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US soldier shoots nine children dead in rampage that kills 16 civilians

suppose I have a breakdown and kill some Christians, then what will be the reaction of Americans, Europeans and Indians?
Question is why did he try to burn the dead bodies? Was he trying to hide evidence in the dark of night?

If he was trying to hide evidence that shows sanity, and not rampage.
American soldiers who are off-duty - do they carry side-arms all the time? Also was there no questioning of an off-duty officer leaving the confines of Kandahar air base in the midst of the night - was he not checked for a side arm at the gate? American internal controls are that weak?

The American soldier also managed to pull off killing 11 members of one family when the man of the house - the farmer - was out of his home, was this intentional? Then this was premeditated murder.
American soldiers who are off-duty - do they carry side-arms all the time? Also was there no questioning of an off-duty officer leaving the confines of Kandahar air base in the midst of the night - was he not checked for a side arm at the gate? American internal controls are that weak?

The American soldier also managed to pull off killing 11 members of one family when the man of the house - the farmer - was out of his home, was this intentional? Then this was premeditated murder.

Asim - you know where he will be put on trial, you know who the judge and jury will be. If the USA wanted to show remorse the guy would have an open trial in a neutral country. Mind you there isnt many neutral countries left in the world. Most countries at the moment are doing multi facepalms thinking "omg - not again!"
I think for the sake of all Afghanis and humanity - Americans should simply go back to where they belong and just leave the world alone. This sort of tragedy is becoming a weekly event. Sad and unwanted.
Asim bro - just remember these are the stories they cant hide - imagine the atrocities when there is no witness or voice to speak up. I give you my word for each atrocity like this at least 5 have been covered up - where the victim is killed and there are no witnesses. Truly barbaric.
Where is security council? Where is UN? Ah, I see, they are all instruments of American arrogance.
Asim - you know where he will be put on trial, you know who the judge and jury will be. If the USA wanted to show remorse the guy would have an open trial in a neutral country. Mind you there isnt many neutral countries left in the world. Most countries at the moment are doing multi facepalms thinking "omg - not again!"
I think for the sake of all Afghanis and humanity - Americans should simply go back to where they belong and just leave the world alone. This sort of tragedy is becoming a weekly event. Sad and unwanted.
Asim bro - just remember these are the stories they cant hide - imagine the atrocities when there is no witness or voice to speak up. I give you my word for each atrocity like this at least 5 have been covered up - where the victim is killed and there are no witnesses. Truly barbaric.

I don't trust the American justice system with respect to the war since Aafia Siddiqui's case. The alleged weapon's ballistic analysis stated that the weapon was never fired - the gunpowder analysis on her clothes showed, nothing of the sort on her, the bullet they say that was fired was never found, yet she was convicted for 80 years by their system.

I also disagree with the notion that Americans should be sent on their merry way. They have done crimes against our countries, we should try and catch them. Forcibly.
For those of you who think he will be punished.Let me post something just for the record.
The Haditha killings (also called the Haditha incident or the Haditha massacre) refers to the incident in which 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children were killed by a group of United States Marines on November 19, 2005 in Haditha, a city in the western Iraqi province of Al Anbar. All those killed were civilians
In 2011 the New York Times found classified transcripts of military interviews from an investigation into the Haditha killings. In these interviews Marines said civilians were killed on a regular basis and one sergeant testified that he would order his men to shoot vehicles that failed to stop at military checkpoints even if it were possible that children could be in the car.

On April 17, 2007, the Marine Corps dropped all charges against Sgt. Sanick P. De la Cruz in exchange for his testimony. Seven other Marines involved in the incident have also been granted immunity

On June 17, 2008, all charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani were dismissed by the military judge citing unlawful command influence.[59] The Marine Corps appealed that ruling in 2008.[60] On March 17, 2009, a military appeals court upheld the dismissal of the war crimes charges against Chessani.[61] Facing an administrative Board of Inquiry, it also found no misconduct and recommended that Chessani be allowed to retire without loss of rank.[62]

On September 18, 2007, all charges against Captain Lucas McConnell were dropped in exchange for immunity and his cooperation with the investigation.[57]

The court martial of Wuterich, the only defendant to stand trial for the Haditha killings, took place in January 2012. During the trial Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz testified that he urinated on the skull of one of the dead Iraqis.[64] He also testified, after describing how Wuterich shot the passengers of the car himself from close range, "Sergeant Wuterich approached me and told me if anyone asks, the Iraqis were running away from the car and the Iraqi army shot them".[65] In a plea deal, Wuterich pled guilty to dereliction of duty, while charges of assault and manslaughter were dropped.[16] He was convicted of a single count of negligent dereliction of duty on January 24, 2012, receiving a rank reduction and pay cut but avoiding jail time.

Haditha killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also look how they punished the person responsible for My Lai Massacre ( 347 according to the U.S Army (not including Mỹ Khe killings), others estimate more than 400 killed and injuries are unknown, Vietnamese government lists 504 killed in total from both Mỹ Lai and Mỹ Khe ).
Lai, only Second Lieutenant William Calley, a platoon leader in Charlie Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but only served three and a half years under house arrest.2LT. William Calley (convicted and then released by President Nixon to serve house arrest for three years)
Whatever bro, I obviously cannot discuss with you. If me not generalizing is being narrow minded and you guys branding all Americans as racist is open minded then whatever, I'm narrow minded.
Good night.

No one said that ALL Americans are evil.

But whatever happens, don't blame me (or us or the Afghans) for whatever happens to the NATO forces.
They have done crimes against our countries, we should try and catch them. Forcibly.

The time will come my friend and this will happen. Nothing lasts forever as evident from the history for e.g. Roman empire, Chengez Khan, Muslim rule in Spain e.t.c. All were superpower of that time but look where they are now? So the so called superpower US will also meet its fate. Just a matter of time. But the thing is the bigger they are, the harder they fall so personally I see the future is very bleak for the average American who will have to pay for the crimes did by their forefathers. That's how it always been!
F*ck NATO/US! they will pay for this - it's very very sad :(

no they wont

they will get away with it

they will conspire on something which will put the limelight on Pakistan or Afghans and the media attention will be focused on that and this story will be relegated from the prime time.

American senators were crying a river over the problem in Balochistan. Why shouldnt all countries in the region stage a condemnation from their respective assemblies and even take it to the UN general assembly (fort all its worth)?

American Media is trying to sell it as an isolated incident and making justifications by listing Taliban human rights abuse as if suggesting that the Afghans should be used to this violence no matter who is the culprit.

disgusting hypocrites
I don't trust the American justice system with respect to the war since Aafia Siddiqui's case. The alleged weapon's ballistic analysis stated that the weapon was never fired - the gunpowder analysis on her clothes showed, nothing of the sort on her, the bullet they say that was fired was never found, yet she was convicted for 80 years by their system.

I also disagree with the notion that Americans should be sent on their merry way. They have done crimes against our countries, we should try and catch them. Forcibly.

I agree as regards their judicial system - it simply is used to protect their mistakes and misdemeanors.
As regards to "try and catch them" - it isnt going to happen. They are a barbaric regime that isnt going to allow this. One thing i will say is Obama is this morning under tremendous pressure to act on this latest screw up.

Obama Calls Karzai Over Shooting of Afghan Civilians

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama has a PR problem when it comes to Afghanistan, to say the least.

Once the must-fight war for America, the decade-long mission has spiraled into a series of U.S. missteps and violent outbreaks that have left few ardent political supporters. After NATO detained a U.S. soldier Sunday for allegedly killing sleeping Afghan villagers, Republicans and Democrats alike pointed to the stress on troops after years of fighting and reiterated calls to leave by the end of 2014 as promised, if not sooner.

"It's just not a good situation," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "Our troops are under such tremendous pressure in Afghanistan. It's a war like no other war we've been involved in. ... We're moving out, as the president said. I think it's the right thing to do."

Likewise, many Republicans -- who as a party fought against a quick exodus in Iraq and criticized Obama's 2008 presidential campaign promise to end the war -- are now reluctant to embrace a continued commitment in Afghanistan.

"There's something profoundly wrong with the way we're approaching the whole region, and I think it's going to get substantially worse, not better," said GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich. "I think that we're risking the lives of young men and women in a mission that may, frankly, not be doable."

Obama and top U.S. officials quickly condemned Sunday's attack and offered their condolences to families of the victims. Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called Afghan President Hamid Karzai, both vowing to hold any perpetrators accountable.

Their statements stopped short of a full apology but appeared to want to ward off any retaliatory attacks, like those seen recently after U.S. officials acknowledged the burning of Muslim holy books at an air base in Afghanistan.

"This deeply appalling incident in no way represents the values of [U.S. and coalition troops] or the abiding respect we feel for the Afghan people," Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said Sunday.

But the damage is probably inevitable. Pulling no punches, Karzai called the shooting an "assassination" and "an intentional killing of innocent civilians" that could not be forgiven.

For their part, U.S. officials pointedly noted that the suspect would be tried under U.S. law, a fine point perhaps made to head off any demands by Karzai that Afghanistan be given custody of the soldier.

The tension could be enough to raise a key question among Obama's top advisers as they stare down this fall's bid for re-election: Should Obama press NATO to speed up its scheduled transfer of security responsibility to the Afghan government at the end of 2014?

What i find incredible is - the offense is committed in Afghanistan on Afghanistan citizens however they insist on the soldier to be trialled in the USA??
A US soldier in Afghanistan is reported to have killed a number of Afghan civilians after walking off his base in the southern province of Kandahar.

The soldier - who surrendered to the US military authorities - is thought to have had a breakdown, reports the BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Kabul.

Nato said it was investigating the "deeply regrettable incident".

Local tribal leaders said women, children and men were among the dead in Panjwai district.

The governor of Kandahar province, Tooryalai Weesa, confirmed there were casualties, but said the exact number of dead and injured would be made known later.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said in a statement that US officials in Afghanistan would work with their Afghan counterparts to investigate what happened.

"This is a deeply regrettable incident and we extend our thoughts and concerns to the families involved," Isaf added.

Our correspondent reports sources in Kabul as saying the soldier had some kind of breakdown just before leaving the base and opening fire on civilians.

The incident comes as anti-American sentiment runs high in Afghanistan following the burning of copies of the Koran by US soldiers at a Nato base last month.

US officials apologised, but the incident sparked a series of protests and attacks that killed at least 30 people and six US troops.

BBC News - US soldier kills Afghan civilians in Kandahar

Very sad News. Is this "democracy" that the USA is spreading across the Globe ?
US fears reprisals after Afghan massacre in Kandahar

US troops in Afghanistan have been placed on alert following the killings of 16 Afghan civilians by a US soldier.

US officials warned of reprisals after the soldier went on a rampage in villages near a base in Kandahar. Nine children were among those killed.

President Barack Obama phoned his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai to express condolences. But Mr Karzai has said the massacre is "unforgivable".

And Taliban militants have vowed to avenge the deaths.

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has said a full investigation is under way.

The soldier, believed to be a staff sergeant, is reported to have walked off his base at around 03:00 Sunday (22:30 GMT Saturday).

In the villages of Alkozai and Najeeban, about 500m (1,640ft) from the base, he reportedly broke into three homes.

At one house in Najeeban, 11 people were found shot dead, and some of their bodies set alight. At least three of the child victims are reported to have been killed by a single shot to the head.

"There is a risk of anti-American feelings and protests in coming days, especially in the eastern and southern provinces”

US Embassy, Kabul

The US military said reports indicated that the soldier returned to his base after the shootings and turned himself in. His motives are unclear - there is speculation that he might have been drunk or suffered a mental breakdown. But officers are worried that the attack might have been planned.

The soldier is being detained in Kandahar and the military is treating at least five people wounded in the attacks, officials said.

The detained soldier has not been identified, although US officials quoted by the Associated Press news agency said he was from Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state, 38 years old, married with two children, and had served three tours in Iraq and was on his first deployment in Afghanistan.

The killings come amid already high anti-US sentiment in Afghanistan following the burning of Korans at a Nato base in Kabul last month.

US officials have repeatedly apologised for the incident but they failed to quell a series of protests and attacks that killed at least 30 people and six US troops.

Fragile friendship

The BBC's Bilal Sarwary in Kabul says the latest incident has damaged already fragile relations between Kabul and Washington.

He says the Taliban is using the shooting as a propaganda victory, placing President Karzai in a difficult position.

Angry tribal elders are now demanding an immediate end to US night raids on Afghan homes.

Afghan MPs passed a strong resolution to condemn the killing and demanded an open trial on Afghan soil. However, Afghanistan has signed an agreement with Nato that foreign soldiers should be tried in their own countries.

The killings could further fuel calls for a more rapid withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, US personnel in Afghanistan were warned of possible reprisal attacks.

"The US Embassy in Kabul alerts US citizens in Afghanistan that as a result of a tragic shooting incident in Kandahar province involving a US service member, there is a risk of anti-American feelings and protests in coming days, especially in the eastern and southern provinces," the embassy said in an emergency statement on its website.

The US embassy in Kabul is restricting the movements of staff in southern Afghanistan until at least 17:00 local time on Monday.

In a statement released by the White House on Sunday, President Obama said: "This incident is tragic and shocking, and does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan."

Our correspondent says Afghan officials also fear there will be violent demonstrations and have deployed extra police and troops around Kandahar.

President Karzai described the killings as the "intentional killing of innocent civilians" and said they could "not be forgiven".

The BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Kabul says this is the first time Afghan civilians have been targeted by foreign soldiers in this way.

However, one US soldier was convicted last year on three counts of premeditated murder after leading a rogue "kill team" in Afghanistan.

A recent poll by ABC News and The Washington Post found 60% of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan is not worth its costs. Nearly the same number advocated an early US pullout from the country.

On a previously unannounced trip to Afghanistan, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel said she could not be sure German troops would withdraw by 2014 as originally planned, but they were working towards that target.

BBC News - US fears reprisals after Afghan massacre in Kandahar
American soldiers who are off-duty - do they carry side-arms all the time? Also was there no questioning of an off-duty officer leaving the confines of Kandahar air base in the midst of the night - was he not checked for a side arm at the gate? American internal controls are that weak?

The American soldier also managed to pull off killing 11 members of one family when the man of the house - the farmer - was out of his home, was this intentional? Then this was premeditated murder.

Baah, whats the big surprise in this?? Even their kids carry guns to school, their gangbangers wouldn't think twice before putting two bullets in your skull for your Nike shoes. These are the Americans we are talking about here. Pompous, egotistical bastards who have two separate sets of rules, one for them, and one for the rest of the world. This is what u r gonna get if there's just gonna be one superpower left remaining on the planet.

Watch out Iran, they're coming for your oil and u'd better have those 11k missiles ready when they do.
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