all technology fields.

US is living off its past and hasn't really invented many things in recent years. China has caught up and will surpass the US in 8 years. US is nothing special nowadays.

China "will have". Call me when it has happened, not a claim of something in the future. USA is "here and NOW"! :D
China "will have". Call me when it has happened, not a claim of something in the future. USA is "here and NOW"! :D

China is here and now more than the US :D

China is the future too, not the US.

I hope you read the thread I gave, but I'm sure your bruised ego didn't have the guts to read it :lol:
China is here and now more than the US :D

China is the future too, not the US.

I hope you read the thread I gave, but I'm sure your bruised ego didn't have the guts to read it :lol:

That thread is full of copies and claims. Where is the innovation?
That thread is full of copies and claims. Where is the innovation?

Its got more innovation than the US. It is a fact that China has more innovation than the US, that thread proves it without a shadow of a doubt :coffee:

The only thing the US is good at these days is whining and getting beat by China :lol:
Its got more innovation than the US. It is a fact that China has more innovation than the US, that thread proves it without a shadow of a doubt :coffee:

The only thing the US is good at these days is whining and getting beat by China :lol:

Okay, I will agree with that if you can show me which product in the market today relies mainly on innovation done in China. Please tell me if such a thing exists as of now.
Okay, I will agree with that if you can show me which product in the market today relies mainly on innovation done in China. Please tell me if such a thing exists as of now.

Dozens of them have been posted in that thread. All US innovation was done before 2000's. Ever since the Bush regime came to power, China has out innovated US. That's why we are beating the US at everything. China has always had America's number, we even whipped American a$$ in war :lol:
Dozens of them have been posted in that thread. All US innovation was done before 2000's. Ever since the Bush regime came to power, China has out innovated US. That's why we are beating the US at everything. China has always had America's number, we even whipped American a$$ in war :lol:

More claims, but still without any tangible example of an actual product coming out of China.

Except iPhones and Happy Meals toys! :D
More claims, but still without any tangible example of an actual product coming out of China.

Except iPhones and Happy Meals toys! :D

If you don't have the guts to read the thread I've given to back up my claims, then thats your problem. But I understand its far too much to take for your bruised ego that China is out innovating the US :lol:

Get used to getting humiliated by China :D
If you don't have the guts to read the thread I've given to back up my claims, then thats your problem. But I understand its far too much to take for your bruised ego that China is out innovating the US :lol:

Get used to getting humiliated by China :D

It does not take any guts to see that there is no innovation coming out of China yet. I do promise to pay attention if anything comes up, since you persistently are failing to provide any example. :D
It does not take any guts to see that there is no innovation coming out of China yet. I do promise to pay attention if anything comes up, since you persistently are failing to provide any example. :D

You are persistently failing to read the thread I gave that provided dozens and dozens of examples :lol:

I stand by my claim that China is now a more innovative country than the US. Chinese invention, design and utility patents prove my point. The thread proves it without a shadow of a doubt.

I stand by my claim that US is on a terminal decline and is fast being surpassed by China. This process will accelerate :D
You are persistently failing to read the thread I gave that provided dozens and dozens of examples :lol:

I stand by my claim that China is now a more innovative country than the US. Chinese invention, design and utility patents prove my point. The thread proves it without a shadow of a doubt.

I stand by my claim that US is on a terminal decline and is fast being surpassed by China. This process will accelerate :D

Why not quote a single example here? Because there is none!
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