The only emotion is about self-survival: Most American Congressmen/Senators know the power of 'The Lobby' which can boot out all but most secure incumbents. It HAS happened before. So why bother taking a 'moral' stand? But the 20% of American Evangelicals are a different breed: They are the Talibans with suits n ties, though I think Talibans are still far more principled than the Evangelical threat to the world peace. A different topic...
Top post.
@Indus Pakistan is a very respectable member here. But his simplicity about Pakistan's options post 9/11 are absolutely amazing!! Musharraf didn't just fold after one phone calls. He managed to get some concessions out when Pakistan was in NO POSITION to ask for anything. Do we forget the state of Pakistan's economy in 2001? Do we forget that the US targeting of OBL in 1998? Do we forget the USS Cole bombing? Do we forget Al Qaida bombing US embassies in Africa while hiding inside Taliban's protection? Do we forget that Pakistan was on Terror Watch List in late 1990's? Do we forget....
In my opinion, had it been Trump as POTUS on 9/11 then Pakistan would have been bombed to the Stone Age then. But the G.W Bush was a different kind of a POTUS and the Pentagon was then very much pro Pakistan.
It really is a different topic to discuss Pakistan's options after 9/11. But it makes me sick to see some sanctimonious armchair generals dragging Pakistan the path of Saddam's Iraq or Qaddafi's Libya!! Pakistanis are far smarter that that and Indians, of all people, know that.