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US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

All the innovation related articles are in there.

Making Happy Meal toys and assembling iPhones is not innovation. :D

I ask again, what modern product in the international markets today is the result of mainly Chinese innovation and research?
Making Happy Meal toys and assembling iPhones is not innovation. :D

I ask again, what modern product in the international markets today is the result of mainly Chinese innovation and research?

Read the thread and find out for yourself kid. I'm not here to spoon feed it to you.
From early childhood, they have been conditioned to worship Washington, the facts on the ground don't matter.

There is no revolution in Syria, there is Sunni/Wahabi terror.

Most of these guys have nothing to do with the innovation coming from that country but are the first to gloat about the innovations others created because their own countries are failed states. Most of the innovations in the US are done by Chinese because they get the access to the capital in the US whereas its tougher to get in China because our financial system is underdeveloped. US is nothing special, its just that they have had multiple decades head start. The innovations China does is never in western propaganda mouthpieces because they fear China and want to hide anything positive coming from China. Westerners still believe China doesn't consume and only produce but some research will show them that China is the largest consumer of many goods. China produce many innovations that are published in Chinese media yet get no recognition in western propaganda mouthpieces. China being one of the top 5 countries that get patents granted from WIPO proves my point. These are not just utility patents but invention patents too from private Chinese companies.

But let them live in their own bubble because denial is their only way to soothe their ego from China's rise. We have the capital, we have the manufacturing, we have the markets, we have the technology, we have the talent pool. China is getting stronger and stronger with each passing day and thats bad news for the war mongering thugs that invade country after country killing millions upon millions of innocent people.
Read the thread and find out for yourself kid. I'm not here to spoon feed it to you.

What does not exist cannot be fed or pointed out, only claimed. :D

I bet the "innovation" factories in China are busy making toys and merchandise for the new Star Wars movie already.

We have the capital, we have the manufacturing, we have the markets, we have the technology, we have the talent pool.

With all that, just where are the innovations that are claimed?
What does not exist cannot be fed or pointed out, only claimed. :D

I bet the "innovation" factories in China are busy making toys and merchandise for the new Star Wars movie already.

With all that, just where are the innovations that are claimed?
The only thing that intellectual loser know about innovation is how to spell the word.
There is no revolution in Syria, there is Sunni/Wahabi terror.

So much for telling us you aren't a Shia Muslim. It's more than obvious you're a Shia who hates Sunni(The real Muslims) people.

If you guys want to keep this going on this path then fine. Tomorrow when it results all Shia killed in every Arab nation and all must take refugee in Iran don't come crying to us. You reap what you sow.
So much for telling us you aren't a Shia Muslim. It's more than obvious you're a Shia who hates Sunni(The real Muslims) people.

If you guys want to keep this going on this path then fine. Tomorrow when it results all Shia killed in every Arab nation and all must take refugee in Iran don't come crying to us. You reap what you sow.

Because lying is part of the religion of most sunnis and shias, they think everybody is a liar like them. Unlike you I have no fear of anyone but God. I always openly say what I believe, I'm truthful, honest and consistent unlike most of you. Consistency and honesty is something that most people will never understand. If I were Shia I would proudly declare it everywhere (if I were so misguided and brainwashed to be a Shia or Sunni). I'm not afraid of you or anyone else ;)
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What does not exist cannot be fed or pointed out, only claimed. :D

I bet the "innovation" factories in China are busy making toys and merchandise for the new Star Wars movie already.

With all that, just where are the innovations that are claimed?

China's Advanced Sciences

Read this if ya got the guts to read it. Many of the innovation and science breakthroughs reported are here :D

China has more innovation than the US in recent years as can be seen by the number of patents granted by WIPO in utility patents, design patents and invention patents.
China's Advanced Sciences

Read this if ya got the guts to read it. Many of the innovation and science breakthroughs reported are here :D

China has more innovation than the US in recent years as can be seen by the number of patents granted by WIPO in utility patents, design patents and invention patents.

Let's see now:

"Nanoparticles promise to revolutionise medicine (BBC News; see second newslink below)

Are you aware of the current Chinese advances in nanotechnology, drug delivery, quantum cryptography, material science, etc.?

Here is a sample of the cool products that might result from China's R&D."

"Promise to revolutionize"? "Might"? These are all claims about something that may or may not happen at some point in the future. That means that is nothing right now in the markets today that is based on recent Chinese innovations and/or research. My point stands. Now please send over some Star Wars figurines! :D
Let's see now:

"Promise to revolutionize"? "Might"? These are all claims about something that may or may not happen at some point in the future. That means that is nothing right now in the markets today that is based on recent Chinese innovations and/or research. My point stands. Now please send over some Star Wars figurines! :D

LOL still butthurt that we are surpassing the US in every area including in science and innovation.

Read the full thread and you will realise the US can't hold a candle to China in science and innovation today :D

My point stands that the US is in permanent decline and China is on the rise. US is nothing special. Never has been and never will be. US got a multiple decade head start on China and thus had a big lead but now we have showed there is nothing 'exceptional' about US power as we are matching them and surpassing them.
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The only thing that intellectual loser know about innovation is how to spell the word.

He basically parrots the same talking points over and over again in just about every thread. No nuances at all. Just the same typical black and white (USA is bad) propaganda type responses.
Because lying is part of the religion of most sunnis and shias, they think everybody is a liar like them. Unlike you I have no fear of anyone but God. I always openly say what I believe, I'm truthful, honest and consistent unlike most of you. Consistency and honesty is something that most people will never understand. If I were Shia I would proudly declare it everywhere (if I were so misguided and brainwashed to be a Shia or Sunni). I'm not afraid of you or anyone else ;)

You're clearly shia, and if you had any fear from God you wouldn't support a dictatorial regime which is known for committing atrocities. So don't drag God into this. If anything I'm a lot more honest than you are.

What do you mean by consistency? Consist in supporting a mass murderer? That's what God expects from us of course. And of course if you're referring to the anti-imperial policy. Ask people here how I am in regards to that. However, it doesn't come at the expense of our own people.

Don't bother including Shia with Sunni. What you mean is 'you sunni trash'. You're shia and you support Shia atrocities. The last thing you can do is claim to fear God and support such a regime. That's disgraceful.
He basically parrots the same talking points over and over again in just about every thread. No nuances at all. Just the same typical black and white (USA is bad) propaganda type responses.

Obviously being critical of the US is 'propaganda'. How dare anyone criticise the US invading dozens of countries and raping and killing millions of innocent humans because they don't obey US imperialism. How dare anyone disagree with the US.

Great analytical thinking from a 'PDF think tank analyst' :usflag:
Obviously being critical of the US is 'propaganda'. How dare anyone criticise the US invading dozens of countries and raping and killing millions of innocent humans because they don't obey US imperialism. How dare anyone disagree with the US.

Great analytical thinking from a 'PDF think tank analyst' :usflag:

Ok 'mao1949', or should I address you as any of the other aliases you've had here. I digress though. Being critical of US policies is obviously not propaganda. That's your hyperbole. As I never once said or insinuated that. if that were in fact the case, I would be guilty of 'propaganda'. As I am myself critical of some US policies. There are people here I consider to be friends who are critical of some US policies. I certainly don't hold it against them in anyway.

You specifically on the other hand spout out the same non nuanced almost scripted sounding "US is _____" in almost every thread. it's almost robotic in nature, and I was responding to what @gambit posted. So in closing, at least you can come up with some new material. :china: That is all....
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