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US soldier shoots nine children dead in rampage that kills 16 civilians

Prosecute an American? They can keep our people indefinitely without trial, but if you want prosecution when the guilty party is an American, they will prosecute the dead Afghans before they hand over an American.

Americans have become habitual as they have not faced anything like that, but we need to take a start at-least. West has ruled the world for centuries, now its time show them mirror. Hopefully we will keep those mariners behind the bars for at-least 14 years. Same kind of attitude need to be implemented by Pakistan as well as Afghan too.
my guess is they sentence him for two years and ban him from Army (they'll say it was a
breakdown and he was not responsible for his action at the time) and then release him
from prison after 6 month on good behavior .

sadly he is out of the reach of justice ,but now like other incidence the soldiers who have
nothing to do with these crimes will pay for it. and the criminal itself will get a one way
ticket out of Afghanistan .
These incidents will only increase haterd and exterimism against U.S in this region , its not first time we've seen such criminal attends and killing of innocent civilians by American or by NATO soldiers. :hitwall:
The list of Nato's screw ups against Afghans after which they have shown deep regret:

1) Rape of children by soldiers
2) Bombing funeral processions by soldiers
3) Bombing villages by soldiers
4) Urinating on dead bodies by soldier
5) Burning Quran by soldiers
6) Shooting spree by soldiers

Afghans are very accommodating to such abuse, apparently. A little ha hoo and they'll go quiet.

Yes I don't understand why they're taking the abuse. Weren't Afghans the warrior race who defeated every superpower from Alexander the Great to the British to the Soviets?
5-6 small incidents is normal is a big war of a decade. overall they have saved millions from the evil clutches of taliban and fundamental islam.
Again A bharti shows his religious oppression in Defence forum, Listen we know that How increasing Islamic influince in india frustrating you guys but it would be better if you resolves your internal problems internally ,bashing whole muslim world can become payable for you.:D
US serviceman detained in Afghanistan over civilian casualties

KABUL: A US soldier has been detained in Afghanistan in connection with an incident involving civilian casualties in the southern Kandahar province, the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said on Sunday.

“US Forces-Afghanistan, in cooperation with Afghan authorities, will investigate this incident,” Isaf said in a statement.

“This is a deeply regrettable incident and we extend our thoughts and concerns to the families involved.”

Isaf did not elaborate.

Kandahar Governor Tooryalai Wisa told Reuters a US soldier left his base in Kandahar on Saturday and opened fire on civilians. He said initial reports indicated up to 16 civilians were killed. That could not be immediately confirmed.

Civilian casualties have been a major source of friction between President Hamid Karzai’s government and US-led Nato forces in Afghanistan.

Anti-American sentiment had already been running high before news of the latest civilian casualties.

Anger gripped the country after US soldiers burned a large number of copies of the Quran at a Nato base last month. Nato said it was a tragic blunder.

Thirty people were killed in protests and Afghan forces turned their weapons on US soldiers, killing six.

US serviceman detained in Afghanistan over civilian casualties | World | DAWN.COM
A terrible loss of innocent life, especially the children. R.I.P. for the victims and prayers for their families. I look forward to CENTCOMS response and their justifying of this event. Its getting weaker and predictable. Lets see their crocodile tears

If a crime is committed by one/few westerners than it's their individual fault they regret the loss but you must look at circumstances why those poor westerners have committed that. But if one/few Muslims commit a crime than whole country must be punished and several thousands terrorist kids, men and women must be killed.
Americans have become habitual as they have not faced anything like that, but we need to take a start at-least. West has ruled the world for centuries, now its time show them mirror. Hopefully we will keep those mariners behind the bars for at-least 14 years. Same kind of attitude need to be implemented by Pakistan as well as Afghan too.

It's not going to happen mate :no:

See, it is things like these are why it is always a bad idea to have foreign troops occupying another country.

This incident will not help in NATO's PR image Afghanistan at all.

@Topic: Why didn't his fellow comrades and superiors stop him from going of like that? Are we missing something?
A terrible loss of innocent life, especially the children. R.I.P. for the victims and prayers for their families. I look forward to CENTCOMS response and their justifying of this event. Its getting weaker and predictable. Lets see their crocodile tears

The pace of American brutality has increased so high that all Centcom employees who used to pitch in are in a loss of words on how to spin things this time.
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