Then please tell how many actually is the number of Chinese women deliberately giving birth in the USA? And how big is in percentage those births compared to entire births in China?
I wanna know the significance of this kind of behavior, and how big is the percentage of the society who act like that.
Well, in next decade or so when those parents do realize that their children will be the bearers of the heavy burden of owed taxes to cover all the UNFUNDED LIABILITIES and DEBT, they will refrain from exercising the citizenship OPTION
I believe the kids themselves will refuse to be the work horse of such tax burdens.
Yet I have no surprise at all that until today there are still fools everywhere incl. the some segments in Chinese society there are still many "low information" people that still regard the USA as the Land of Unlimited Opportunity... land of easy money just because they perceive the Fed can print the limitless amount of US dollar then spread them over the every corner of earth, and of course in domestic of the Amerika... and such easy money will also trickle down upon the low income class in the USA in the forms of Food Stamps / EBT / SNAP... a kind of safety net if one fails in society as they may perceive.
Such misconception by the rest of the world incl. some of Chinese mothers will take some time to correct, and as time goes by the dire situation in the USA will be more obvious and reveal its truly ugly faces...
Just search for "
America land of unlimited opportunity" to read further on this matter.
To understand how big are the
unfunded liabilities and
total debt obligations, please check this real time page:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
From "U.S. National Debt Clock", the today's burden per headcount:
-Total DEBT per Citizen is nearly $190,000
-Liability Per Taxpayer is $1.1 MILLION (count in all the Unfunded Liabilities)